Today, mommy hit daddy. Yesterday, daddy hit mommy. She's dead. Yet... she hit daddy. IT'S A GHOST!!! Chapter 1 - Yesterday I was walking along. A big man grabbed me. "Y'all wanna have fun?" he asked. Then I was hurt. He rubbed his private parts on my private parts. It hurt real bad. I couldn't tell anyone. They'd make fun of me. So I told daddy. And he hit mommy. Chapter 2 - Today I was walking along. A big man grabbed me. "Y'all wanna have fun?" he asked. Then I was hurt. He fed me by my private parts. It hurt real bad and there was no taste. I couldn't tell anyone. So I told mommy. And she hit daddy. Blood. Blood. Death. Violence. People, don't hit your children. Now, they are dead. Thank you for your time tonight. This has been a special report from NBC news.