Digimon: Digi-T Rescue Team!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Slash, Nov 10, 2008.

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  1. Slash Banned

    Nov 10, 2008
    Story: Terri Akumichi is a Super-Active Hyper Gal who is always wishing for excitement in her life. Her life takes a twizziling Turn when she transfers to Japan and goes to middle school there. In japan she meets Davis who is in her class. While Giving her a Tour of the school. A digivice comes out of the computer and is given to Terri. With it Davis finds out that Terri is an unusual Digidestined. The two friends go off in the digiworld. There Terri wants to make an organization which is dedicated to Protecting and helping Digimon with their problems. The headquarters is automatticly created where and when Terri wants it to be. She has everything she wants in it. Terri names her organization: The Digi-T Rescue Team! However Terri dosent have a Digimon. Instead she has a digi-grid which enables her to obtain powers of warriors and such. And thus our story begins...

    No Yaoi Or Yuri
    Keep it PG-13 people
    Be nice
    Have fun









    Gatomon + All her forms-

    Patamon + All his forms-

    Veemon + All his forms- Slash

    Hawkmon + All his forms-

    Armadillomon + all his forms-

    Wormmon + all his forms-



    Rules for OC's:
    No Godmodding
    maximum capacity for OC's with a Digi-grid is 5.
    3 out of 5 Digigrids are taken.
    You can have digimon if u wish

    OC form:
    Grid or Digimon (please state name and picture of Digimon if so):
    Begginer Clothes Square (leave blank if dont have any. You can choose from either Gunner,Warrior or Ninja):
    Played By:

    Name: Terri Akumichi
    Age: 13
    History: Terri Akumichi Transfered from a city in the US and has become a Digidestined for some reason. She is the leader of The Digi-T Rescue Team. Rest is explained in Intro part uptop
    Grid or Digimon: Grid
    Begginer Clothes Square (Begginers are either Gunner, Warrior or Ninja): Gunner
    Appearence: Has Brown sparkly eyes. Orange hair. Has bangs on the front of her forehead but divided by small space and has long hair down to shoulders.
    Played by: Slash

    Have fun
  2. Labomba Moogle Assistant

    Jun 7, 2008
    Twilight Town
    Name: Kai
    Age: 16
    History: A boy that is hyperactive and always looks for adventure. One day Kai was surfing the net and the screen turns blank. Kai gets sucked into the digital world and gains mysterious powers with his digivice.
    Grid or Digimon (please state name and picture of Digimon if so): Digimon http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/7/71/Dracomon.jpg
    Begginer Clothes Square (leave blank if dont have any. You can choose from either Gunner,Warrior or Ninja): Ninja
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Labomba
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