Have you guys read this Twitter Thread? My mom was losing her **** about it Here's the thread in video form for those that it'll be easier for: In summary, this dude is a humor comic author and he keeps having dreams about this kid named David. He has this dream about a girl asking him if he's seen David, and she tells him that he can ask David 2 questions, and not to ask a third one or he'll die. So of course he asks a third one and strange things have been happening to this dude ever since. A lot of people thought it was for publicity but he seems to be putting in a **** ton of work when he's already gotten the views he's probably needed off it anyway. For his sake tho I hope he's just faking it cause the dreams he has seems to be causing him a lot of paranoia and fear which is kinda sad. Whether it's true, or untrue it's a fun read/viewing. What gets me though is his cats that just go to stare at the door, and that it's BOTH of them. The creepiest thing about it may be the cats conspiring to freak him out.