Dedication to her

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nuff' Said, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    This life is my new dream
    our future is bright
    Your heart has its own gleam
    this path is cleared by our light

    Utopia's door is open
    Now we step forward to realize this wish
    A world without sin
    a place where dreams swish

    This place is a newer of heaven
    a new adventure
    This world has no twin
    C, you are my greatest treasure

    With you, my life is sasnctuary
    I love you C

    With you in this world
    it is truly a wonderful place
    your eyes glistening like pearls
    making me dazed repeatedly

    But no amount of beauty in another
    no amount of light in another
    Will make me stop loving you
    because our love was true

    When i was saddened on thisd earth
    you helped me through
    You caused my soul's rebirth
    then i realized i love you

    If anyone does you wrong
    pain relief is what they'll long

    Your amazing beauty
    your wonderful mind
    C, i love you truly
    my heart is for you to bind

    C, your beauty shining
    your eyes shine like the ocean under the starry sky
    Your face is like a beautiful painting
    and your hair dances with the wind

    Your words are a smooth melody
    soothing my sorrow and anger
    This world flies by peacefully
    you're my true love for sure

    C, you are my life
    and i'll help you through any strife

    My love, a bird in the sky
    making my heart soar
    To watch her go by
    makes my heart roar

    Your voice, like heaven's bell
    pulling me closer to paradise
    and bringing my feelings out of its shell
    that sound, ever so nice

    This person was my girlfriend but she unfortunately died from Leukemia
  2. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Judgement day poem.

    The darkness shrouding your dreams
    the shadows shrouding your brightest light
    the moon's rays show a red gleam
    darkness climax night

    spirits filling the sky
    the water turning scarlett
    watch as demons go by
    te gothic dream lit

    This belthazor's realm
    fire is shooting through the earth
    every burning elm
    watch as this is evil's birth

    so listen to what i say
    this is judgement day.
  3. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Twilight Town poem

    My memories of this relaxing town
    so happy and warm
    the sun reflecting against your face
    your beautiful eyes glistening in the light
    Everyone here
    So lively and free
    Anyday theres a strife
    they're just laughing bout it later
    Those who truly forgive
    they are the ones who forget their troubles
    For those who do not
    they're the ones who dont forget
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    (Just letting you know, I think there's a rule against this. You're supposed to keep all of your poetry in one thread, me thinks.)
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  6. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Very touching. I love it. I'm sorry that she had to die.
  7. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    like i care bout that basta@@. heres another. the quotes go with the poem btw

    Time heals all things-Crazy eyes

    Every heart begins and also ends in darkness-Xehanort
    my favorite quote

    Why should i pray for your god when hes trying to take her from me-Sam Neill

    Who in 19 centuries has prayed for Satan. Who has prayed for the one sinner who needed it the most?-Mark Twain


    These are quotes that run my life
    its fate's job to torture me
    And stab my heart with a knife
    God says it will set my soul free

    Its been a month since her death
    time hasnt healed my heart
    Maybe its time to draw my last breath
    and let satan take his part

    I had always lived in the shadows
    until she came
    My moments with her were heaven
    god came and destroyed that
    Now my soul is dark as hell

    Maybe i'll pray for that one sinner
    maybe his darkness can bring her back
    All it costs is my soul
    that thing i never had

    God has been slowly killing me over time
    Satan's darkness.....maybe.
  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    That wasn't nice =(
    This is very powerful. To tell the truth, the other one was better since this has way too much depression in it. Brighten up a bit will you?
  9. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    i dont know what to say about her death and the love you hold for her
    that was amazin
  10. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I agree, this is epic. Great job.
    The way it ended was PERFECT, it built up to it until finally, "This is judgement day." Quite an impact.
    Also, is that Tsukasa from .hack//SIGN in your avatar? xD That's epic as well.
  11. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Nice dark feeling, consistent theme. The only thing I would say is that the rhyming scheme and rhythm of it seem a bit generic, but that's probably just me. Keep it up.
  12. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    I now this a necrobump but I'm trying to stick to the keep your poetry in one thread rule

    Raindrops of Golden Sorrow

    Today, this night me and my love wed
    an old love begins a new life
    an angel I see before my eyes
    a beast I see in myself

    As we dance our hearts bind
    forming an everlasting link
    as time goes by that beast is calming down
    and is changing into something new

    A prince with a hearet of gold
    while she remains a coveted angel
    How I long or her kiss
    my heart beating faster

