I know that I am behind on this, but should I get Dirge of Cerebus, I haven't decided whether to buy it or not. What is it like?
its a good game actually,the reviewers for the most part just try to find the games weak points just to give it a low score.Sure the graphics arent all that.But this game really kicks***.I passed it and the extra stuff is pretty cool to enjoy with.I say get it.Its a good action rpg game.
Yeah i would say it's worth getting. The controls are a bit dodgy but you get use to them, but i actually did enjoy playing it. I agree with Eclipse, reviewers did only really look at it's weak points.
To counter the previous posts, I really don't think the reviewers were only picking on what was bad - this game really was mediocre, and a lot of people agree to this. Though it had a lot of shared views amongst the gamers, I personally felt it lacked depth in story, and the new characters did little to impress me. I honestly was not impressed in the least bit when I finished it, though I wasn't totally disappointed either. The only thing I really enjoyed about the game was the interesting junctions and controls which were worth getting into. It was fun and made the game worthwhile. You're better of just renting the game first to see for yourself.
Oh i'm not trying to say it was amazing or anything but the reviews that i read only concentrated on it's weak spots. I didn't think it was amazing but i didn't think it was pure crappy either. It wasn't quite up to par as you would normally expect with a FF title, although this was just a spin-off. I do agree with StupidAquarius, the story was lacking in depth. I thought it was nice to see the FFVII characters again although you never really them much except Yuffie, Cait Sith & Reeve.
I read a couple that did generalize the game like I had perceived it - but yeah, I saw *one* review that did go overboard. It was on Youtube, done by some people on a show called X-play or something. I normally never read reviews before I get a game because they quite often go about bashing anything. I prefer the opinions of players themselves and my self-intuition. Exactly! It was a very 'neutral' feeling I got, when I finished it. Kinda weird and unexpected. I was excited about the game because I heard Reeve was gonna get a big role XD I liked Reeve! I think he was like, one of the very few sane people in Shin-Ra who wasn't a total obnoxious arse. Somehow, Yuffie loses her antisocialism, which was funny in FF7....
Alright, well, I'm in a good place to comment on this game, because a friend of mine and myself sat down yesterday, said, "Hey, let's go rent and beat Dirge of Cerberus in one night!" and then preceeded to stay up til 5 in the morning beating said game. This is a rental only game. Had I bought this, I would have been dissapointed. I am not saying I disliked the game, far from it in fact, but the fact is, my friend and I sat down and beat the entire game in one sitting, and I have no strong desire to pick it up and start playing it again. The combat itself is dodgy, and takes the first few levels to get used to, but one thing I really liked was that the game scaled nicely. The first few levels where you are unsure of the controls are incredibly easy, with potions and pheonix downs dropping everywhere, but as you progress through the game, it becomes harder at a good rate, I never felt overwhelemed as I continued to improve, and felt it was a good level of difficulty (My friend and I had a bunch of close calls we were laughing at.) The bosses ranged from dissapointing to superb. The first Azul fight is ridiculously easy to the point of being a ****ty fight, but the second time you fight him, (and the other members of the Tsviets) is actually an amusing fight, and makes you feel smart for figuring out how to beat him. The final boss was a let down, my friend fought him, and didn't even receive damage from the boss until after he had gotten his health over halfway down. Character-wise, me and my friend tore the crumby NPC VOing apart, as it gets REALLY annoying, as does Cait Sith's Irish Accent. I still have NO clue why he has an Irish accent, and the one stealth mission you play as Cait Sith is the most annoying and shoddily built level in the game. The AI in this level in particular (though its bad in the whole game) was ridiculous, and it was painful and easy at the same time. I actually found myself liking Shelke and some of the Tsviets, though I must say Rosso's russian accent got REALLY annoying (Wutai Pest! You have to hear this line, it made me die of laughter XD) but overall, I thought they were decently developed, at least to the extent I found myself liking them. What I hated is that Nero and Weiss are not developed AT ALL and when you get to the end, its like they expect you to have a deep understanding of these two characters, which is impossible as you only see each one in a single cutscene up until the points you fight them. The FF Cast was well voiced, and I thought they captured Yuffie and Vincent particularily well. I found myself chuckling at Yuffie, and geting into Vincent's dark exterior. They really developed Vincent's character, and that for me was enough to warrant playing this game. The storyline was somewhat hard to follow at times, but if you stick it out to the end, it really does make sense, and does pull a LOT of loose ends together. Basically you find out that Hojo is the reason EVERYTHING bad happens in EVERY FF7 game. I got annoyed with everyone saying I'm sorry all the time, and I swear to God, the women in this game need to put some god damn clothes on >> EVERY SINGLE FEMALE SAVE LUCRECIA WAS HALF NAKED! That is annoying, and me and my friend reamed it repeatedly, especially in Edge. (Got what a crappy name for a town -.-;; ) Overall, I enjoyed playing this game, but I would recommend doing what I did, renting it with a friend and sitting down and beating it for the storyline, just don't go into it expecting the game of the year, or even a top tier game for that matter. If you go in with the expectation of getting a few cheap laughs, and that you get a decent storyline which ties things together, then you'll get enjoyment out of it. I'd give it a 7.75 out of 10, as it wasn't a bad game, I did have fun, but it isn't something I'll probably ever play again.
I agree with you Twi. definaely a great rental. I bought the game and well I kind of regret buying it. It was a fun game buy short lived. Twi pretty much explained everything so I won't go into detail.
In my opinion it's really fun.But once you beat it,if you want to play on a harder difficulty you have to overwrite your old save and redo everything all over again.And to get the special features(like the art gallery,cutscenes or character profiles) you have to find these capsules hidden through out stages that you already did.
I wouldn't reccomend buying it, just rent it. I find the system a bit familar to the DMC series except without that 'oompf' and challenge. The story isn't too bad and the VA's are pretty decent. ...basically what Twi said. >.>
Like what everyone else said, rent it first. I only chose this game because I like rpg. The story of Vincent is great though it doesn't follow like the other Final Fantasy series. I wouldn't even call it rpg if there weren't any Cait Sith involved. I believe this is what you called a third-player in English and first-player in Japanese? The CG cutscenes are good and there are some good lessons behind it. You have to pay attention closely, but I doubt anyone will. It gets more challenging if you continue on to Extra Features to collect character profiles and art gallery. So I'm quite a noob at video games, but I take it in a different angle than the graphics and playing.
I thought the game was too easy...i cried!! there was some scary parts....I THOUGHT IT WAS SCARY!!! the last boss was waaaaay too easy i was kinda dissapointed...i thought i was gonna be long like the rest of the final fantasy games Like FFVIII It had 4 discs dammit! Other than that it was pretty cool ^^ :)
that game suck (in my opinion) i got rip off all u ever do is jus walk and shoot not the best game i played but it cost much too i wasted my 30 or 40 dollar on this game i'm gonna trade this game in gamestop and get sim2(sorry off-topic)