Digimon Character Statistics Chart

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by Amaury, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I thought you guys might like this.

    If anyone wants to help me fill in unknown descriptions or correct incorrect information, feel free to post.

    I won't be including fresh or in-training forms since they don't really do anything.

    Season 1 - Adventure:

    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 1500, align: center"] Name Stage Partner Attacks Attack Descriptions Agumon Rookie Tai Kamiya Pepper Breath Shoots a small ball of flame from his mouth to attack the enemy. Greymon Champion -- Nova Blast Shoots a big ball of flame from his mouth to attack the enemy. MetalGreymon Ultimate -- Giga Blaster Mega Claw Fires two missiles from the launchers on his chest to attack the enemy. Launches his right claw to attack enemies. WarGreymon Mega -- Terra Force Mega Claw Great Tornado Creates a huge ball of energy and throws it at the enemy. Uses his claws to slash the enemy. Turns into a tornado to attack enemies. Gabumon Rookie Matt Ishida Blue Blaster Shoots a stream of blue energy from his mouth to attack the enemy. Garurumon Champion -- Howling Blaster Shoots a large stream of blue energy from his mouth to attack the enemy. WereGarurumon Ultimate -- Wolf Claw Garuru Kick Uses his claws to viciously slash his enemies. Sends a shockwave from his foot. MetalGarurumon Mega -- Metal Wolf Claw Ice Wolf Claw Metal Wolf Snout Giga Missile Shoots a powerful blue energy stream from his mouth to attack the enemy. Launches missiles from his body that can freeze the enemy. Shoots small lasers from his four nostrils to attack the enemy. Shoots a missile from his stomach to attack the enemy. Biyomon Rookie Sora Takenouchi Spiral Twister Creates a spiral of green energy by flapping her wing and attacks the enemy. Birdramon Champion -- Meteor Wing Shoots multiple fireballs at the enemy. Garudamon Ultimate -- Wing Blade Phoenix Claw Releases a fire bird and sends it at the enemy. Strikes the enemy with her claw. Note: Only seen once: Adventure 2 Episode 42 - Digimon World Tour, Pt. 3. Tentomon Rookie Izzy Izumi Super Shocker Creates electricity in his shell and fires it at the enemy. Kabuterimon Champion -- Electro Shocker Fires a medium-sized ball of electricity at the enemy. MegaKabuterimon Ultimate -- Horn Buster Fires a stream of energy from his horn. Palmon Rookie Mimi Tachikawa Poison Ivy Entangles the enemy with poisonous ivy thorns. Togemon Champion -- Needle Spray Light Speed Jabbing Fires the needles from her body to attack enemies. Punches the enemy with lightning speed. Note: Light Speed Jabbing was only seen twice: Once in Adventure Episode 32 - Gatomon Comes Calling, and once Adventure 2 Episode 14 - The Samurai of Sincerity. Lillymon Ultimate -- Flower Cannon Flower Wreath Turns her hands into a flower that fires an energy ball at the enemy. Removes viruses from virus-infected Digimon. Note: Flower Wreath was only seen twice: Once in Adventure Episode 35 - Flower Power, and once in Adventure 2 - Episode 40 - Digimon World Tour, Pt. 1. Gomamon Rookie Joe Kido Marching Fishes Calls forth fish that can do various things, such as attack the enemy or create a safety net. Ikkakumon Champion -- Harpoon Torpedo Fires harpoons from his horn that crack open and reveal missiles that attack the enemy. Zudomon Ultimate -- Vulcan's Hammer Slams his hammer down, creating an arrow-like stream of energy to attack enemies. Patamon Rookie T.K. Takaisha Boom Bubble Shoots a bubble from his mouth to attack enemies. Angemon Champion -- Hand of Fate Fires a strong stream of energy from his fist and attacks the enemy. MagnaAngemon Ultimate -- Magna Antidote Gate of Destiny Cures people and Digimon (?) Note: Magna Antidote was only seen once: Adventure Episode 52 - Piedmon's Last Jest. Creates a gate that sucks enemies in. Salamon Rookie Kairi Kamiya Unknown -- Gatomon Champion -- Lightning Paw Strikes fast with her claw. Angewomon Ultimate -- Heaven's Charm Celestial Arrow Creates a circle above her that paralyzes enemies. Can also create a pink cross that sends out a shockwave and attacks the enemy. Draws an arrow from the sky and shoots it the enemy. [/TABLE]

    Season 2 - Adventure 2:

