when they went downstairs in the middle of the night, turn on each light systematically so they wouldn't be dark in whatever room they stepped in and then turn off the light closest to the stairs last and run? haha i honestly can't believe how scared i was of these things when i was a kid xD
I dunno why, but I was never scared of the dark, in fact, I couldn't fall asleep unless it was pitch black...
I've never done that, but when I was 13 I was walking through the living room and two of the lamps turned on after I walked past them. I ended up running and locking myself in my room. :u
Nope. I always just opened the microwave and oven. That gave me enough light for every room from the kitchen to the basement.
I swear to god I've posted something exactly like this somewhere. I just went downstairs and I was absolutely terrified. monsters n such.
I carry a lantern, and have placed enough oil and matches around the house that I can usually collect just enough to light my way around.
That's pretty hardcore. And yeah I do that still lol. I guess I like to imagine something creepy down there. The adrenaline is addicting.
i'm pretty much convinced there's a killer living in this little opening across from the bottom of the stairs. seriously making sure i live in a one-level house when i'm older so i don't have to sprint up steps.
Spoiler Go on. Did the same running up the stairs thing, deathly afraid of malicious man eaters what lurk beside the toaster.