I return to you, on the eve of my graduation from High School, to once again live amongst the lovelies of the forum. I have neglected you of late, and for this, I am deeply sorry, for my life has taken some unexpected turns, mostly for the better. However, this was no reason to leave with such little warning. I have missed you all very, very much, and I hope that each of you, old members or new, will welcome me back. Why did that take me ten minutes to write? But srsly guys, been a lazy ***** for the past few months, hoping to get back in the swing of things here now that school's out. <33333333
I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE HOWEVER I AM USING LARGE SIZE AND CAPS TO FEIGN EXCITEMENT Okay. Welcome... back? Or... forwards. It'll be nice to see you. Your... text. Or... humorous gifs. Or... OKAY TYPING SMALL WAS A MISTAKE BLAHBLAHBLAH BIG TEXT
You get a lukewarm welcome from me. Edit: I just googled lukewarm and realized how much of a dick that makes me sound like at first, and for that I'm sorry. :c