Who watches this show? Its my favorite anime and I was so mad when they took it off of Adult Swim. Then I started watching it on youtube and they removed them about a month ago. This is an amazing anime. Anyone else here watch it?
I own 2 of the english DVDs. I wish I could get more but I dont have the money. Howd u see up to 408? If there is any website u know wre I can watch them or even a website that lets me buy them in japanese for a cheap price would help. I would love u forever if u helped me out. lol
wow 408, u must have alot of free time. i loved all the strategy within the anime. all the elaborate planning and schemes that took place were mind-bogling and unless u have sherlock holmes complete works on ur bookcase then u wont hardly ever know who the real villian is (unless u've seen the episode already, lol).
Well, I dunno if they still have them. I know Japanese so I download some from a Japanese website and watch them unsubbed.
I loved this anime way back when...infact...thank you for reminding me... *Goes on youtube and watches case closed*
I love the anime as well. I enjoy attempting to solve the murders. 70% of the time I am correct. But why do most of them have something to do with "Fishing Wire"? It gets over-used sometimes.
I thought most of the times they were Piano Wire. That gets overused as well. Oh, and guns and knives.
I think I stopped around.. 110, or something. 400+ is wayyyyy too much. @_@ Plus, 8 or 9 movies now, right?
It's a common tool when performing criminal action. Needles, time bombs, often end up being triggered by these things. ;D Btw, I am obsessed again. THANK YOU KAIRI!!! <333
HEY!! I started this topic. lol. But to the person above, there are actually 10 movies now and over 450 eps. lol. I wish I could watch them. I need a website thats sells DVDs the japanese version with english subs for a cheap price. I would buy the whole series.
Whoa 408 episodes O_O I've read the first volume of the Manga and i really liked it, i will consider getting more of them, and watch the Anime
Oh this anime is sooo cool I love Conan he is amazing and very smart but, when Ran kisses him like a little boy is some weird :D
I find this anime whenever I search Conan, so I have to type in Conan O' Brian for the correct search.
I watch it but they don't have it on adult swim anymore but you can buy some episoides of it on dvd.I think the scaryest episoide was moonlight sanata.
I actually didn't find out about Detective Conan (I mean, I had heard of it but never watched it myself) until last Christmas at my auntie's place (cause she had like a few of the movies and episodes up to 300 or something.