Goddammit, I was just going to post this! This is excellent news. Dead Space was one of the best horror/action games I've ever played, and definitely one of the best games in '08. There's supposed to be an online integration in the sequel. Plus, I'm kinda surprised it's Issac again. Those who played the first game should know what I'm talking about.
EA say: "Survival isn't the only thing on Isaac's mind in Dead Space 2 – this time, he calls the shots" Hmm, i'm expecting Co-op or group survival where Issac is ledaing a band of survivals through the necromorph horde. Maybe he'll meet a few old 'close' friends... I can't wait for the different forms of necromorphs. Trying to figure out each individual weaknesses was pulsing while they try biting your head off. Thank you.