Digital Art Death Note Cursor Set

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Stardust, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Hey everyone,

    I'm currently working on a set of Death Note mouse cursors, and I thought... Well, why keep them to myself xD. But more than that, I'd like some feedback on how I'm doing since this is my first time making cursors and only my second time ever doing sprites.

    I'll post them when they're all complete, but here are images of what they look like before animated.

    (Please keep in mind that TinyPic has reduced the quality... a lot).

    And here's how I'm planning to set it up when finished, though you can do it however you like since each is a separate cursor (an asterisk means that cursor will be animated):

    - Apple - pointer
    - Eaten apple* - Loading
    - Pencil - Precision Pointer
    - Writing on notebook* - Typing
    - Notebook opening* - Mouseover Typing Field (anywhere you can type)
    - Open Notebook w/ Writing - Mouseover Text

    At this point I don't think anything else will be included xD. Cursors are hard to make...

    In any case... CnC? 8D And yes I can't draw apples.

    This was done in MSPaint btw, and I downloaded a program to put them together an animate them.