Dissida Final Fantasy: ~Interwined Souls~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Jul 6, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dissidia Final Fantasy: ~Interwined Souls~


    Cosmos, the Goddess of Harmony
    Chaos, the God of Discord

    Two opposing entites but also two sides of the same coin, these two gods were never meant to clash, Chaos for Cosmos resembling his mother and Cosmos for her quiet and kind hearted nature, but within the Void, Shinryu, a godlike deity came across this realm and struck a bargain with Cid of Lufaine to gain power from the countless cycles of war so long as Cid obersves the battle, never to aid anyone.

    And thus, the Cycle had begun with each deity summoning warriors from other realms along with the battlefields that these warriors would fight upon, Cosmos agreed to create the normal fields of the world while Chaos created the chaotic versions of those fields but strikingly similar, Garland was asked by the Great Will to oversee Chaos's development and grow his power.

    During the one of the Cycles, a new warrior appeared on the battlefield with only blue armor and hair as colourful as the sky but he had no name to go on and he wasn't summoned by either Cosmos or Chaos, one of Cosmos's Warriors, Prishe brought the man to Cosmos's side and the Twelveth Cycle had begun afterwards, bringing into the world, Manikins, imitations of the Warriors but easily replicated from the Rift, the forces of Cosmos were outmatched as Chaos's warriors simply let these creatures do their work for them.

    Six Warriors of Cosmos decided to close the Rift, even if it meant their existence would fade, their names are Lighting, Tifa Lockhart, Yuna, Vaan, Laguna Loire and Kain Highwind and they did just so as Cosmos released her power upon the manikins that was to strike down the Warrior of Light as Kain had put the other Warriors to sleep so their false defeat would allow the other to rest and defeat the next cycle, serverly weakened, Cosmos had not enough strength to bring back her Warriors from their slumber but the Six were gone as they did not fall in battle as the cycle demanded.

    Shinryu realised this and offered Cosmos two options, he can revive her remaining Warriors however, they required hosts from another realm where the warriors didn't exist and lived peacefully, a world called Earth, our world to be more precise and Shinryu would bring ten humans with no memory of the heroes as a price of entry, Cosmos wavered but Shinryu said her second chocie would be to summon fewer Warriors than Chaos and be outmatched in this conflict, seeing no other alternative, she agreed upon this offer.

    Now, in our world, your PSP starts to glow and in a blinding flash, you vanish immediately, dropping your PSP as you are no longer holding it and find yourself standing on a watery lake with a beautiful woman sitting upon her throne but you regcongize there are others as well who are just as human as you, but then you hear something, a voice in your head as the beautiful woman spoke these words. "Welcome, young ones, I am Cosmos and I'm afraid I must ask for your help." She said in a serene but quiet voice said in a sad tone, you wonder what what she means by that and she continues.

    "Within you all is one of my Warriors, your existence serves as a body for that Warrior to surivive and I'm afraid you have no choice but to accept their aid, allow me to explain, this world is currently within a conflict between the forces of discord and harmony, I am the Goddess of Harmony who summoned these Warriors to fight against Chaos but I regret to say my strength has greatly waned so I am forced to ask of you to share your bodies with my Warriors."

    Now, a new cycle has begun but now, the stakes are even higher, you have to share a body with a Warrior of Cosmos for him/her to fight against the forces of discord, there is a catch however, if you take damage or exetensively use magic, your own body feels the pain as your own body cannot handle it so the Warriors of Cosmos realised they must hold back for the sake of their hosts and end the conflict.

    Will you fight to end this Cycle?


    Okay,, let's get started on the rules shall we?

    1. Hosting a Warrior of Cosmos enables you and that Warrior to swap places as the Warrior will use your body to become him/her
    2. Since you are a Host, the Warriors's magic and skills can tire you out but using magic constantly puts a strain on your body so Cosmos's warriors won't us eit all the time, fi they did, you'd end up in alot of pain.
    3. Your character plays Final Fantasy but sicne Shinryu brought you into this world, your memories of Final Fantasy are the price for arrving in this realm.
    4. No godmodding.
    5. Romance is allowed but keep it PG rated.
    6. 3 line posts if you please, no one liners.
    7. No OOC-ness for your Heroes, they ahve be as they naturally react, you can't have Squall suddenly become a hyperactive gunslinger can you?
    8. Have fun!

