De∫ete LiÆ’e

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Spaze, Oct 5, 2009.

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  1. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    (Not as good as my other Rp, but it's decent enough. :P)

    Centuries from now, as we all assume, life is much more high tech. People can literally fly, everything is run by machines, and things are becoming more modernised by the mecha-second. But things are so advanced that robots are beginning to think on their own and see all the things about humanity that is wrong. The pollution that even centuries from now we struggle to contain, the fact that somewhere deep in our hearts we all want to know what it’s like to kill, and the fact that, in the end, we are not nearly as smart, powerful, or amazing as they are.

    And so, the robots asked, what is the need for humans?

    They were supposed to be helping people, but they seemed to have these "emotion/thinking chips" so well advanced that they started thinking for themselves and for what they want. Now robots are beginning to want to kill humans so they can have something they recently craved...POWER. They don't want to be told what to do, help, or be controlled by humans anymore. At least, most of them don't.

    Day by day robots were becoming more advanced, and so, a group of scientists wondered if humans could, too. Surely if we have built something as incomprehensible and unimaginably wonderful as a machine that can even think for itself, we can upgrade human bodies too. Creating genetic babies soon became second nature to scouts, but after a while they realized that the tests aren’t going to work. Human bodies just can’t handle the strain of high-bred muscle and such. Well, normal human bodies anyway. A special gene was found in several of the babies that allowed them to survive and gain catlike reflexes and a robot-like body and mind. This lap went on for years, and when the scientists decided to dissect the oldest, most powerful of all the children, their lab was somehow blown up. Now these lab babies who, most likely, don’t even know what they are, are free.

    Now, since the change in robots, humans are becoming more rare by the day. Most of the AH's are older and have developed from those special genes they recieved as babies. Robots are increasing in number. The humans stopped creating them after learning how they wanted to get rid of us, but that doesn't mean the robots couldn't make more of their own kind. With only a few humans left to protect themselves and AH's around, can they stop robots from getting what they want?

    1. Do NOT just go around saying you're all powerful and killing people like your 'da bomb', because you're not. powerplaying or god modding.

    2. Read the damn story, I hate it when people join... and then ask me what the roleplay is about. If you read the rules and storyline, you would understand.

    3. Dont quit just because no one is interacting with your character, if people are ignoring you, that means they are in the middle of something, and be patient, a lot of us have school and jobs and lives. Also, if you wait a bit and keep at it, without throwing yourself like a rock at someone, you'll get talked to, just be patient.

    4. No spamming or flaming in this thread. It's rude. If have a question, PLEASE pm/vm me.

    5. 4. TRYTRYTRYTRYTRY to use proper grammar and punctuation. 'd@T m3@n u d0n'+ +aLk L!k Di5'. You don't have to write an entire friggin' book and an occasional writer's block is okay. That also means you use '' " for dialogue, OOCs to say things outside of the Rp, you at least have to be semi-literate, and you speak in 3rd person.

    6.. Please read all of someone's post, I don't like it when people just skim through it and then post and it looks like they didn't even try to read it.

    7. Be mature, joking around is fun, I do it all the damn time, but don't take it overboard. Be respectful, act your age or older, if you want to cyber, take that to PM's or time skip.

    8. If you want to kill someone's character... ask them first, if they say no, then no. If you have read this far, put some type of ninja in your first post, I don't care what.

    9.If you are going to be gone, or are quitting, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD tell me. After a week of inactivity with no warning I will send you a PM, and if I don't receive a response by another week, you will be deleted from the roleplay.

    10. Again, you don't have to make post super long, but I at least want four sentences or more.

    11. No more than three characters, unless I know you very well, that's your restriction number.

    12. I have the right to add or remove rules as I deem necessary.

    13. I have the right to deny access into this roleplay.

    14. Have fun! 8D



    Character name:
    What age they appear to be around:
    Gender: (Yes, these are amazing almost-human robots. They have genders!)
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they? (Scale of 1-10, 1=Emotionless, 10=Very emotional. The ones who are more emotional seem to want to kill humans less.)
    Story/Bio: ( Maybe tell about past owners and such?)
    Pic: (Your pic can be of a real robot or an anime one. Or description.)

