Dissidia [khv] Final Fantasy

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    the fate of the world its promised prize. Fighting to secure it are brave souls summoned for that solitary purpose. Champions, cut from a cloth different from those which form the fabric of our world. Relying on what fragments of their shattered memories remain, they fight to end the conflict, and for a chance to return home to the worlds they each once knew.
    What the hell is this?
    This is a game. It's KHV's own version of the Playstation Portable game, Dissidia Final Fantasy, made by me with inspiration from the Death Note Game, all of its participants and creators (Special thanks to all members, specifically Pika, for handling it), and inspiration for a turn-based battle thread came from a former member named Slaughtermatic.

    Well, what's the story?
    Chaos, god of discord and Cosmos, goddess of harmony, are trapped in an endless cycle of war. Each fights the other, determined to tip the balance of discord and harmony in their favor. To that end, they summon several warriors to fight for their cause. The goal of each warrior is to defeat the other side and eventually finish off Chaos (for a warrior of Cosmos) or Cosmos (for a servant of Chaos). Only one can warrior can fight the discord god or the harmony goddess so at the end of each cycle, the surviving warriors must face each other. After Chaos or Cosmos is slain, the cycle begins anew.

    How does it work?
    You will pick a job (or class or theme). Each job has its own specific stats (Bravery, HP, and Speed) and commands.
    This is similar to a role-play, except you are the character (so no coming up with your own character). Each member will be dubbed by his/her class and username. If I was a Summoner, I'd refer to myself as Summoner Boy Wonder.
    After enough members join (by picking a job), I will personally assign each player to the side of Chaos or Cosmos (to keep it as balanced as possible).
    This will be a turn-based battle game. Who goes first depends on speed (and abilities).
    Each Cycle (round) will have as many mini-rounds until only one player is left. The player will be declared champion and take on Chaos or Cosmos in a little story post I'll type up myself (nobody will actually be playing or fighting these).

    What's the stages for each Cycle?
    1. Warriors are summoned for each side (Members join and I randomly assign them to Chaos or Cosmos).
    2. Warriors face off against their counterpart (I'll assign opponents randomly).
    3. Victorious warriors from one side face victorious warriors from the other side until there's only one left (If it's an uneven number, certain warriors will 'betray' their team by switching to the other side. As in, I'll switch people to the other side. You can volunteer if you so wish).
    4. The remaining warrior will be declared Champion of Cosmos or Chaos and defeat the opposing deity (A little post about the remaining player taking on, fighting, and defeating the opposing deity will be typed up and that player will be declared the winner).
    5. New Cycle starts over with same and/or new warriors (You can join as the same job or a different job).

    What are the stats and commands?
    Bravery (BRV) - The 'Attack' stat. This is how much damage each warrior will inflict on his/her opponent. Each job's Bravery is how much Bravery the warrior will start out the battle with. Bravery can be stolen from an opponent with a normal Attack or successful Block.
    HP - The 'hit points.' This is how much damage a warrior can take before falling. Only Finishers can affect this stat. Once enough damage and HP reaches 0, the warrior loses.
    Speed (SPD) - This stat decides which player's move is done first. For example, if Warrior 2 has 15 HP, 20 Bravery, and 10 Speed, and Warrior 1 has 10 HP, 20 Bravery, and 12 Speed, and both use their Finisher, Warrior 1 will attack first because he has the higher speed. Because he has more Bravery than Warrior 2 has HP, Warrior 2 will lose. If Warrior 2 attacked first, Warrior 1 would have lost.