    ~How the Host System works~

    Okay, obivously commuication and teamwork between you and your Warrior is vital, you are granted that warrior's weaponry and magic to defend yoruself with, however, like I said, there are limits, our human bodies cannot take magic excessively because it harms us from the inside, causing pain.

    You are freely able to switch between characters, so you can catch your opponent off guard by fighting as yourself then switching to WoL to throw them off guard completely.

    ~The Crystals~

    The obtaining of the Crystals remains the same as in the game.

    ~What about Chaos's forces? Do they have the Host System too?~

    No, remember, Cosmos used most of power to get rid of the Manikin Army in the 12th Cycle, leaving a few remaining in the 13th Cycle as Chaos's power simply remained as he didn't release his power at all so his Warriors don't host anyone from our world.

    ~List of Cosmos Warrors~

    Warrior of Light - Taken by Terra
    Firion - Taken by Terra
    Onion Knight/Luneth -
    Cecil Harvey - Taken by Aerith G.
    Bartz Klauser - Taken by No-Heart X
    Terra Branford - Taken by Protecter212
    Cloud Strife - Taken by Bushy-Brow1992
    Squall Leonhart - Taken by Aqua101
    Zidane Tribal - Taken by Aerith G.
    Tidus - Taken by Bushy-Brow1992

    You can even be a female character hosting a male Warrior, yes, I'm just that kind to your fangirls.

    You can play up to three OC and the Warriors they host.

    ~OC List~


    Now onto the OC form~

    Name: Your name here
    Age: Your age
    Appearance: Your appearance (Be a bit realistic here, no hair like well... out of proportions)
    Personailty: How they behave and such.
    Host to: Select one of Cosmos's Warriors here.
    Bio: Biography of your character


    I'll start you guys off to give you a idea

    Name: Shinji Mikuro
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personailty: Kind, Carefree and Confident.
    Host to: Terra Branford
    Bio: A normal high schooler in Japan, he gets average grades, lives home alone as his parents are always working so he turned to video games in his spare time at home, one of paticular interest was Final Fantasy, but he always did look to reality to keep his grades up, however one day, while playing, a brigth flash overtook him and now he found himself in a watery lake where a woman named Cosmos explains the situation, being someone who wants to help others, he argeed to help her as he discovers he's not a host to a male Warrior but a female which is in a sense was too awkward but the girl named Terra was perhaps shy, timid and not as confident as him so they were kind of opposites.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Name: Sakura Nakumara
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personailty: Shy, Awkward, Timid, and Brave
    Host to: Zidane
    Bio: Sakura grew up overseas and transferred to Japan. Her first interest was a game series called Final Fantasy, introduced to her by a friend she knew over in Japan. As she was waiting to leave, she found herself in a lake area where a lovely woman named Cosmos explained a terrible situation and she agreed, finding out she was host to a ladies man named Zidane Tribal. She's hoping that Zidane doesn't distract her.

    Name: Tohru Suzuhara
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personailty: Reckless, carefree, independent, and smart
    Host to: Cecil Harvey
    Bio: Tohru was Sakura's childhood friend who introduced her to his longtime interest, Final Fantasy. He can be to a bit of jerk, but he's protective of those who are his friends. Tohru was always interested in the stars and outer space as well. While waiting for his friend to arrive, Tohru found himself in a watery lake with a beautiful lady named Cosmos. He was amazed as she explained the situation to him and he agreed, becoming host to a gentle knight, Cecil Harvey, with power of light and darkness as he found interesting.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Sorry Aeirth but Bushy-Brow1992 claimed Tidus, you can claim someone else, but Cecil is yours.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Name: Aiden Grayson
    Age: 19
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/FFXIV003.jpg
    Personality: Calm, detached, calculated, and slow to anger. Though he comes off cold, he'll do what he can to help someone if they really need it.
    Host to: Firion
    Bio: Aiden had, for the most part, been only interested in school. He's normally a loner, opting to spend his time studying or acting on his own interests. At home whenever he had enough free time, he was a gamer as he found games to be something similar to an interactive story and considered some to even be pieces of art. If anyone asked Aiden about himself, he'd just tell them he's had an uninteresting life or just not say anything about it. His life hasn't been bad, he just prefers to stay silent about it. He's almost a polar opposite of the (occasionally)hotheaded Firion who would do anything to help out his friends.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Accepted, You are a honest surprise though. -goes to edit-
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Name: Kurisu
    Age: 17
    Personailty: A pretty chilled out guy who tries his best to help everyone he can. He can be a bit reckless and rush in without heed for his own safety, but that's just how things go with him. He won't back down from a challenge, because he believes that you only lose when you give up.
    Host to: Cloud
    Bio: Kurisu isn't his real name, he chose Kurisu a long time ago because it was the Japanese equivalent of his name and therefore sounded a lot cooler in his opinion. He is a die-hard Otaku and loves anime and video-gaming. Although... since he came to this new world... it seems like he has forgotten something important.

