Digimon Data Squad English and Japanese Comparisons

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by Amaury, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Unfortunately, it seems that the website only has Digimon Adventure and Digimon Data Squad, so here is Digimon Data Squad.

    To the left is the Japanese version; to the right, is the American version. Note that some only have the Japanese screenshots, though.

    Episode 1 - There Are Monsters Among Us!:

    About this episode: There is just one "real" cut and that's Agumon's kick into Marcus' crotch. The sound is running normally during this scene though.
    A little "funny" note: At the beginning of the episode you see a park with some knocked out guys lying on the ground. A character refers to those later in the episode. While it's 13 (..."juusan...") people in the Japanese version, the US version made it 15.

    The time difference in this episode is 2 seconds.

    Title screen
    Instead of the normal title screen for the episode, which shows a digivolved Agumon that spits fire and after a while the title shows up in the flames, the US version got a new title screen. You see a CG gate which opens, reveals the title of the episode, the title is read out aloud, then the gate closes again.

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    The scene where Agumon kicks Marcus in the crotch has been replaced with a big star.

    No time difference
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    The Japanese door sign was replaced with a translated one.

    No time difference
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    Sound edit: as Agumon bites Marcus because he's so hungry, you see the tower from the outside and hear Marcus scream in the Japanese version. In the US version however he just says "Back off!".

    No time difference
    Screenshot for indexing


    Can someone tell me what's wrong with a crotch kick, especially considering this season was aimed more towards teenagers? I believe Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshi are 14.

    Episode 3 - The Return of Thomas!:

    About this episode: A typical edit for the US Digimon version: "nudity" was censored. It happened before in Digimon Adventures for example and again, some scenes where we see one of the characters under the shower were removed (though they are completely harmless). Also very typical is that a direct hit to the face has been removed.

    The time difference in this episode is 8 seconds.

    Three shots from Thomas under the shower were removed.

    7 seconds
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    Marcus getting hit by the fireball was removed.

    1 second
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    In the US version a scene was put in again that had been used before. In the original version Masaru aims for Thomas who blocks this punch without any problems.
    The US version is slightly longer here.

    + 2 seconds
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    I don't understand the first two edits. There was no nudity shown while Thomas was taking a shower, so why remove it? Also, what's the big deal of showing Marcus getting hit with a fireball?

    Episode 5 - Digital World, Here We Come!:

    About this episode: In this episode a bloodstain on Thomas' leg was removed. He got injured during a fight and in some shots you see the result of it. Besides that a direct hit got exchanged with some comiclike CG animation, just like in episode 1.

    There is no time difference in this episode, not counting opening and ending.

    The blood on Thomas' thigh was removed.

    No time difference
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    Bloodremoval on Thomas' thigh again (it's a bit hard to see on the second screenshot).

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Bloodremoval on Thomas' thigh.

    No time difference
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    Bloodremoval on Thomas' thigh.

    No time difference
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    Bloodremoval again.

    No time difference.
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    No time difference
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    As Marcus hits Drimogemon the animation was replaced with some kind of whirl animation (ca. half a second long).

    No time difference
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    Bloodremoval on Thomas' thigh.

    No time difference
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    No time difference
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    As the Digiworld is scanned the upper textfield was edited.

    Japanese version: Giogreymon
    American version: Geogreymon

    No time difference
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    No time difference
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    Soundedit: after Thomas and Marcus acknowledged each other as teampartners, Agumon says that his master has now a new follower.
    While in the original version Gaomon answers that his master is no one's follower, in the US version Thomas says he shouldn't push his luck.

    No time difference
    Screenshot for indexing


    What the hell is wrong with showing blood?

    Episode 8 - The Singer's Secret:

    About this episode: There were very few edits in this episode, but all focus on direct hits someone has to take. Yet the work here wasn't done really properly. As it's mentioned in the report Marcus also has after the removed scene #2 a red cheek in the English version. Edit #3 is also senseless since you see Yoshi seconds later, as she is thrown around by the Digimon. Only edit #1 is placed at a point where you almost won't notice it. Almost because the door looks different from one second to another (see the last two pictures).

    The time difference in this episode is 2 seconds.

    As Marcus is knocking at the door because he wants to Yoshino the scene has been completely changed:
    In the edited version he hits the door a few times and just in the moment where he announces to break it, Yoshi opens.
    In the Japanese version a security guard is trying to stop him, but is knocked out easily by Marcus.

    1 second
    Japanese version: US version:

    Yoshino slaps Marcus. The scratch has been edited away, but his cheek is red in the next scene in both versions.

