Okay only the people who knew me back before Alice was banned may get this and most likely say WTF with me but remember when I made so many typos? And how I got annoyed at anyone who pointed them out? Well I've just watched a video on youtube and I always read the comments, and I saw two that looked like this; First comment; some thing is wrong whith ur face you like to read cauze u have no cable and btw ur disgusting no one likes ur review then how do u know the movie stupid your just jelous cauz ther famous Second comment; i agree the comment of foomde that ur review sucks and i click this video cauz i got distracted of ur disgusting face i thougt this was a handicap videoi like handicaps beterr the u Now I know my spellings have never been that bad, and you'd think I would leave them alone about the spelling but, I told them both off about it.... WTF right? Since when did I become a Grammar Nazi? Not that I'm a very good one.