..... At first I thought your style was cool. Now, it's just..... :/ Try expanding your gfx knowledge by attempting some other styles.
Your style kinda disappeared, I remembered you pumped out some good stuff before. But v2, its over-sharpened but its better than the first.
First. Second is far too oversharpened. Second of all, the first has flow, and overall MORE unity than the second. The second one is flat, detailed and VERY unappealing IMO. It hurts my eyes. The first one has a lot it could improve upon, but overall it really does pwn the second. So yeah. First GMV.
Even though everyone liked V2, I preferred V1 for its simplicity and its color. The first one is drained of color and looks a bit blown away, but the second one has a vibrancy to it the other one surely lacks.
I like V.2 best, but you should try using some other graphic techniques because all I see from you now is the same styles, over and over again.
I like the second version. The effects are very nice an make the stock blend in well. The other one is just too white and bland.