
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Catch the Rain, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    **CONTENT WARNING: may not be suitable for people with a sensitive mind**
    (basically do not come crying to me if you find it offensive or disturbing)

    I am not entirely happy with this and there are quite a few things I would like to change. I am trying to get back into writing more, and this was a practice piece. It is quite long but hopefully you won't get bored before the end.

    Comments and criticism are welcome, you will probably find that my own dislikes for this piece are the same as yours :b

    Wash the blood away
    Wipe away the tears
    What’s done is done
    And you can’t change it

    Scrub the floorboards
    Rinse these dirty sheets
    Clean away all traces
    And you still can’t erase it

    Bury this blade deep
    Hide it far, far away
    Cover everything up
    Yet you can’t forget it

    Whisper, whisper
    People are talking
    See them stop and stare
    Their fingers pointing

    They all know what you did
    Though you keep your eyes to the floor
    Walk on by pretend you don’t hear
    But you can’t avoid it

    Its ok, it’s all ok
    You tell yourself in the night
    They have no proof you were too careful
    Weren’t you...
    Weren’t you?
    Yes, of course you were, you laugh away the doubts
    But your sleep is restless, your dreams are dark
    You can’t get over it

    Knocking at your door
    Glance once check twice
    No mistaking the dark blue uniforms
    Open with a smile
    “...investigating disappearance...”
    Come in come in, you say with a smile
    They never tasted the bitter poisons in their tea
    Hiding the car will be a bitch

    Faces flash before your eyes
    How did it come to this?
    You were the girl next door
    You were the high school sweetheart
    The prom queen and the sports star
    Straight A’s to bloody hands
    “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand”
    Flash back to days gone by
    Standing on stage
    Lady Macbeth, standing ovation
    Thank you thank you, you bow to invisible crowds
    The drip...drip... of tea as it spills to the floor startles you out of the trance
    Dancing, dancing you drag the bodies to the car
    It can hide in the garage for now, good car

    Shadows move out the corner of your eyes
    They are gaining on you each moment
    Blink and they are gone
    Like the people that you buried in the backyard
    You giggle at the thought and watch the flowers grow
    Though you don’t remember planting so many

    The flowers won’t stop growing
    You cut them down each morning but by night time they all grow back
    Filling the garden with the delicate blooms
    Spilling out their heady scent
    Though you don’t really mind, it smells better than it did

    “To die, to sleep; to sleep: perchance to dream”
    You remember dreaming don’t you?
    In the time before everything went wrong
    Now your sleep is filled with malformed shapes and deformed faces
    The flowers are talking again; they really need to learn to be quiet

    “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary”
    Weak and weary, weak and weary
    Though no Ravens fly at your window, and no-one taps at the door
    You can’t shake the feeling that you aren’t alone
    Footsteps creak along the hallways
    Unseen hands open closed doors
    Hide under your covers, close your eyes
    You can’t see them so they can’t see you
    You can’t see them so they can’t see you
    You can’t see them so they can’t see
    Rinse and repeat just like a hair product commercial
    Repeat the words that kept you safe from closet monsters when you were a child
    Footsteps creak along the hallways pausing at your door
    You can’t see them so they can’t see you
    But still they chase you down
    Fleeting shadows
    Out of the corner of your eyes
    Do you see them?
    See their faces and what you did

    How did it come to this?
    It started with a kiss
    A love that grew though it shouldn’t have done
    A love that grew like the roses that flood the backyard
    Beautiful and heady but full of thorns
    You couldn’t let go
    How could he do this? how could he do this?
    “Parting is such sweet sorrow”
    So don’t leave, stay, stay, you wish he would stay
    But his mind was made up, he found a new Juliet
    Make him stay for always
    “The course of true love never did run smooth”
    You watched him sleeping, his face so calm
    A tranquil peace a delicate smile
    That stayed in place even as you brought the blade down
    A brief startled look, eyes open wide, no kiss goodbye
    It started with a kiss but ended on a knife

    Close your eyes and see their faces
    Open them and see them watching still
    They taunt you with their glazed eyes
    Their expressions mocking as they follow you around
    No peace no peace no rest for the wicked
    Weak and weary, weary and weak
    The numbers pile up
    Caught in a spin
    A dance of death
    Spinning spinning turning and turning
    It won’t stop
    Make it stop
    It won’t stop
    Dancing, dancing, dancing
    Whirling and twirling
    Over and over again
    Over and over again
    Over and over again
    Falling and spinning hands raised upwards
    Caught up in the rush
    Tangled in the tides of death
    Pulled along pulled under kicking against the current
    Can’t stop now
    People to see
    People to kill
    Faces to forget
    Can’t stop won’t stop don’t want to stop

    Meet your eyes in the mirror
    See the horror etched in your face
    The creases at the eyes
    The reflection blurs as you’re blinded by tears
    You can make out the reflections of the ones you have killed
    Their faces in the glass though they aren’t in the room
    Their eyes full of pity not even full of hate
    How did it come to this?
    Where even the dead pity you
    Where you can’t even meet your eyes in the mirror
    Where you can’t even face me
    I’m your conscience dear
    But you’ve closed yourself off from me
    Will you listen now?
    Take the blade you washed so carefully
    And with it take your own life too
    Lay yourself to rest
    So that we can both sleep ​
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I sort of freaked a bit. I kept reading it, and as I read I felt pulled into the girl's frenzy, her doubts, her everything. I like how this flows so perfectly, and the macabre undertones of a ruined life send chills to my bones. This is, by far, one of your best works yet.

    It just seems so amazing, and though it's long it felt very pleasing to read. Kudos to you for this amazing poem.
  3. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I very much liked reading it but I didn't like it as a poem. It felt more like a short stream of consciousness essay story. My preferred poem is very structured and has a musical quality in the form of a rhyming and rhythmic scheme, after all the original poems were sung. Diction was good but not exactly perfect by any means and story telling was also good but could have flowed more smoothly and had a more interlocking feel with the repetition. I'm not sure about the details since I'm not a poetry type anyways but I feel like this is not the result you were aiming for or I am not your intended audience. It's a good start for getting back into it, but you have a ways to go from here I guess.
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Thank you very much. I have to admit I am actually in a state of shock that you thought so highly of it <3

    :glomp: Thank you.

    You hit the nail pretty much on the head. It wasn't the result that I was aiming for, truth be told this was originally intended to be something else, but it malformed part way through and I went with it.

    I too see it more as a story, or a free flow piece rather than a poem.

    Thank you for the comments and the advice, as well as the support :b

    Both of you are writers that I admire a lot so thank you <3