Thia is old, but I thought I'd post it here since it hasn't been posted yet. R.I.P. Source: ABC News Published: 10/16/2012
That sucks. :( But there's one problem: WHY THE EFF DID SHE FLASH HER CHEST?! Seriously, WTF? Other than that, this REALLY sucks.
Do you know how many girls do that and more? Especially young, naive, insecure, attention-deprived ones? ---Anyway, this is pretty tragic. I don't want to say too much on it because it's a touchy subject for me. But my biggest annoyance with this entire thing is that she was tormented enough to take her own life, she's dead now, and there are still people making fun of her and bullying her in death. That's pathetic. Let it go. Every time this happens to someone people feel the need to mock them, even in death...All of the victims to god damn bullying. Jesus. It upsets me a lot.
Honestly, I'm a little annoyed about how this situation is being dealt with on Facebook. I don't like people talking about Amanda Todd's death. Not because it was tragic, not because people are still treating her like crap afterwards, but because people are acting like this was the ONLY teen-bullying related suicide to have EVER occurred. The fact that this girl has gotten so much attention for flashing and then killing herself actually pisses me off a lot. So many people kill themselves everyday, but it seems like she has gotten all the attention. I've even sent a message to the people who own the facebook page, telling them to delete it because of that reason, and also because of all the hate that it has generated. I read comments on her photos that are like 'stupid **** should have killed herself' and 'she deserved it.' There is NOTHING in this world that should bring someone to do that to themselves. The other thing is: I don't like all the attention she's getting full stop. Everyone should just shut up about her decision, and her taking her own life. This whole thing just pisses me off for a number of reasons, but yeah, that's all I'm saying about this.
Guess I'm not a girl, because I don't understand why. No, I'm not saying it's not sad that this girl died or that this girl deserved it, etc. In fact, I feel very sad about this, but I just fail to comprehend why. >.<
Then this is 80% HER FAULT. She still didn't deserve to DIE and get those rude comments, but maybe get grounded for a long while. Bullying just made this worse, and it's only 20% of the problem.
Not 90%. At least 50, but not 90. she made a stupid decision. Account for the idiot man who decided to plaster her picture all over the net, and to all her schools so that she could be bullied, and THEN all the bullies. She made a bad decision, but I think a lot of it had to do with the man
The fact that they mock her after the reason she killed herself in the first place was being mocked for a desicion greatly annoys me. The reason it's dealt like that on Facebook is because her mom paid for an anti bullying campaign. Still, it's tragic. All she needed was a friend, and no one have her that.
I 80% disagree. That is a stupid reason to get pissed off at. The reason why she is getting the attention is that her death is another case of suicide caused by being tormented at school, online, ect. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN EVERYDAY (as far as I know). You are basically getting mad at the fact that people cared about her death. NO ONE deserves to be suffer all their lives to the point were they just completely kill themselves. This is sad. Yet people are still talking **** about her, this world is just cruel. She didn't deserve any of this, throughout every case people care about each incident that accures. I might misread your post
I'm not angry because people care, I'm angry because she has gotten so much attention, which in turn has generated so much hate. It was a bad thing for there to be a page for her on Facebook because there are d*ckheads everywhere making fun of her after her death. The other thing is I don't believe people are letting her 'rest' if they are causing all this drama. You said she is 'yet another', but with the way people are treating it, its like she's the only one, and that's not fair to everyone else who has committed suicide for the same reason and whose families decided not to draw attention to them. That's all I'm saying.
Amethyst pretty much said all I was going to say. And this being her fault? Yeah, try thinking about the subtext of saying "Well, she shouldn't have flashed her tits," as if to say she should have known she would end up wanting to end her own life. It pisses me off every time people insult anyone who's committed suicide, and I wonder how much of their humanity has been corrupted.