    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 1700, align: center"] Name Stage Partner(s) Attacks Attack Descriptions Veemon Rookie Davis Motomiya Vee Headbutt Vee Punch Knocks the enemy with his head. Spins his arms and rolls towards the enemy like a boulder. Flamedramon Armor Digi-Egg of Courage -- Fire Rocket Flame Shield Flame Fist Either shoots fireballs from his fist to attack the enemy or surrounds himself with flame and heads towards the enemy like a rocket. Surrounds himself with flame and heads towards the enemy like a rocket. Note: Same as Fire Rocket, where he surrounds himself in flame, but this name was said in one episode. Punches the enemy with his fist. Raidramon Armor Digi-Egg of Friendship -- Thunder Blast / Blue Thunder Electric Bite Shoots lightning out from his back and redirects it to the enemy. Note: Called Blue Thunder in his first appearance. Attacks the enemy with an electric bite. Ex-Veemon Champion -- Vee-Laser Vee-Punch Vee-Kick Critical Crunch Shoots an X laser at the enemy. Punches the enemy. Kicks the enemy. Bites and crunches the enemy. Hawkmon Rookie Yolei Inoue Beak Buzz Saw Hawk Beam Feather Strike Throws his feather like a boomerang to attack the enemy. Note: All attacks do the same thing. In Episode 5 - Old Reliable, he said Beak Buzz Saw. In Episode 15 - Big Trouble in Little Edo, he said Hawk Beam. Halsemon Armor Digi-Egg of Love -- Eagle Eye Mach Impulse Tempest Wing Can fire red arrow-like lasers from his eyes that strikes enemies or yellow circles that paralyze enemies. Releases a pressurized shockwave from his wings to attack enemies. Spins his body to create a tornado, sucking enemies in. Shurimon Armor Digi-Egg of Sincerity -- Double Stars Ninja Wind Throws the stars attached to him at the enemy or throws one big star at the enemy. Spins and creates a leave storm, making him disappear and appear elsewhere. Aquilamon Champion -- Blast Rings Grand Horn Fires energy rings from his mouth to attack the enemy. Attacks the enemy with his horns. Armadillomon Rookie Cody Hida Claw Chop Diamond Shell Slashes the enemy with his claws. Rolls and attacks the enemy. Digmon Armor Digi-Egg of Knowledge -- Gold Rush Rock Cracking Shoots his drills at the enemy. Cracks the ground to make the enemy sink into the ground. Submarimon Armor Digi-Egg of Reliability -- Submarine Attack Oxygen Torpedo Attacks the enemy with little energy shots. Fires oxygen torpedoes from his front compartment. Patamon Rookie T.K. Takaishi Boom Bubble Shoots a bubble at the enemy. Pegasusmon Armor Digi-Egg of Hope -- Mane Wind Star Shower Equus Beam Golden Noose Shoots needles from his mane. His wings show space and shoot stars down. Shoots a green energy beam from his forehead. Pairs up with Nefertimon and ties the enemy up. Angemon Champion -- Hand of Fate Angel Rod Shoots a powerful stream of energy for his first and attacks the enemy. Throws his rod at the enemy. MagnaAngemon Ultimate -- Gate of Destiny Creates a gate that sucks enemies in. Gatomon Champion Kari Kamiya Lightning Paw Cat's Eye Hypnotism Strikes the enemy with her claw. Hypnotizes the enemy. Note: Only seen once: Episode 15 - Big Trouble in Little Edo. Nefertimon Armor Digi-Egg of Light -- Queen's Paw Cat's Eye Beam Rosetta Stone Golden Noose Shoots diamonds from two front feet to attack the enemy. Shoots two energy beams from the snake on her head to attack the enemy. Summons stones that come out of her back to attack the enemy. Pairs up with Pegasusmon and ties the enemy up. Angewomon Ultimate -- Heaven's Charm Celestial Arrow Creates a circle above her that paralyzes enemies. Can also create a pink cross that sends out a shockwave and attacks the enemy. Draws an arrow from the sky and shoots it the enemy. Wormmon Rookie Ken Ichijouji Sticky Net Silk Thread Shoots a spider net at the enemy. Shoots a spider thread that can he used to swing across things. Stingmon Champion -- Spiking Strike Takes out a spike and strikes the enemy. Paildramon Ultimate Davis Motomiya and Ken Ichijouji Desperado Blaster Cable Catcher Sting Strike Shoots energy bullets from his arsenals. Shoots out his claws and tangles the enemy. Takes out an energy needle to attack the enemy. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode Mega -- Positron Laser Shoots a powerful laser at the enemy. Imperialdramon Fighter Mode Mega -- Positron Laser Giga Crusher Shoots a powerful laser at the enemy. Stronger version of Positrong Laser that shoots dark matter at the enemy. Note: Only used in the last episode of Adventure 2: A Million Points of Light. Silphymon Ultimate Yolei Inoue and Kair Kamiya Static Force Astral Laser Creates a pink energy ball and throws it at the enemy. Creates a duplicate laser-like form of itself and shoots it at the enemy. Shakkoumon Ultimate Cody Hida and T.K. Takaishi Justice Beam / Harmonious Spirit Kachina Bomb Shoots beams out from its eyes to attack the enemy. Note: In his first appearance, he said Harmonious Spirit. Shoots clay bombs from the small door-like thing on his waist to attack the enemy. [/TABLE]

    I will be getting seasons 3-5 tomorrow.