English, but not all of the voiceovers are changed. The debug menu just wasnt translated, and ive only deciphered a small part of it
Nope, unfortunately. The game itself is 400 megs larger or so, let alone the differences in the files themselves so a patch is impossible. Sorry.
I bought it. I know of one other Kingdom Hearts (2, if you must ask) beta out there, but it seems to have disappeared for the time being.
This is the only copy Ive seen for sale. There are people that sell betas and such of games (myself included), but there isn't a set way, I guess you could say. Showing off some of the voiceover things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=586_RDMxVuA
Hate to double post, but this game is up for a public release over at Hidden Palace http://forums.hidden-palace.org/viewtopic.php?t=2862&sid=20695dbb6bf40e1d3943e8f47d828ccb
Hi, I was part of a team that partially translated Re:COM to english before the game was announced to get a NTSC/U release. I'd be intrested in translating the debug menu into english. Can you upload the ELF (SLUS,SCES,SLPS, etc)? I hope the text is their (most likely it would), but if its hidden in the files thats no problem either, just abit more of a hassle to find it.
A release of any (all) of the files will be done as the site says :P But we havent reached our goal yet. Ive already done a partial translation of the menu anyway, but theres lots to do.
Still up for a release, as much as I hate to double post. http://forums.hidden-palace.org/viewtopic.php?t=2862&sid=20695dbb6bf40e1d3943e8f47d828ccb
No, it works 100% I downloaded it and burned it and it works! If you go down on the page you see that they say that the goal has been complete and Borman posting the download links that I posted!
No, Night Lizard acually has right, I downloaded it as well and it works, you can do lots of fun stuff :D such as switching animations, contol the camera (zoom in and out etc.), change the BGM and stuff like that :D TRY IT OUT! :D
Boreman, thanks for letting us know about this, I gotta try this out for myself when my nets not craptactular. But, I'm more curious on the kh2 beta you mentioned that may be floating around. Think you could ask a few people or something on its whereabouts?