Just a stupid game I thought of. Give the character name (can be a character from anything, not necessarily Nintendo) and the list of attacks (any number of attacks, not necessarily all of them if you don't want to). Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist A - Punch. Side+A - Turns the top part of his automail arm into a blade and slices horizontally. Up+A - Uppercut. Down+A - Kicks in a circle around him. B - Claps and launches spikes in front of him. Side+B - Claps and then reaches back behind his head, then brings his hands back and fires a ball of lightning from his hands (from the first Fullmetal Alchemist opening ^_^). Up+B - Turns the top of his automail arm into a grapple and launches it in whatever direction specified. Down+B - Claps then ducks and touches the floor and spikes appear on the floor around him on both sides. Final Smash - Claps then touches the floor while a giant transmutation circle appears around him, causing a giant cannon to appear on the bottom of the screen. Edward jumps on it and says "Advantage Elric!" as the cannon fires a stream of flames onto the screen. The cannon can be controlled while the move is going on for about ten seconds.
Sora (A) = Three hit combo Smash (A) = Guard Break Down Smash (A) = Explosion (B) = Strike Raid Side (B) = Sonic Blade Down (B) = Ars Arcainum Up (B) = Ragnarok Final Smash = Trinity Strike Raid and Sonic Blade do not combo. Ragnarok doesn't have the Combo in the beginning. It just fires the lazers with the correct timing.
I wish I'd thought of that... I can't think of much for Riku. All I know is that his Final Smash would be Dark Aura.