    1 second
    Japanese version: US version:

    In the US version Yoshino says to Miyon that fraud is a crime. In the Japanese version she can't speak it to the end because Karamon grabs her at her throat.

    No time difference
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    Again, unnecessary edits. The whole show is violent, so why remove scenes like this?

    Episode 9 - Never Meet Your Heroes:

    About this episode: This episode contains several modification when it comes to hitting another guy right in the face. Since this episode is about a boxer, one can imagine that there are some of them in it. All in all, almost any direct hit has been removed. Except in the final fight with Gaomon vs Togemon, some of the hits are still in the US Version. But the two hits in the face during the fight have been removed as well.
    The time difference in this episode is 5 seconds.

    The boxer in red, Haras, hits a blow. The US Version contains an added cartoon-like animation of stars here.
    (The following freeze frame was also in the US Version. So technically, the US Version only lacks the arm reaching back!)

    no difference
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    A further blow gets replaced by a star.

    no difference
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    In the Japanese Version, Agumon gets a hit on his head while Marcus is insulting him. The US version contains a freeze frame instead and Thomas keeps talking from the off.

    no difference
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    Now the pace is lower in the US version. As a result of that, the US version ends earlier. Actually a segment of the fight follows: Haras knocks out his opponent.

    no difference
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    Same modification here. Instead of the shot of Haras knocking out his opponent, the US Version contains a freeze frame of the shot before.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Of course the sign has been emptied here for the US version but the censorship is in the audio track this time. While the coach talks about Sake (Japanese rice wine), he talks about soda in the US version (screen just for orientation).

    no difference
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    Togemon reaches back but Gaomon can hit a blow first. He hits him directly in the face.

    4 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Instead of a freeze frame while Gaomon hits Togemon one more time, the US Version contains an added lightning-like animation.

    1 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Unnecessary edits, with the exception of changing Sake to soda.

    Episode 10 - Curse This Curse: Marcus' Bad Day:

    About this episode: There's only one single modification in this episode and that is pretty pointless. The affected scene contains a freeze frame, the image is zoomed in at first. But it zooms out immediately and fast. Only the beginning of the animation has been replaced by a "slash" animation, which means the actual image is still in the US version.
    There is no time difference in this episode.

    The Japanese version contains a close-up of the blow, then it zooms out pretty fast.
    The US version contains a "slash" animation instead but the end of the scene is still in it, which makes that modification pointless because it's still the same scene and the close-up has a length of less than a second.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 12 - The Digi-Egg That Fell to Earth:

    About this episode: It looks like the ground for the UK Version has already been prepared here because most of the modification affect Falcomon's shuriken attacks. Lots of those attacks have been removed but some are still in it. Furthermore there are some blood retouchings in the middle of the episode.
    Much more astonishing is the fact that the US Version is longer here and there. It's very likely that these modifications have been made to cover up the difference in running time. The pointless dialog extensions only last a few seconds each plus the added footage isn't new. It's only a repetition of footage already shown.
    The time difference in this episode is 5 seconds.

    Falcomon tosses shuriken in Marcus' direction, Marcus gets "nailed" at the balcony.

    6 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Another shot of Marcus stuck at the balcony. He tries to break loose but he fails.

    2 sec
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    Now Marcus breaks loose successfully.

    2 sec
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    The injection comes closer to screaming Christie.

    2 sec
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    Blood retouching.

    no difference
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    Blood retouching.

    no difference
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    Extended shot of the shuriken flying in Christie's direction. The US Version shows Biyomon yanking her sideways at once.

    1 sec

    Marcus gets hit by shuriken. The US Version shows him falling at once.

    2 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Agumon and Marcus take their fighting position.

    2 sec

    Episode 14 - The Wild Boy of the Digital World:

    About this episode: A shot of shuriken has been avoided one more time, similar to the previous episode's shot of Falcomon. Apart from that the episode doesn't contain any differences.
    There is no time difference in this episode.

    While the Japanese Version contains a shot of shuriken being tossed into Marcus' and Keenan's direction, the previous shot is longer in the US Version. As a result of that Marcus additionally asks if he didn't have to do anything else.
    (Pretty hard to understand because Falcomon warns from the background, just like he does in the Original Version. Because of that, Marcus's and Keenan's dialog overlap in the US Version.)

    no difference
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    Episode 15 - The Gorge of Deception!:

    About this episode: Just a couple of the usual modification plus one censored scene. Nothing extraordinary.
    The time difference in this episode is 5 seconds.

    In the US Version, a "Slash" animation pops up the exact moment Marcus hits the Digimon.

    no difference
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    no difference
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    Shot of Thomas' dead mother at the hospital. In the US Version, the noise of the flatline only pops up for a moment. Then the next scene.