    OOC: Making the form for Tidus's host now... Just wanted to submit this before Cloud got claimed.
  7. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Name: Lloyd
    Age: 17
    Appearance: http://ts2.mm.bing.net/images/thumb...YPohfprJfSc/animeboy.jpg?width=349&height=350
    Personailty: Is a bit carefree, but will get serious when it comes to things he cares about.
    Host to: Squall Leonhart
    Bio: Lloyd started playing Final Fantasy every since he was a kid. he would always either play the games or listen to the music during his free time. One day when he was playing his PSP he closed his eyes for a second and then noticed that he was in a place with a watery lake and a woman named Cosmos. Cosmos allowed Lloyd to fight as a warrior and help with the battle. Lloyd decided he would help out and partnered with a silent lone wolf, Squall leonhart.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Accepted it, there's only four left? Blimey I didn't think this would catch on so fast!

  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I'll take the Warrior of Light as well if no one new joins. XD
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Well, I'll wait and see if anyoen else takes the free slots, if no-one decides on WoL, you may have him, the time limit is a day seeing how fast everyone suddenly jumped here.

    And to the RPers, since you have your Warriors, you get their Chaos counterparts as well.
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    And... OC number 2

    Name: Ignelia 'Iggy' Hikauru
    Age: 11
    Personailty: Ignelia is an excitable little girl who can be very quiet around those she isn't sure about at first, She however opens up to those close to her and those she trusts. If you can get her to do this, you'll have a loving friend for life who does in fact show a really cheeky, cute, fun-loving side. Despite being so young, she has a strong sense of right and wrong. She is also the type of person who might say something out of place at the wrong time, and not even notice that she has said it.
    Host to: Tidus
    Bio: Ignelia grew up being sent to private schools, however, she isn't a snob in the slightest regardless of it. She was fairly popular with the other kids and got decent grades.
    Although, she sometimes felt pressured with everything around her, and she also suffered a trauma in her past involving her twin sister.
    It took her a little while to recover, and you can't be sure if she has anyway... but she tries to stay strong now'a'days.
    She turned to other hobbies as an escape from the pressures and traumas of her life, one such hobby was video-gaming.
    The rest... is history.
  12. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Tidus is taken
  13. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Yeah, by me.
    Check the first post.
    I was the one who reserved him.
  14. No Heart-X Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Velvet Room
    Name: Isaac Landers
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Click
    Personailty: He's generally quiet and withdrawn, and only talks to people when other people talk to him.
    Host to: Bartz Klauser
    Bio: Isaac started playing Final Fantasy games because of his brother. He was hooked after seeing his brother play the games when he was smaller. While he does play other games, he tends to play Final Fantasy a lot more than the others. One night, while he was playing with his PSP in his bed late at night, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he wasn't in his room anymore. He was shocked when he looked around to see a shallow lake around him, with Cosmos in front of him. Isaac decided to help her and is now the host of Bartz, the carefree mimic that is as fickle as the wind.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Accepted Bushy. this leaves three two slots open now.

