I am so fucking depressed over the ending of Ganota no Onna. I enjoyed it literally up until that last page when I realized it wasn't a protracted gag and that it was really how the author decided to end it. I cannot handle this level of disappointment. It's like someone gave me cake and I ate it and it was delicious but then I puke it all up because I realize it was really well disguised shit. I don't think I've ever been so let down by a story in my entire life. Juki Noen-luv
Dear Diary, Stop being such a douchenozzle. This is why I never write to you anymore. Fag. Juki Noen-luv
Dear Diary, This will be the last time I'm writing. I hope you like oxidation reactions as much as I do. I can hear the crackling already. I don't have much time because I'm too cool for talking to a stack of ratty old pages that I never wrote in as a kid. I hope this doesn't change things between us, but you really should know your place you filthy book. I'd ask you to get down on your knees and beg, but you don't have any. Haha. I guess you're going to just have to take a little heat for that one. I bet you're wishing you were more mobile now, hm? Well, it's pointless, I'd hunt you down and throw you in the incinerator even if you could move, teehee. Juki Noen-luv
Dear Jiku, You've wanted to get rid of me your entire life and I wonder why that it is. Do you know why? Because I do. You couldn't get rid even if you tried. Why did you come crawling back to me and write on my poor old pages with all this other technology around you? You're afraid. You're afraid that my old worn out pages won't be there for you next time you're feeling a little stressed. As soon as you get to clicking on that pen and strike my paper with the force of all your built up anxiety, you know I'll take in every word you write with hesitation. So go ahead and light up that incinerator, go grab the biggest pair of scissors in your drawer, because you're too scared to lose your final outlet. You need me. Sincerely, Diary.