    5 sec
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    Removed shot of MetalPhantomon getting hit by the building.

    less than 0.5 sec

    Why remove a scene of the hospital?

    Episode 16 - Falcomon: Friend or Foe?:

    About this episode: And again a direct hit in the face, which got replaced by an animation. And as before, the end of the scene is still in it. By removing the actual hit and the anything else remaining unchanged, that kind of modification is incredibly weird.
    Even though it's irrelevant for the time csalculation of this episode, I'd like to mention that the summary of the events in the previous is missing in this episode.
    There is no time difference in this episode.

    When Machgaogamon hits Blossomon's face, the actual hit has been replaced by a "Slash" animation one more time.

    no difference
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    About this episode: Just a fistful of the usual modifications. Direct hits in the face have been replaced by another animation.
    There is no time difference in this episode.

    Episode 17 - Yoshi's Biggest Battle: The One with Herself:

    Agumon's headbutt has been replaced by the well-known "Slash" animation.

    no difference
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    The flashback lacks a close-up of Marcus' fist (not considered in the cut length due to its running time).

    less than 0.5 sec

    A couple of frames contain a different animation when Gaomon gets hit in the face.

    no difference
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    The shot of Agumon getting kicked in his face has been replaced by a shot of his angry-looking face.

    no difference
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    Episode 18 - The Clash with Merukimon!:

    About this episode: Digimon's never been a series worth being censored. At least not so far but this episode is different. For the forest fire scene, new footage has been created because the footage used in the US Version hasn't shown up in any Japanese Version so far. And why Rizegreymon's three shots have been removed is going to stay a mystery I suppose.
    The time difference in this episode is 2 seconds.

    Different footage when the entire forest with the digimons gets burned down with flame throwers. In the Japanese Version, some digimons try to escape but they get burned and they finally melt. The troup keeps marching.
    The US Version shows the burning forest and the sight of a human being. Then a shot of escaping digimons, followed by a further shot of the forest.

    no difference
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    Shortened animation when Rizegreymon pulls the trigger. Actually, he gets in position first before he fires three times. In the US Version, the actual shot starts earlier because of a yellow "Flash". Then the scene ends abruptly.

    2 sec
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    Episode 19 - The Truth About Keenan:

    About this episode: There are 4 cuts in this episode and only one of them is actually reasonable. However, there doesn't really seem to be a reason for the other 3 cuts. On the one hand they don't show any offensive material that was worth editing out, on the other hand they are not that long, so you can't really talk about time saving.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 8 seconds.

    When they talk about the problems of the first expedition to the Digi-world, in the Japanese version you see someone firing a gun (in reference to aggressive Digimon).

    3 seconds
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    A teacup falls to the ground.

    2 seconds
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    Rizegreymon points his gun at the Okuwamon who's sitting on the floor. The camera zooms out.

    2 seconds
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    A missing tracking shot over the woods.

    2 seconds

    I agree with the website. Only the first one was reasonable.

    Episode 20 - The Crier Family Reunion:

    About the Episode: And once again some "old school" cuts. The only understandable change is the removal of a shot of Keenan's mother, at least from an adult's perspective. - Anyone who knows something about animes with adult content will recognize the posture in which and the way she is tied up, as similar postures are used in countless bondage animes. Furthermore, Keenan's mother is endowed with an enormous bust size in this scene. However, I doubt a child would be interested in that, since the target group of the anime has certainly not been in contact with the aforementioned material. Therefore, the cut does not really make sense. Anyway, the time difference is 3 seconds without opening and ending.

    As several times before a few frames were removed from the close-up that shows Marcus fist.

    less than 0.5 seconds

    Keenan's mother is shown inside the mutated Hakurumon.

    1 second

    The shot of Keenan's mother was replaced with an alternative one.

    no time difference
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    Like in the previous episodes the animation with which Rizegreymon fires some bullets was removed.

    2 seconds
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    The part of the animation where Falcomon drops the smoke bomb was removed.

    less than 0.5 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I agree with the second and third one because of the posture. However, I don't understand the others, especially the last one, when Falcomon uses his Firecracker Smokescreen attack so he and Keenan can get away. In the dubbed version, he yells, "Firecracker Smokescreen", and then it instantly goes to the smoke from the bombs.

    Episode 21 - The Digimon Army Makes Its Move!:

    About this episode: In this episode, there seems to be a strange phobia for missiles on the rise, there is no other explanation for the cuts. Especially, since they are not to be surpassed in their pointlessness, since there are numerous shots in the US-version, too, that depict Pteramon firing its missiles. The removed animation of the exploding houses was shown several times in the course of that episode and only once removed from the US-version. Excluding opening and ending, the time difference in this episode is 8 seconds.

