Discusion on KH relationships

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008.

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  1. NovaParadox Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 15, 2008
    Peterborough, ON
    Hey im just wondering why people think Riku and Sora are gay, and why some people think Sora is straight. I almsot put this under debate but wasnt sure anyway.

    I believe Sora is straight, and if your gonna come at me with the whole Sora cried when he found Riku thing i have the answer!

    Now i believe the reason Sora didnt cry when he was reunited with Kairi because he knew she was safe, after the original KH she was left on the island, and when she was taken to The world that never was he knew he would eventually be there to protect her. The reason i believe he cried when seeing Riku was that unlike Kairi there was no closing to what happened to Riku other then he was in the Realm of darkness, Sora didnt know what was going to happen to Riku. Riku was also Sora's enemy at several points of the game so Sora had to fight Riku, never did he have to fight Kairi.

    Another point of interest i would like to bring up is that Sora added on to the image on the cave wall of him and Kairi, he drew him giving her a Pau...poa......fruit thingy (could never spell it right). She in turn when back on the island did the same thing.

    But its an open debate so hit me with your best ideas!
  2. Repliku Chaser

    This is going to be closed as it is in the wrong area and there are already enough threads in the KH area about Sora and Riku being gay or other 'couples' for that matter. Check around there, please.
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