Once upon a time, I had a super fancy printer. It has five ink cartridges: two blacks, one cyan, one yellow, and one magenta. Black Cartridge #2 ran out recently, but Black Cartridge #1 is just about full. I assumed I could continue printing using just Black Cartridge #1. Apparently not. So tonight I run to Office Max and pay $19 for a new black ink cartridge and install it, figuring all will be good. I would have preferred to just let Black Cartridge #1 do the work, but I figured hey, at least I won't run out of black ink for a while. Apparently CYAN IS OUT TOO. And, for whatever reason, I can't print a black and white Word document without cyan. Because you know, cyan is so important when printing black letters. >:L x 3000
This proves that fancy printers suck just as much as sucky printers. They just need moar ink.. Also that cyan is an important part of the color wheel and must always be used, ALWAYS.
Some printers actually use all colors (CMYK) to print black. Though I don't know why an inkjet printer would need all the colors to print a black and white word document. I want to say there's some way you can tinker with the settings on either your printer but every printer is different.
I know some do, but really. ;; I have two full black ink cartridges, and I can't print? D: I did some pretty extensive Googling and couldn't find anything. :C I tried changing the settings to Black/Grayscale and I still can't.
Spoiler http://theoatmeal.com/comics/printers I'm just going to leave this link here. I'm sure someone was going to put it here and figured I'd help them not waste their time doing so.
Haha, seen it. The Oatmeal is so funny. <3 But comments: My printer was given to me free. I had a printer cable laying around. Only software I had to install was the Epson Scan, which can be easily removed, but it works well so I keep it. The noise is, well, horrible, but it does have a Quiet Mode--though it doesn't print as fast. I don't print photos. I've never had a paper jam on the printer, a few times on the scanner though. Hardly ever get error messages, when I do it's about either ink or because I forgot to put in paper. Ink, well, yeah, lol. My ink says it should be used within six months, haven't had any "ink is expired" messages yet though.
Instead of my printer printing out images on paper, it prints them real life. LIKE FREAKING HUMANS IN FRON OF ME. Printers suck.
Didn't you get the news, Misty? You need all the colours of the rainbow to print out black now, it's such an extensive colour. I've had my fair share of problems with printers as well, I was nagging my mom for half a year to get a printer because I couldn't print out my homework and in some cases that really screwed me over. So she goes out and buys a wireless one, because wireless is the best technology ever. Oh wait, the printer won't connect to any of our three computers! Aw yeah. You have no idea how mad my teacher started getting by the end of last year because I never brought any recipes since I had no way of printing them.
Wait what? In what kind of school are you? This far i never had a problem with my printer. Now the scanner on the other hand...
Culinary the last couple of years, academic specialization in general as of the current year. Well, I guess those are classes, but yeah yeah yes yeah mhmm
From what I've been told, there is usually a small chip on the side of the cartridge (That goes in first) that tells you when it's time to change the cartridge. Take that off, and just buy some injection sets for like, half the price.
My printer prints CHOCOLATE. I win. [video=youtube;BIFi8but3Vw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIFi8but3Vw&feature=player_embedded[/video] Also, I now proclaim that techlology is now a word.