wanna show off the KH stuff you have? Time to post it here! :D I have: 1: KH blanket, 1: KH keyblade that is my house key, 1: Kairi cosplay, 1: Kari keyblade replica, 2: KH t-shirts, 3: KH games 3: KH big posters, and 39: small KH posters on one wall! XD Now, show me what KH stuff you got! Just no spamming, please. :/
*deep breath* KingdomHearts1&2andRe:CoMand358/2DaysandSountracksfor1&2andaSorapocketwatchandaNobodyNecklaceandmyDem-DemplushieandallthemangasthathavebeenreleasedintheUSandafluffyblanket(thekindthatMistyfrequentlygoesinandrubsbecausethey'rewonderful)andI'mworkingonHeartlessandNobodypuppets!!!!! /wheeze
KH1 KHII CoM Re:CoM Days Formation Arts series 1 & 2 8 Keyblade pendant set Two Keyblade necklaces Kingdom Hearts Master Arms Die Cast Metal Replica Sora (I & II), Roxas, Kairi, Riku, Axel, Halloween Town Sora, Master Form Sora, Valor Form Sora, Limit Form Sora action figures KHII Sora bust Sora plushie KHII wall scrolls All the released manga KHII themed snuggie Complete soundtracks Two shirts Heartless pin And...probably something else but I forget what.
KH KH2 KHCoM ReCoM Days Metal, full size Kingdom Key Wall Scroll Days Poster Kairi cosplay Namine cosplay Marluxia cosplay Xion cosplay Half a Xigbar cosplay Orgy coat (which is really comfy) Roxas phone charm Axel plushie Roxas necklace Kingdom Key necklace Oathkeeper necklace House Key All of the English manga Strategy Guides for all the games A bunch of T-Shirts F*ck ton of pics on my computer Also more that I can't remember.
KH1, CoM, Re:CoM, Kh2, KH2fm+, Days, Will be selling kidneys for Birth, OST from KH2, Orgy coat, and for those that get the reference, I have a mother****ing Dennis!
I have the following... 1. KH game 2. KH2 game 3. KH 358/2 Days game 4. KH 358/2 Days Poster 5. All four manga volumes of KH (original) 6. KH CoM game (GBA) 7. KH Re:CoM game (PS2) 8. Four KH Shirts from HT 9. Most of the clips from all of the above games and some from BbS 10. 110 bucks which I will be spending on BbS and possibly on related merch 11. A helluva lot of photoshopped pics! 12. Plenty of AMV's i've made with the clips. 13. Tons of failed attemts at drawings of the characters (it's the stupid friggin spikes that get me EVERY TIME!!!) and... well... that's about it.