    Advanced Humans

    Character name:
    Their age:
    Pic: (If you can, try to find a pic similar to an AH's description. Or use description.)
    What is there special ability/gift?:
    Do they want to help the people who made and now shun them, or let them die?:

    Normal Humans

    Character name:
    Their age:
    Story/Bio: (at least three sentences or more)
    Pic: (or description)
    Do they hate, like, or have mixed feelings about Advanced Humans?:

    (Robots~ If you are a robot, please try to stick to what you put for your emotion scale. A robot with #1 (pretty much emotionless) would kill more, for they would see no need for humans, whereas a #10 might feel guilt. If you would like to change your emotion scale, send me a vm or something. :P

    Advanced Humans~ Advanced Humans is a mouthful, so AH's or some other nickname will work. You can be living as a human and find out that you were genetically experimented on, but that could get very complicated.

    Normal Humans~ You are normal! No realizing that you are really an AH or such. You are the easiest out of all the beings to die.)

    BTW: I thank Legion for helping me out a little with this roleplay. 8D

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Character name: ALICE <meant to be in capitals>
    What age they appear to be around: 17
    Gender: Female
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they?: 7
    Story/Bio: She was a maid at a manor for a snobby rich girl. After the robots went mad, she grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the girl to death. Since she had no name, she called herself ALICE after the little girl, leaving the house to burn down.
    Pic: Underneath her 'skin' is robot machinery.
    Extra: Her weapons range to all different things that she made herself. Like jumping jacks with harmful spikes that follow the ball wherever you throw it, a knife <her first weapon>, A jack-in-a-box when you wind it up, throw it and the jack comes out with a gun or flamethrower, shooting/flaming everything in sight and cards as sharp as blades that she throws.

    Character name:Z.E.L.E MRK1
    What age they appear to be around:40
    Gender: (Yes, these are amazing almost-human robots. They have genders!)male
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they? (Scale of 1-10, 1=Emotionless, 10=Very emotional. The ones who are more emotional seem to want to kill humans less.)5
    Story/Bio: ( Maybe tell about past owners and such?)He is a construction robot made to act like a forman on the construction sites, he used to be a war machine but got turned into a builder he uses his tools for combat.
    Pic: (Your pic can be of a real robot or an anime one. Or description.)huge pincer like arms and huge body frame made to lift objechts a hard hat shaped head with a light for his eye his legs are slanted backwords to jump higher.
    Extra:He uses his construction tools for combat

    Username: DemonicRhythm
    Character name: SR-091 or Haido Tatsunori
    What age they appear to be around: 18
    Gender: Male
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they? 6
    Story/Bio: He was bought by a small family and activated. I worked and served them just like they wanted me to for a year or two. He did everything without complaining, but one day something happened. The adults of the family were being extremely strict and bossy. Haido, the name given by the daughter of the family, seemed to have snapped. He grabbed both of them by the head and sent a large amount of electrify through his hands, causing the two to instantly die. He is still loyal to the daughter to this day, but is also sided with the robots and hasn’t told the girl what he did to her parents yet.
    Extra: Like in his Bio, he can send large volts of electiricty through his hands, but this can cause some damage to himself at times. He also tends to seem emotionless or hides the emotions that he has.


    Username: DemonicRhythm
    Character name: Mio Tatsunori
    Their age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Story/Bio: Mio’s parents bought a human-like robot for it to be the family servant. Mio befriended the robot, which she named Haido, and later considered him as an older brother. One day, she came home to see her parents dead. She panicked for a while until Haido managed to calm her down. To this day she doesn’t know who killed her parents.
    Pic: Heres the Link due to the pic is big
    Do they hate, like, or have mixed feelings about Advanced Humans?: Never met one, so she wouldn’t know.
    Extra: She is really into music; she can sing and play the guitar. She also doesn’t like to be away fro Haido

    Username: Twilightblader
    Character name: Seth Walker
    Their age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Story/Bio: A wanderer who simply travels around different places trying to find answers about himself. When he was young it didn't take him long to realize he was like other humans and sought out to find out about himself and the special abilities he had. HE doesn't start unnecessary fights there were times where humans have tried to kill him which resulted to use his powers to counter them
    Pic: sorry for not finding a close pic Males/BlackCoatAnimeGuy.jpg
    What is there special ability/gift?: Ability to manipulate energy (can create things like weapons or blasts)
    Do they want to help the people who made and now shun them, or let them die?: He really could care less about them but this can change
    Extra: the "I don't know what type of ninja to put" ninja type

