My kids in my field study school are obsessed over these books, so I caved in and bought one just to see what all the fuss is about. It's actually kind of cute. It's a about a middle school boy named Greg and the books are written in a journal/diary style with little cartoons drawn in with the entries. I accidentally picked up the fourth book in the series, called Dog Days, but I've briefly skimmed the first three after the kids told me to read them. I planned on picking up the other three boks eventually. The fourth one literally came out a few days ago. Has anyone else read them?
It freakin rocks!! But oddly I ended up getting a huge headache after I finished it..... Reading to fast? lol
I was staying over at a friends house and his little brother had this book so I read it in like an hour. Pretty good book for its target audience and people who just enjoy reading.