    In the retrospect, a punch was once more replaced by the "slash"-animation.

    No time difference
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    The Pteramon fires its missiles.

    1 second

    The missiles are hitting a row of houses.

    3 seconds
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    Again, a Pteramon fires a bunch of missiles.

    1 second
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    Rizegreymon fires its cannon.

    2 seconds

    The launched missiles are flying a little longer towards the camera before finally leaving the frame and only the wads of smoke are to be seen.

    1 second

    Unnecessary removals.

    Episode 22: The Wrath of SaberLeomon:

    About this episode: The American distributors had already proven in the very first season that they have got a problem with the most harmless forms of nudity in Digimon. This has not changed in the year 2008 and still, there are harmless scenes, in which the characters are nude, are censored. Otherwise, there are only some very short censorship cuts in the fights that are already known from the previous episode, but still do not make a lot of sense. Excluding opening and ending, the time difference in this episode is 19 seconds.

    Christie just grabs Falcomon and Keenan and throws them into the tub. In the US-version, naked Keenan flying was removed.

    2 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can see Christie in the bathroom asking herself what the noise outside was, since in the original version, you can hear Keenan screaming.

    5 seconds

    In the US-version, Christie has a towel wrapped around her.
    The scene that was cut before was now reimplemented in the US-version, but Christie has got a towel here, too.

    No time difference
    Japanese version: US-Version:

    Lilamon is thrown against the tank and drops to the ground.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The close-up shot of Saberleomon's claw was replaced with the usual "slash"-animation.

    No time difference
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    Rizegreymon fires its cannon three times.

    1 second
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    The US-version only features the beginning of the scene in which Machgaogamon hits the ground. The scene is actually longer, you can see it suffer under Sabreleomon's weight.

    3 seconds

    Machgaogamon is shown again.

    1 seconds

    In the Japanese version, the robot has a crosshair when looking at Saberleomon, which it aims between its eyes. This was removed from the US-version.

    No time difference
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    The close-up shot of Marcus' fist was removed.

    1 second

    Rizegreymon fires its cannon.

    3 seconds
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    Instead of showing the actual scene of Marcus washing himself, the US-version only starts as he has already almost completely left the frame. The previous image was simply prolonged in the US-version.

    No time difference
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    They were all unnecessary. Regarding the naked scenes, NOTHING was showing.

    Episode 23 - One More Digital Dive!:

    About this episode: There is just one minor cut as well as the already known censorship during the flashback to the 22nd episode.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 3 seconds.

    Just as in the previous episode, Rizegreymon's shooting was cut out.

    3 seconds

    When Marcus hits Meteromon in the face, the shot itself was replaced by a "slash".

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 24 - The Past Revealed:

    About this episode: In this episode you get to realize the editors' phobia of guns. Almost all the cuts as well as the VERY noticeable sound-edit are connected to scenes with guns. This edit is senseless because there are several scenes where you see soldiers pointing their rifles at Merukimon (it's very much possible that the last cut they made was done due to the fact that the camera angle might suggest that Marcus and the others are threatened with guns). It was also very senseless to edit out the scene where the laser drills through Frigimon's body since there's a scene where the exact same thing happens to Merukimon - and this scene was NOT edited out.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 15 seconds.

    Kurada backs out of a cave; in his hand he's holding a gun. One of the Digimon follows him. He pulls the trigger several times but the gun is out of ammo.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Kurada shoots at the Digimon.

    2 seconds

    The shot of Spencer hitting SaberLeomon was replaced by a "slash"-animation.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Several Digimon try to escape from the flamethrowers. You can hear them screaming.
    (The last shot of the soldier's mask is shown a little later in the US version; however, it's shorter than in the original version.)

    6 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Sound-edit: In the Japanese version you hear sounds that resemble gunfire. In the US version, however, you hear completely different sounds (it's hard to describe them, but one could say that they sound like bouncing punch balls).

    No difference in time.

    Someone fires a gun.

    1 second

    The revolver-Digimon is standing in front of the soldier. THe US version continues when the Digimon tries to hide behind a tree.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    In the US version the laser doesn't run all the way through Frigimon's body.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The first few frames of the tracking shot of Merukimon where cut out because you can see a soldier with his gun produced.

    approx. 0.5 seconds

    Episode 25 - Kurata's Revenge!:

    About this episode: In this episode they primarily edited the scenes; only very few sequences were cut out. Interestingly enough, the scene of Kurata and the pistol was included almost uncensored, while in teh previous episode it was completely cut out. Same goes for the bathroom scene during the flashback - they edited it rather than cutting it out (which happened a few episodes prior to this one).

