I heard that the first person to replace L was known as "A" but killed himself/herself. The Beyond Brithday, who became a murder and of course then Near and Mello. But I was wondering if the A person was real or just a rumor and if she/he is real does anyone here know about A? As in if it is a he or she, real name, etc? (I know nothing about A) I heard about this in the summary of Another Note
Are you sure there is someone called A? It was mever mentioned in the anime...maybe it was in the manga or How to Read (13) ?
Oh sorry, you hadn't posted that when I first read the thread. It must have been right before me, lol sorry D:
I've read the book... they don't say anything else about him besides that he commited suicide and that he lived in the Watari orphanage.
That was probably a fan fic or something. I've never heard of it at least. EDIT: *reads posts* Never mind. Didn't read the novel...
A was mentioned in Another Note, but nothing more was ever said about them other than they killed themselves because of the pressure of having to live up to L's name.
I just thought i'd add that there was another, A, B.B., L, Mello, Near, and the last F (Featured in the third Death Note Movie L Change the world) though none of this has to do with the anime...
xD Yeah, but F wasn't around for long. And then there's K, and the mystery of all the other contacts L had when he was sending the message of Watari's death to all the "letters" xDD K was evil though >.> She failed. Majorly.