"Dis-Soul?" + Some vids

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, while browsing through the 2ch boards, a few of the members said during the secret ending they also saw the words "Dis-Soul", currently we have no idea what the word could be pointing to, or if this is even true. But as we have no one to really clarify this, since it was shown at Square-Enix Party, we'll just have to take their word.

    Here are the current ones we have so far.

    "-Their wounds cannot be healed. (or I have to go heal their wounds).

    -If you get lost in the darkness, join your hands together like before.

    -I am counting the days since my birth.

    Has the number of days been recorded?

    I don't want to forget what has happened since my birth.

    -With whose heart does a new story lie? (or "With whose heart does the

    next story lie?) = Sora, Terra, and Roxas collage in background.

    -Movie using scenes from the secret movie (Sleep By Birth?) with a
    rearranged "The Other Promise" playing in the background."


    Also we have some KH2FM+ videos, sorry they're not the latest R&R videos subbed, as some people have been waiting for that, but they're some data battles.

    Downloadable versions Coming Soon
    Xigbar (Data)
    Roxas (Data)
    Saix (Data)
    Marluxia (Data)
    Xemnas (Data)
    Xaldin (Data)

    From Tales2
    KH2FM+ Playthrough
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 5, 2007.

    1. Desmonic
      Really?....I wonder what that could mean.."Dis-Soul"...
      Anyway, thanks for the battle vids Xaldin!! I can't wait for the downloadble versions..I wan't to keep some of them...
    2. kitty_mckechnie
      Another mystery.
      Yay more video's. Thanks Xaldin. :D
    3. DarkRikuMan
      hmmmmm maby its supposed to say "this soul" but the character who says it has an aksent.( think thats how you spell it.)
    4. Lisaralin
      Thanks a lot for the new vids....but is it possible not to skip the intros? The little scenes in which the org members appear before fighting? I would like to use them in some AMV of mine.....
    5. M00n3y
      hmm, didn't ansem the wise say that a person was made of three things? A heart, a body, and something else? I wasn't always sure but what if that other 'thing' was a soul?

      This could be an easy way for Nomura to make new enemies ect. just like he did with the nobodies. maybe Terra was one ? It sounds plausible to me.
    6. Gwen
      My thoughts exactly.
      I had been thinking for a while that Nomura was going to use the sould for something. I had always suspected that the Knights in the secret video were the souls. But then I couldn't help wondering what name Nomura would give em...

      I rather like "Dis-soul" :p
    7. Mirai
      Xaldin, what are your stats on the Terra fight? When I hit him with 3 combos I can ALMOST get an entire life bar. I'm weak and at Lv. 83...
    8. jazzyee
      Wow! Cool battles! I wish I have that kind of talent... ;_;

      Attached Files:

    9. Xaldin
    10. Mirai
      ... WHAT?? How can you hit him with such power with your strength so low? My strength is 58 and my skills PALE in comparison to yours! *bows down to Xaldin's UBER SKILLZ*
    11. Knighty McKnight
      Knighty McKnight
      Dis-soul? That's interesting. Well, the most common meaning for dis, combined with that word means that would mean to get rid of or remove the soul. Yikes ._O
    12. Stardust
      Maybe Ven is Sora's soul!

      O.o If that's the case, I'd hate to know what happened to Sora.

      Nah, it's just a wild guess...but, wow, thanks for the info and all O.o Vereh interesting.
    13. Himi
      Heart Body and Soul. :D
      Also, [​IMG]

      Two of the three symbols are easily reconizeable as the Heartless and Nobodies.
      As for the third symbol, quite possibly the "Dis-soul"?
    14. DarkRikuMan
      I,ve never seen that symbol before where did you get it? Maby the 3rd symbol jsut means soul. Maby sabstian from Atlantica was Baldy and was transformed into a crab . Sebastian says "dis" instead of this. Or maby it ment DIZ soul.
    15. Stardust
      O.O I really doubt Sebastian would be baldy. XD

      DIZ's soul, though, that's a pretty good idea...Why didn't I think of that...
    16. PathtoDawn
      Heartless - A stand-alone heart
      Nobody - A stand-alone body

      So then...

      Dis-soul - A stand-alone soul??

      It's perfect.
    17. twilightsbringing
      Are you sure this image is official? 'Cause I always remember the lower symbol being a crown. Dis-Soul..... weird. I've heard it before, but I don't remember what language it is. It might be French, but it really doesn't mean anything in that language.
    18. Himi
      It's in the KH2 walkthrough. And it's also drawn on the table. (though, I think they stuck the crown in there)

      Pretty sure, it was in the walkthrough.
    19. La Sofa
      La Sofa
      I doubt its a soul....