    Attack - Steal Bravery from the opponent. This reduces the opponent's Bravery and increases yours. Each class has several Attack abilities, each taking different amount of Bravery.
    Finisher - Deal damage to the opponent's HP. Amount of damage done is the same as amount of Bravery. Once this is used, Bravery will fall to 0 and will slowly rise to the base Bravery by 33% of the base with each post (so it'd take 3 posts to get back to base Bravery). Bravery can rise faster with successful 'Attacks.' Each class has a regular Finisher and one with a special effect.
    Block - Block the opponent's attack (with lower Speed) or dodge the opponent's attack (with higher Speed). Blocking will steal 25% of the opponent's Bravery and reduces damage done to you by half. A dodge steals none but takes no damage whatsoever.
    How does a turn-based battle work?
    The point of each battle is to steal enough bravery from your opponent to raise yours with a normal Attack or successful Block. Each Finisher will do actual HP damage to your opponent. HP damage is exact same as your current Bravery. Bravery is reduced to 0 with each successful Finisher. Once HP goes reaches 0, the other player wins.
    The way you fight is by sending me a Private Message with your Command.
    You have a choice of Attack, Finish, or Block. For Attack and Finish, you must send the specific ability you wish to use.
    Each turn will be composed of a command from each warrior. Who goes first is determined by Speed (and possibly an ability). If both warriors have the same Speed, the first move will be decided by coin toss or at random unless that ends the match; in which case, an PMed event between the two warriors will decide the first move.
    If either warrior for any Match goes too long without sending in a command, said warrior forfeits the match, but it will still be typed out, with me (the judge) choosing the commands to deliberately lose. If both warriors neglect to send in a command, then both will be eliminated.

    So how does this start?
    First, you pick your job from the list below. Each job has its own stats and abilities.
    After being matched up for the first round and round officially starts, Private Message the judge (usually me) your first command.
    The judge will type a little story using both warriors' commands and do the math himself.
    The winner will move on to the second round.
    The final winner of the story will face the opposing god, Cosmos or Chaos, in a scripted battle typed by the judge.
    The Cycle's results will be posted in a Results/Hall of Fame tab and the next Cycle starts.


    • The Match-Ups and Progress for the current Cycle will be posted here.​
      Cycle #1 not yet started!​

    • Jobs
      A class that focuses on high speed and long range attacks. Archers are usually quick to attack to steal Bravery, but have relatively low HP.​

      HP: 1200
      BRV: 300
      SPD: 20


      Beso Toxico - steals 15 BRV and does 10 HP damage. Attacks second regardless of Speed.
      Crossbow - steals 15 BRV.
      Bullseye - Steals 20 BRV. Cannot be dodged or Blocked, but will allow opponent to attack first next turn.

      Assassinate - Shoots several arrows at the opponent's vital organs.
      Blackout - Shoots a barrage of arrows that cover the sun (WE'LL FIGHT IN THE SHADE). Cannot be blocked or dodged, but will only deal half damage. Bravery is also reduced halfway, not to 0.

      Black Mage
      A job that focuses on the arcane arts. A Black Mage has great HP and BRV, but very low speed. Their specialty is dealing HP Damage while stealing BRV.​

      HP: 1800
      BRV: 350
      SPD: 10

      Fire - Steals 20 BRV and deals 50 HP Damage.
      Blizzard - Steals 50 BRV and deals 20 HP Damage.
      Thunder - Steals 30 BRV and deals 30 HP Damage.

      Meteor - Summons a large meteor from space to fall down on the enemy.
      Focus - Uses opponent's move against them and deals damage equivalent to the opponent's Bravery, not the user's. User's Bravery still reduces to 0.

      Dark Knight
      A malevolent and powerful job class that has high SPD and BRV, but low HP. Dark Knights are sadomasochist by nature and sacrifice their HP to deal more damage.​

      HP: 1000
      BRV: 500
      SPD: 25

      Darkness - Steals 30 BRV. Can only be blocked, not dodged.
      Knightmare - Steals 30 BRV. If blocked, it will always be dodged.
      Fell Slash - Steals 20 BRV.

      Souleater - Cuts the opponents very soul.
      Deathbringer - Sacrifices the Dark Knight's own life force for a deadly attack. At the cost of 300 HP, this attack will deal 50% more damage.

