Okay, so I'm using my mom's account to mess around on photoshop because I've been bored, and I figured I'd try my hand at making a simple wallpaper with Devil Survivor 2 character in it. Nothing much in this besides some saturation change, text editing, and some-such. It's been quite a while, so I'm more messing around trying to remember what does what. Comments on it?
I think having two characters makes it too symmetrical, so nothing has a chance to stand out. I would remove one of the characters, and then offset the text to the side. Could make for a more interesting composition. At the very least, I'd make one of the characters less important in the image. Lower their opacity, crop them, something like that. More often than not, asymmetry is your friend. Though you did say you were just messing around, so I understand if you weren't thinking too much about that stuff. But it is always a good idea to keep it in mind. It's totally cool to play around with different effects and stuff, though as a general rule, I usually think simple text usually looks better. Solid color, maybe with an outline. If the text is hard to read, put a very diffuse drop shadow, to the point where you can't see any distinct shapes. So it basically darkens the area around it slightly, to help it pop. And it's really tough to make illustrated characters match with a photo background. Try messing around with that fire image. Posterizing it might look tacky, but it could also work. Try experimenting with different effects, or pushing the levels in crazy directions. Don't worry about if it still looks like fire or not. Main thing is to make it look appealing. And if all else fails, a simple gradient or solid background are always good options. Throw in some random lines or brush strokes if it looks bland. Can work wonders. Keep at it! Even just playing around is great practice. If you're having fun, you're probably learning something.
I was always told in class that I would do symmetry a lot when it's better for asymmetry, but the only reason I did it this was was because I had just beat the game and wanted to do something with it. Maybe at some point I'll remember everything I knew before, but looks like I might have to fight with that symmetry thing I have going on again. Edit: Well, I tried doing a little of what you said, and I'm not sure if it's entirely better, but what do you think of this one? And I'm just putting it here so I don't have to make a new thread. It might be a little too busy, but that's why I'm asking