my eight year old self would still like to punch you in the face for this [video=youtube;YCTu5iFIgzI][/video]
I did too, but hot damn that level was awful. It was so hard. The weird blue monkey things scared the crap out of me >: .
I never beat any of the Frogger levels except for the very original one xD and I played it quite a bit.
I thought the first game was harder actually. The ice levels were insane because the spiders were EVERYWHERE.
The first game was horrifically awful, I still can't believe I managed to get through the whole thing. The last cloud level was omg. Frogger 2 was a lot easier except for a couple of levels imo, one of which was this one. ;~;
I am amazed... that game would laugh at me literally for showing how much i stunk at constant game retry. But that was cool!
Omg the one that starts with the squirrels? That was insane, it took me forever to get anywhere. It was not only massive but it was also so damn easy to die. ;~;
In the original (PC i think), i could never get passed the sewer level... (i dunno if that's right, haven't played in 13 years o_0
I had pushed this experience to some dark corner of my mind where I would never think of it again And it is now awake. Brb, crying pitifully.
I wanna punch the guy who designed the Prinny 2 stages for making them so hard, than give him a band-aide for making such an awesome game