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 2 seconds.

    During the flashback they edited the scene where Frigimon is drilled through by the laser beam (just as in the previous episode).

    No difference in time.

    While they cut the scene of Kurata and the gun out in the previous episode, they this time included it in the US version. However, they edited out Kurada firing the gun by freezing the image. In the US Version, Kurada therefore doesn't fire the gun but instead just points his gun at the Digimon.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Just as usual, the front view of Rizgreymon shooting was cut out.

    1 second
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    1 second
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Spencer pushes Kurata's gun to the side. In the US version they simply postponed the previous shot and extended it a little, however, they still included the sound of the gun being pushed away.

    No difference in time.
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    No difference in time.
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    During the flashback of the conversation inside the bathroom the US editors edited in a towel that is wrapped around Marcus' hips. In the episode that originally included this scene they simply cut this sequence out.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The scene where Merukimon is bored through by the laser beam was edited.
    Additionally the camera pans downwards pretty slowly in the US version. In the Japanese version it moves upwards pretty quickly. You see Merukimon writhing in pain.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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    Again, the laser was edited out; however, this time they did a pretty sloppy job: in the upper left corner you see a few remains of the beam's animation that have the exact same color as the laser beam.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 26 - Memory Is the First Thing to Go!:

    About this episode: Only very few scenes were edited in this episode, which is not surprising because more than half of the episode is nothing but cutbacks to previous episodes. The time-difference for this episode (without opening and ending) is 4 seconds.

    Like in the original episode the punch in the face of the digimon is missing.

    ca. 0,5 second

    In the US-version Rizegreymon fires one, in the Japanese version three shots

    1 second
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Marcus, Thomas and Yoshina look at the explosion in disbelief. (Shortly after that, the scene was inserted as the ending in the US-version.

    3 seconds

    Episode 27 - The Beginning of the End!:

    About the episode: There is a change in this episode that comes as a surprise. All shots of the lip piercing of Koukai were removing, except in one scene. However, in that scene Koukai is only shown very briefly and from far away. Therefore, I assume that editors simply overlooked it. Besides that, there are two additional standart cuts. The time-difference (as always without opening and ending) is 1 second.

    The lip piercing of Koukai was removed.

    no time-difference
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    no time-difference
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    no time-difference
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    Again the lip piercing is missing.

    no time-difference
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    no time-difference
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    no time-difference
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    Lilamon is hit in the face by Biostegomon's tail.

    ca. 0,5 seconds

    As always, Rizegreymon fires his cannon several times.

    1 second
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    Seriously? They removed a lip piercing? And why remove Lilamon getting hit in the face, especially considering it's shown in the US version in a recap in the next episode?

    Episode 28 - Digivice Meltdown:

    About the episode: In this episode it was again mostly Kouki's piercing that was affected by the alterations, besides that nothing of real relevance was changed. By the way, the punch in Lilamon's face from the last episode can be seen in the recapitulation at the beginning of the episode. The time difference sums up to 2 seconds disregarding intro and outro.

    Kouki's lip piercing was removed, as was already the case in the last episode.

    No difference in time

    The piercing was retouched again.

    No difference in time
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    No difference in time
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    No difference in time
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    And again the piercing is missing.

    No difference in time
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    A freeze frame of Kouki and Marcus can be seen, each one's fist is lodged into the other's face.

    2 Sekunden

    The piercing was removed again.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As usual, Rizegreymon fires significantly less shots than in the Japanese Version.

    ca. 0,5 Sekunden
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    For a last time, the US viewers are unable to see Kouki's piercing.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 29 - How to Fix a Broken Digivice:

    About the episode: In this episode, an actual cut can be found next to the usual piercing removals. It can be seen when Lalamon transforms to Rosemon. The camera pans along her body and shows her butt as well as her breasts. This was obviously too much for the US distributor and almost the whole camera pan was removed. The time difference in this episode sums up to 5 seconds without intro and outro.

    Kouki's lip piercing was removed.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And again.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The piercing is gone without a trace again.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Kouki's piercing can only be seen in the Japanese Version once more.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A part of Lalamon's transformation to Rosemon is missing. The US Version stops when the camera shows the hips, because of that both her butt and breasts cannot be seen. A part of the zoom out is missing as well.

    5 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Sure, ruin Lalamon's digivolution to Rosemon.