      A speedy class that focuses on dealing damage from above.​

      HP: 1500
      BRV: 400
      SPD: 20

      Lancet - Steals 20 BRV and deals 20 HP Damage. If blocked, damage is done to user and none to target.
      Dragon Sword - Steals 20 BRV.
      Jump - Steals 15 BRV. Will always be blocked, not dodged.

      Double Jump - Jumps high into the air and brings his/her spear crashing down on the enemy.
      Highwind - Flies straight into the opponent, spear out. Dragoon regains HP equal to half of Damage done. If Blocked (not dodged), half of damage is inflicted on the user

      A warrior that can manipulate the environment for various effects.​

      HP: 1600
      BRV: 400
      SPD: 10

      Hell's Ivy - Steals 15 BRV and decreases opponent's Speed by 2.
      Demon Fire - Steals 20 BRV.
      Water Ball - Steals 10 BRV and increases speed by 3.

      Magma Surge - Summons a flow of lava to overwhelm the opponent.
      Nature's Wrath - Unleashes the power of Mother Nature on the arena, causing full damage to opponent and half damage to user.

      A job with no abilities of its own, the Mime instead has access to the same abilities as its opponent. However, the Mime has his own oddly specific base stats.​

      HP: 1567
      BRV: 418
      SPD: 13

      Same as opponent's.

      Same as opponent's.

      Monks are warriors that focus entirely on their own body for battling.​

      HP: 1800
      BRV: 450
      SPD: 20

      Punch - Steals 10 BRV. Amount increases by 5 with each successful hit.
      Kick - Steals 20 BRV. Amount decreases by 4 with each successful hit.
      Chakra - Steals 30 BRV and heals HP by 150. If blocked/dodged, no HP is regained.

      Boost - The monk focuses all its inner energy into one hit.
      Meteor Punch - The monk uses all of his speed to send a flurry of intense punches in an instant towards the opponent. If successfully Blocked/Dodged, the monk does 75% of the damage to himself.

      With low HP, moderate BRV, and high SPD, Ninjas specialize in attacking their opponents as much and quickly as possible.​

      HP: 1100
      BRV: 300
      SPD: 25

      Shuriken - Steals 20 BRV.
      Double Slash - Steals 30 BRV. If Blocked/Dodged, Double Slash will still do 15 damage.
      Throw - Steals 15 BRV. If Blocked/Dodged, does 10 Damage and Ninja loses 30 BRV.

      Illusion - The Ninja uses ninjutsu to sneak up on the opponent and deal a deadly blow.
      Scroll - The Ninja uses a magic scroll to send a barrage of shurikens, daggers, and boomerangs at the opponent. If Blocked, Ninja's BRV is cut in half and given to opponent.

      Onion Knight
      A class with no specialty. Unlike the Mime, whose abilities depend on the opponents, Onion Knight's stats and abilities are taken from other classes.​

      HP: 1500
      BRV: 418
      SPD: 15

      Fire - Steals 20 BRV and deals 50 HP Damage.
      Darkness - Steals 30 BRV. Can only be blocked, not dodged.
      Hell's Ivy - Steals 15 BRV and reduces opponent's Speed by 2.

      Deathbringer - Sacrifices the Dark Knight's own life force for a deadly attack. At the cost of 300 HP, this attack will deal 50% more damage.
      Blackout - Shoots a barrage of arrows that cover the sun. Cannot be blocked or dodged, but will only deal half damage. Bravery is also reduced halfway, not to 0.

      A mystical job that takes abilities from Mages. Oracles have high BRV and low SPD and HP, but their abilities are based on increasing these while decreasing their opponents. Oracle is the only class that can increase its HP above its max.​

      HP: 1200
      BRV: 400
      SPD: 10

      Blind: Steals 20 BRV and 2 SPD from the opponent.
      Foxbird: Steals 15 BRV from the opponent and increases HP by 50.
      Delirum: Steals 30 BRV and increases SPD by 1.