    Accepted it.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Name: Abel
    Age: 18
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/Guy333.gif
    Personailty: Abel has a strong sense of justice and will do what's right no matter what the cost is. He's cautious and bold, feeling that actions speak louder than words.
    Host to: Warrior of Light
    Bio: Abel wasn't much of a gamer until a friend of his lent him a few Final Fantasy games. He was instantly hooked. A part of his personality was influenced by the characters of each game, feeling that if he stuck to his beliefs, anything was possible. Being bonded with the Warrior of Light only compliments his personal traits.
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Accepted, there's only Onion Knight/Luneth left.
  18. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    quick question, why do you call him Luneth? He doesn't look like him. Didn't they just make the Onion Knight exclusive for Dissidia?
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Actually, Onion Knight was one of the jobs in the original Final Fantasy III game, but his first alternate costume bears uncanny resemblance to Luneth in the DS remake, which Onion Knight was a job.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Name: Shinku Maiku
    Age: 12
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personailty: Kind, usually quiet.
    Host to: Luneth
    Bio: A young innocent child who enjoys RPGs to the fullest, especially Final Fantasy until one day, while playing, and he turned around for a few second to find himself within a watery lake and at a woman who could pass off as motherly as she explained the situation to the others who stood there as he discovers he hosts Luneth, a young boy at the same age as him but more smarter and tends to use his head first to get out situations.

    Let's get this show on the road! -charges foward!-


    Shinji stood on a watery lake yet not sinking as he examine dthe tohers who were with him, Cosmos had explained about what the conflict entails and they should trust the power all of them held within them, but then form out of perhaps the nothingness stood a cliff and a lava flume shot out, almost like a volcano as it slowly took the shape of a bestail appearance while the skies twisted and turned above Cosmos's realm, becomign an avatar of herself, but what emerged out from the lava were ten people, one looked like a knight in armour with a huge cleaver-like weapon and the slit int he armor shown yellow cold eyes, another seemed to be perhaps royaly holding a staff.

    Moving along, was a white haired woman who looked like she wasn't wearing anything at all except perhaps jigsaw pieces over the assets but what really made this woman stand otu wa sthe tentacle-like creatures, the next Warrior of Chaos had armour that seemed way to big to even comprehend with just teh ehadpiece having a narrow slit for the eyes to show vison, he evn had a regal blue cape

    Thh fifth Warrior to cross Cosmos's Warriors was another bulky armoured warrior who seemed to be almost teh same as the previous Warrior but in alight blue colour with eprhaps jewels adjorning some edges a she held a sword, the next one Warrior was really out of place, it seemed more like a jester with the make-up and everything but then a long silvered man wielding the longest sword Shinji thought possible as there was a woman with hair as perhaps as long as herself and red coat practically being her attire and clawed but gloved hands.

    The next two warriors were different, a white haired man looked liek eh wore a trenchcoat and a thong and hovering above the ground, you seriously had to give credit to his bravery for wearing such a outfit and finally, e man who could pass off perhaps a wrestler wielding a huge sword that was perhaps two handed and on his chest was a strange insigna.

    Shinji hestiantly tooka step back before hearing a voice in his head, a feminie one at that as it sound soft and soothing, before the Warriors of Chaos had appeared, there was perhaps thirty minutes to get acquitted with the Warriors of Cosmos inside them, this feminie voice said her name was Terra and breifly explained what she could do, being a expert in casting magic and using a shortsword for close rnage, she was hesitant to fight but she knew she had to fight.

    Shinku held a conversation with Luneth during the small time period who easily came to the both of them as the smarter one and have the better ideas so Shinku just believed what he said was right as no-one else had the time to chat to each other.

    The Warriors of Chaos did perhaps have a expression of surprise since there was ten peopel they did not expect to see and none of them looked like they were fighters and Shinji placed a hand over his chest. "I'll take over Shinji." Terra's calm voice echoed within him, although, a bit frightened as Shinji nodded mentally as he allowed Terra's power to envelop him as his form changed in a flash of light and now stood in his place was a female woman at the age of 18 with blonde hair tied into a ponytail as she was wearing a sleeveless red dress with floral patterns, two long red gloves, several different sashes around her waist, and a pale pink cape. Her legs are covered by patterned white tights, and she wears pointed red and gold high-heeled boots as she eyes were of a dark gray as he stood to attention whiel Shinji was now a disembodied voice, it was weird letting someoene lse take control of your body but like Cosmos said, teamwork was important, especially if the Warriors fo Cosmos were to fight.

    SHinku allowed Luneth take over as there nowa yougn cild wearing azure blue armour and white hair as he branded a goldene shortsword, this was the Onion Knight, Luneth as he looked on ahead.
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