    Episode 30 - Journey to the Sacred City:

    About the episode: Lilamon's transformation was cut again (this can be expected to continue in the following episodes), additionally, a lot of "nudity" was masked by some inserted graphics.The time difference in this episode sums up to 5 seconds disregarding intro and outro.

    The recapitulation lacks the close-up of the dojo, instead the following shot from further away has been slowed down to make it equally long.

    No difference in time

    Ivan, Kouki and Nanami are covered by steam in the capsules. The close-up of Nanami is missing completely, Ivan can be seen longer.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Again very badly animated steam was inserted.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Steam clouds cover some nudity again.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    In the US Version, the red liquid does not have any opacity at all.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The red liquid was changed again, Kouki's piercing is also missing in the US Version.

    The screams of the three sound a lot more panicked and pain-distorted in the Japanese Version, in the US they seem to be moaning.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's transformation was shortened again, the camera pan stops at her hips.

    5 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Steam is covering Nanami up again.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nothing was showing. Japan already did a good enough job covering things, so the US idiots didn't need to edit those scenes.

    Episode 31 - Showdown Between Genises: Thomas vs. Nanami!:

    About the episode: A bit of masking and retouching was don here, especially Nanami's (or her digiform's)female aspects and Kouki's piercing were altered. Real cuts are rather rare. The time difference sums up to 2 seconds disregarding intro and outro.

    Kouki's piercing can only be seen in the Japanese Version.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A shot of Nanami floating over Thomas' head was removed.

    1 sec

    The last shot of Biorotomons kick is missing.

    1 sec

    The Nanami snakes' tops were retouched, their breasts cannot be seen anymore.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The top was changed again, her back is covered as well.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Biorotomon's top was altered, too.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Koiki's piercing is missing again.

    No difference in time
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    *sigh* I don't consider that breasts showing, I look at it more as extended cleavage. And why they removed Nanami floating Thomas and Biorotomon's last kick, I'll never understand.

    Episode 32 - The Sacred City's Last Stand!:

    About this episode: There were several retouchings in and a few cuts in this episode. The only thing worth mentioning is the retouching of Rosemon's dress, because the dress wasn't touched upon in any other scene. Several seconds after the edit you can see the exactly same shot again - untouched. Whatever the editors thought will probably be a mystery forever. The time difference in this episode, excluding intro & outro is 8 seconds.

    Eldradimon sways its tail.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Lalamon's evolution was cut as usual.

    4 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The wounds on the Digimon's face have been retouched.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Biosupinomon kills the Digimon, but you only see the blade moving towards the camera.

    1 seconds

    Rosemon's "feminine curves" were removed.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The curves have been removed again.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    There was another CGI-animation added in the US-version as Kouki hits Falcomon.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Kouki's lip piercing has been removed.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The piercing was retouched again.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress was a little reworked.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The final scene of Peckmon's evolution was changed.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Kouki's lip piercing was removed again.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Kein Zeitunterschied
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    With the exception of the different name, I don't understand the Crowmon editing. Also, removing the feminie curves was unncessary since nothing was showing. I also fail to see why they removed Eldradimon swinging his tail.

    Episode 34 - The Norstein Family Secret:

    About this episode: There were a few cuts in this episode concerning direct punches, nothing special. The time difference in this episode, excluding intro and outro, is 13 seconds.

    Rosemon's evolution was shortened as usual.

    5 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thomas' punch was replaced by a slash-animation, the following slow-motion shot is missing.

    2 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Marcus looks angrily up to Thomas.

    2 seconds

    Another hit of Thomas was replaced with the slash-animation.

    2 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Marcus hits Thomas in the face.

    2 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 35 - Kurata's Real Plan!:

    About this episode: There were a few small cuts here, nothing special. The time difference in this episode, excluding intro & outro is 11 seconds.

    Just as in the previous episode, Marcus' punch against Thomas was removed.

    2 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Miragegalgomon is getting kicked.

    1 second

    You can see the dark Shinegreymon at the sky, it screams.

    2 seconds

    Marcus is kneeling on the ground, he screams.

    3 seconds

    Another image was used for Belphemon.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Falcomon throws its shuriken.

    1 second

    Marcus' memory has a slight blurring-filter at the edge of the screen, the US-Version misses this effect.

    No time difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Keenan hits Miragegalgomon's wound, the rip is getting bigger.

    2 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Yup, I don't understand anything again related to removals of scenes.

    Episode 36 - Awaken Belphemon!:

    About this episode: This episode only contains one tiny cut. Nothing extraordinary. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    Rosemon's evolution got blurred, as usual.

