I've rather missed KhV. Your empty arcades, random members, your... KHV-ness, and whatnot. If any of you do remember me from sometime last year, I was probably most noticable from the arcade, which in fact, no one went to. And then I quit. I've scrolled over this site many times, watching it everday as I go through some of my bookmarks. So many ideas for threads, most of which I've already forgotten. No matter, as I will think anew. Today, I semi-officially (Does that make sense?), as I am more than likely to quit once more, declare myself once more a member of KHV.
How would we remember you from sometime last year if you joined this year? How odd. Well hiya duder, nice to meet ya! :]
Excuuuuuuuuse me? I was the one always breaking your recors and whatnot. I thought we had a sort of competitiveness ;-; ...Or maybe that was someone else. No matter. The arcade doesn't exist anymore, apparently.
Oh hey there, it's you. Aren't you the guy who wanted to get alot of rep without making a single post?
You either have to be on alot or been here along time to be recognized. To be honest I've been on here for a reasonable amount of time and i doubt half the people even realise i still come on here anymore XD