    As our lips draw closer
    my mind begins to rush
    I see our future together
    but it remains in only death
    our lips touch and tears run down my cheeks
    then it rains making the scene a memorable memory
    Now I will cherish our love and memory
    as that is all I will have in the end
  13. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    aw thats so sweet...I love the poem...I'm sure your girlfriends spirit is happy...So long as shes not forgotten and you can still be happy.
  14. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    my conscious mind....falling
    my mind soon to be shattered
    Life is mirror which reflects your true self
    All I am is just a monster

    My spirit long gone
    my love too far away to grasp
    why is that I'm like this?
    this pain..unbearable

    A broken heart is what I received
    but she was always apart of me
    my true love but she's faded away
    into the depths of my memory

    Beyond thought,
    There is a forgotten promise to keep
    She is my life and I will help her through any strife
    but all that means nothing now

    She's dead and those closest to me are now distant
    Why is it that your god took her from me?
    She was an angel by sight and mind
    She was perfect to my eyes

    Yet you took her away from me
    pain is inevitable but suffering is optional
    I chose to suffer
    now my life shall end

    I went to kitchen to fetch wood
    by the dock I stood
    I jumped off the dock
    tied to the wood by a lock

    I must die so I can see her again
    my beloved Ciara if only death kept it's promises...

    Here what I call home
    my friends, family, and love
    then I left that world

    i realized the pain, sorrow and hardship of life
    darkness was how I made it through
    darkness aided me in times I needed it most
    i feared the light then

    Feared the judgement I would receive
    I just didn't know how to get through
    Until I met her
    She was a light i could not fear

    She is alight that I treasure and care
    what I began to feel was love
    i finslly accepted the light
    and turned my back on darkness

    but it will always be there
    my darkness, burden, and darkside
    will it ever disappear?

    Darkness has shrouded the light I have
    it's been 6 months since she died
    her love was a haven for my soul
    the only light I have are my memories of her

    I loved her greatly
    she was my life
    and she helped me through alot of things
    with her there was no strife

    To lose one's love can destroy someone
    love and memories are what make us whole
    what i call a heart was something I lost long ago
    I had casted away my feelings to darkness

    Hearts are born and end in darkness
    yours is no different
    yet you understand so little
    bengs of light are not her to save you

    the light you call god is a myth
    you see when you cast your soul to darkness
    there'sa supposed light to save it
    from what I saw there was a weakling

    He was swallowed by darkness
    and he remains silent
    he toys with our lives
    causing many strives

    He took her from me
    yet you still love him dearly
    If only you knew what I felt
    this darkness raditaing from my shattered heart

    He rendered me emotionless
    a shell of what I once was
    a being of pain, sorrow and anger
    darkness helped him live

    grief does cause us pain as always
    but it destroys us in the end​
  15. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Attempted Rap poem
    Bingzap bingzap bingzap
    that's what i hear when i play
    this old country is startin to waste away
    fate's old game ends with a SLAP
    tap tap tap that's right old chap
    you've raised this world now it's goin this way
    take my hand and listen to what I say
    This world is startin' to waste away


    Memories are a scene long to be forgotten.
    I remember lying on the wet grass... with her,
    Just staring at the twinkling stars under the moonlit night sky.
    We’d sit by a tree watching the sun set crimson,

    Such a wonderful feeling,
    A feeling of love and ecstasy like none other,
    If only I could go back to that life,
    My beating heart now dying of grief.

    Now, now I lay by the lake,
    Just listening to the waves under the starry sky,
    The sound so beautiful and charming,
    If only the waves would bring her back to me.

    Every morning, I stare in the luminous sky,
    Feeling the heat of the sun warm my face,
    As her rosy lips did mine, if only,
    Time may have gone by but that only afflicted more of my pain.

    If only, if only I could vanish from this world as did she
    Then I could be forgotten
    None who would love me,
    Nor those who would mourn for me

    Eternal night’s hand reaches for my heart
    Ready to grasp and shroud my feelings forever
    My dying heart howls to the moon
    My mind pleading to be put out of its misery

    Now only the silence of the cold night calms me down
    The coldness of the night in which my soul finally died​
  16. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Loving Pain

    Loving Pain

    This pain is unbearable
    my heart is trembling
    and my mind is getting weaker
    I chase after those memories once forgotten

    Begging for them to come back to me
    but they all look at me with hate
    What have I done to deserve this pain
    what have I done to deserve this fate

    Should I just let my life go to waste?
    should I just end my life right now?
    this pain is killing me slowly
    if only I wasn't a coward

    A coward does not live through life
    but a coward is afraid to let his life end
    Which should I do KHV, hang by a block of wood
    Or stare at her grave, there my soul stood

    Waiting for God to bring her back to me
    if only if only