      Manafont - Sucks the opponent's lifeforce, reducing their SPD by 2.
      Umbra - Throws a Holy spell at the opponent and cuts their BRV in half.

      The Holy counterpart to the Dark Knight, the Paladin's abilities are the opposite of the Dark Knight's.​

      HP: 1800
      BRV: 500
      SPD: 13

      Lightshed - Steals 15 BRV. Can only be dodged, not blocked.
      Blessed Dream - Steals 25 BRV. Will always be blocked, not dodged.
      Upbringer - Steals 20 BRV.

      Save the Queen - Uses the Paladin's own soul to empower his blade.
      Excalibur - Sacrifices the Paladin's own strength for a weak attack that replenishes his life force. At the cost of half of his current BRV, this attack will also replenishes the Paladin's HP by 300.

      The traditional class of a wanderer, samurais focus on swordplay.​

      HP: 1200
      BRV: 250
      SPD: 20

      Coin Toss - Steals 20 BRV.
      Auronical Slash - Steals 20 BRV. If Blocked/Dodged, Auronical Slash will still do 10 damage.
      Pierce - Steals 15 BRV. If Blocked/Dodged, does 5 HP Damage and Samurai loses 30 BRV.

      Bushido - The Samurai's ultimate show of swordsmanship.
      Parivir - The Samurai ultimate pierce. It will also cut the opponent's BRV in half and reduce his/her SPD by 3. If Blocked/Dodged, the Samurai suffers the effect, but damage is still done to the opponent.

      Another job of the arcane, Summoners focus on summoning mighty Espers to fight for them. Summoner's attacking Espers are similar to the Black Mage's spells, but their HP is low.​

      HP: 1000
      BRV: 350
      SPD: 15

      Ifrit - Steals 20 BRV and deals 50 HP Damage.
      Shiva - Steals 50 BRV and deals 20 HP Damage.
      Ramuh - Steals 30 BRV and deals 30 HP Damage.

      Bahamut - Summons the universe's strongest dragon to deliver destruction.
      Knights of the Round - Summons a group of knights to strike down any opposition. This attack's power is the sum of of the user's BRV and remaining HP. If blocked/dodged, the Summoner takes half the damage.

      Dagger-wielding warriors that are known for their speed.​

      HP: 1500
      BRV: 450
      SPD: 18

      Alert - Steals 15 BRV
      Mug - Steals 50 BRV and deals 20 HP Damage.
      Stealth Thrust - Steals 30 BRV and lowers opponent's SPD by 2.

      Tantalize - A flurry of slashes and stabs.
      Albhed - The thief uses all of his stealth knowledge to attack the opponent. This attack will always strike first, even if the opponent has higher SPD.

      A noble class that fights for honor with his steel blade. The Knight's abilities depend on the opponent's.​

      HP: 1500
      BRV: 500
      SPD: 15

      HP-Slash - Divides opponent's base HP by 100 and steals that much BRV (I.E., opponent with 1500 HP will lose 15 BRV).
      BRV-Slash - Steals a tenth of the opponent's base BRV (I.E., opponent with 500 BRV will lose 50 BRV).
      SPD-Slash - Steals twice as much BRV as opponent's SPD.

      Elemental Slash - A slash imbued with elemental magic.
      Unholy Blessing - The knight uses his own life force to cut down the opponent. Unholy Blessing can only be used on an opponent with less HP (at the moment, not base HP). The Knight will take 200 HP damage. This attack cannot be blocked or dodged.

    • None yet!

    • Keep track of your victories here!
      None yet!

    • Cycle Winners will be posted here with a little blurb about their victories!
      A tally of Cycle wins for Cosmos and Chaos will also be posted here!
      None yet!

    What will you fight for?
  2. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Do you have enough swords, King of Heroes?

    If someone missed it, that means archer.