    4 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 37 - The Battle with Belphemon!:

    About this episode: This episode only contains a couple of cuts and the usual edits. Nothing extraordinary. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    Rosemon got a modified dress.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    White transition in the US Version when Thomas gets punched in the face by Marcus.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Group: "Thomas!"

    2 sec

    Rosemon says sth. about Marcus' pugnaciousness. Yoshi simply replies he was a moron.

    6 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Missing close-up of Rosemon.

    4 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The wound on Belphemon's noise has been removed.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress again.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    One of Marcus' memories has been removed. It shows him and Agumon in the shower.

    1 sec

    More stupidity. Most of these were just edited, but the last one was removed. Why? For showing nothing inappropriate! *sarcasm* Seriously, his penis is covered up by the foam; it would have been fine to show in the US version.

    Episode 38 - The Power of the Burst Mode!:

    About this episode: This episode contains lots of edits but it's very likely that these modification have been made intentionally in Japan because some plot holes have been removed that way. Moreover it's very unlikely that the editors for the US Version were calling the shots here. The censorship itself isn't that much. In a couple of scenes it was Rosemon's dress for instance. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    White transition in the US Version when Marcus punches Thomas in the face.

    1 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Group: "Thomas!"
    The following shot of Thomas and Marcus has also been removed.

    2 sec

    The smoke has been colored grey afterwards. It's white in the Japanese Version (counts for any following shots, the two screens are just to illustrate that).

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The data stream on Marcus' hand has been added afterwards.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The color of the civilists' clothes, their hair and the cars has been changed.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Modified background.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress got a new color again.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The glowing chains have been modified and the beginning of the scene removed.
    In the Japanese Version, the color of the chains changes from green to yellow again and again. This also counts for any following shot where the chains are still greens, but there are no more screens for that.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress again.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Belphemon's energy ray plus the residual hole have been modifed (also counts for any following scene with white energy rays but there are no more screens for that).

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    When Belphemon cracks the room, the look of the cracks has been modified (counts for any further hits, no more screens of that).

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A shot of the two assistents has been replaced.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Again the modified chains (still no more pics in the following). In the US Version, the chains also shatter while being smashed. In the Japanese Version, they just resolve.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The beginning of Rosemon's attack has been removed (the camera tracks over her body). The following shot has also been sligthly modified.

    1 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Shinegreymon's attack has been modified.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The Japanese Version contains a shot of the fireball with outstanding parts of Belphemon, the US Version doesn't (well, actually the US Version but it's pretty faded).

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress for a change.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The crack of the digiworld has been modified.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress one more time plus tensified light.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For once, it wasn't a lot of edits or removals, most of them were color changes.

    Episode 39 - King Drasil's Fatal Decision!:

    About this episode: This episode is basically a big flashback and contains the corresponding censorship and edits, just like the previous episodes have. What I haven't mentioned here: the differences in the last fight which are equal to the differences in the actual footage the footage is from. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    Flashback of Kutura firing at Digimon. The US Version contains a shot of a few Gomamon leaping in the water.

    2 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Shot of some Digimon running away from the flamw throwers.

    4 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Frigimon doesn't get penetrated by the laser in the US Version.

    2 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Bombernanimon has been transformed into an orange, just like he has in the actual episode. Furthermore he doesn't throw bombs but oranges.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Gizumon's crosshairs has been removed.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The shot of Merukimon getting hit by the laser has been modified.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Edited laser ray.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Kouki's piercing has been retouched.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress has been edited again.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I simply don't understand why they changed him to Citrusmon.

    Episode 40 - The Royal Knights Assemble:

    About this episode: In this episode there are only 2 minor edits. Nothing too special.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 4 seconds.

    Rosemon's transformation was shortened - just as usual.

    4 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The producers covered the shot of Craniamon's spear up by extending the previous scene.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 41 - Father and Son Destiny:

    About this episode: In this episode there are only 3 minor edits. Nothing too special.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 4 seconds.

    Rosemon's transformation was shortened - just as usual

    4 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    When Miragegalgomon is kicked in the stomach, the actual hit was replaced by a "slash".

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Seriously? They censored a kick in the stomach?

    Episode 43 - Justice Equals Power!:

    About this episode: In this episode there are only very few cuts, nothing too speical. However, it's interesting to mention that Rosemon's second transformation to her "Burst Mode" was also shortened - to be exact, there's nothing left of it besides her last posture.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 25 seconds.

    The still picture which in the Japanese version comes right after the Opening was cut out.

    3 seconds

    Tokomon poops right next to Yoshi. Yoshi screams.
    The scene of Yoshi screaming was used at a different spot in the US version a few moments proir to this scene. Therefore, this sequence doesn't count for the overall difference in time.

    13 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's transformation was shortened - just as usual.

    4 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can see that Rosemon and Ravemon hit the ground far away.

    2 seconds

    Rosemon's humps were retouched.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Almost every bit of Rosemon's "Burst Mode" transformation was cut out.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Episode 45 - A Family Quarrel:

    About this episode: In this episode there are only very few cuts, nothing too speical. However, it's interesting to mention that Rosemon's second transformation to her "Burst Mode" was also shortened - to be exact, there's nothing left of it besides her last posture.

    Not including the Intro and Outro, the difference in time comes to 14 seconds.

    Agumon's tail is burning - he runs around and screams. Falcomon and Lalamon decide to help him.

    5 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's transformation was shortened - just as usual.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The shot of Rosemon was slightly shortened because her breasts wiggle (of course, it's hard to see this on the images below).

    1 second
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    When Craniamon hits Piyomon they replaced it with a "slash" animation.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The beginning of this scene where you see Rosemon was cut out.

    1 second

    Rosemon's dress was re-worked.

    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    No difference in time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A short part of Rosemon's attack was cut out.

    1 second
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The close-up shot of Marcus' fist in King Drasil's face was cut out.

    3 seconds
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Why cut out a burning tail scene?

    Episode 46 - The Truth About BanchoLeomon!:

    About this episode: There aren't many differences in this episode and two of them are equal to the flashbacks, as usual (Fridgimon's and Merukimon's death). Nothing extraordinary. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    Retouched blood stain on Marcus' bandage.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Same here.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Fridgimon's death is missing, just like it was missing before.

    2 sec

    Same here: Merukimon never gets hit by the Gizumon XT laser.

    no difference

    The exit wound from Bonchaleomon's energy ray has been modified.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Retouched hole in Spencer's chest.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You know, if they're going to keep BanchoLeomon's punch going through Spencer, they should have kept the hole in Spencer's chest and back.

    Episode 47 - The Data Squad's Final Battle!:

    About this episode: There aren't many differences in this episode but it's interesting that Rosemon's burst evolution got censored again, and this time even rougher than before even though it was uncensored a couple of episodes ago. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    Drasil's attack hits the ground.

    5 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's evolution is shorter, as usual.

    4 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress has been modified.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Drasil's attack hits the town.

    6 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's dress has been modified at the beginning of the evolution...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ... the remaining part of the evolution has been removed...

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ... and finally the retouched dress one more time.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    4 sec

    Some more of Drasil's attacks hit the towns of humans.

    5 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The flashback lacks Merukimon's penatrating gunshot wound again.

    1 sec

    Episode 48 - The Ultimate Farewell:

    About this episode: I don't really know what to say about most of the differences in this episode because they're usually ineffable aqnd look like just being made for time reasons.
    One of the dialogs has been censored pretty harshly btw. Yoshima drinks sake with two digimons in the moonlight at the end while anyone says bye to his digimon. That's Japanese tradition. But he's talking about milk in the US Version.

    Bottom line of the US Version: Digimon has always been and still is a series for kids, even though it contains a lot of action from the beginning. The action sequences are never over the top so that that it's not a big deal for kids. It's been made pretty clear that the baddies' action is evil and that appropiate consequences are going to follow. The differences in the US Version may seem moderate, and there actually are no differences that change the content of the series, but they're pretty superfluous anyway. Furthermore there's no consistency in the censorships. The perfect example is Rosemon's dress: sometimes it's been censored, sometimes it hasn't. Sometimes her burst evolution's been censored, sometimes it hasn't. Nudity has generally never been used to attract an older audience but it's been censored in the US Version anyway, even harmless footage like having a bath or sth. There are no juicy details in the Japanese anyway.
    Another aspect are the cultural references in the Japanese Version that has often been modified for the US audience. The writing on signs has been changed or simplay removed. Escpecially the removal harms the series because it just looks dreadful because a huge wall with a big ad on has a different effect than a blank wall.

    The US Version is watchable but it's still a bummer that all these modifications have been made. The time difference in this episode is 4 seconds.

    Everyone tries to warn Marcus by shouting.

    3 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's already barely noticeable curves have been retouched.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Marcus' friends are shouting at him again.

    3 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosemon's modified dress.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The shot of the destroyed town is missing.

    2 sec

    Marcus hits Drasil's real figure in the face, the head gets some cracks.

    4 sec
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Agumon's hit against Marcus has been replaced by a slash-animation.

    no difference
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Missing shot of the conversation between Agumon and Marcus.

    3 sec

    The last shot of the Japanese ideographs has been removed.

    2 sec