    Username: Spaze
    Character name: LR-3BX5 (LR for short)
    What age they appear to be around: 17
    Gender: Female
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they?: 8
    Story/Bio: LR-3BX5 is one of the latest models of androids built to look exactly like humans, though the design is not perfect. Who built her and why is unknown even to her. She does not remember her past, since those files are corrupted in her memory banks. She does not care and only wants most humans out of the picture. She is built to be an efficient assassination android with built in weapons and library full of human anatomy. Her programming tells to her seek out AH's and eliminate all humans, as well as any robots that aren't corrupted.
    Extra: To most, she would look like and feel like a normal human. She is equipped with sub machine guns, a sniper rifle, silenced pistols, and titanium swords. A bug in her programming sometimes causes her to feel a slight mercy for AH's. Her eyes turn green when she is scanning objects, dim red for normal vision and a brighter red for attack mode.

    Character name:Jho Vanderbeau
    Their age:18 Gender:male

    Story/Bio: He was one of the first to be put into the AH program. His mother and father were both avid and high rankings professors and wanted their child to be the first AH to ever be created. Any other information was lost during the disater at the main lab. He is currently hiding in I/O city, waiting for the war between machines and organics to die out.
    Pic: Boys/Alphabet/Azure.jpg
    What is there special ability/gift?: He is able to generate large amounts of electromagnetic energy. he is capable of applying it as a self defense mechanism to disable any computer run device. He is also able to directly control simple to moderate level devices. Vanderbeau is also capable of magnatizing any metalic object or surface. Any of the processes however requires a huge amount of energy. This causes him to have a monsterous metabolism, eating anything and everything he can.

    Do they want to help the people who made and now shun them, or let them die?: (he does not care one way or the other if the normal humans should live or die. Jho simply wants to be able to survive long enough to die of old age. However, he has a feeling his wish won't be granted.)
    Extra: sound ninja with ninja info cards
  2. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    WOOP! Joinage~


    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Character name: ALICE <meant to be in capitals>
    What age they appear to be around: 17
    Gender: Female
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they?: 7
    Story/Bio: She was a maid at a manor for a snobby rich girl. After the robots went mad, she grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the girl to death. Since she had no name, she called herself ALICE after the little girl, leaving the house to burn down.
    Pic: [​IMG] Underneath her 'skin' is robot machinery.
    Extra: Her weapons range to all different things that she made herself. Like jumping jacks with harmful spikes that follow the ball wherever you throw it, a knife <her first weapon>, A jack-in-a-box when you wind it up, throw it and the jack comes out with a gun or flamethrower, shooting/flaming everything in sight and cards as sharp as blades that she throws.

    -throws ninja stars at everyone- MINI NINI NINJA!!!!!!!!
  3. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    You're almost accepted. :/ You forgot to add something in your post that was on a rule.
  4. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    :lolface: Ninja something!

    But I prefer Mini Ninjas! :why?: Can I have a mini ninja?
  5. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: You're accepted now. ::L: We just have to wait for two or more people to join...<.< And I KNOW a few people promised to. I'll be doing my profiles as we wait.
  6. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Giantplanet eating ninja with a space ship for legs

    Character name:Z.E.L.E MRK1
    What age they appear to be around:40
    Gender: (Yes, these are amazing almost-human robots. They have genders!)male
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they? (Scale of 1-10, 1=Emotionless, 10=Very emotional. The ones who are more emotional seem to want to kill humans less.)5
    Story/Bio: ( Maybe tell about past owners and such?)He is a construction robot made to act like a forman on the construction sites, he used to be a war machine but got turned into a builder he uses his tools for combat.
    Pic: (Your pic can be of a real robot or an anime one. Or description.)huge pincer like arms and huge body frame made to lift objechts a hard hat shaped head with a light for his eye his legs are slanted backwords to jump higher.
    Extra:He uses his construction tools for combat

  7. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    Username: DemonicRhythm
    Character name: SR-091 or Haido Tatsunori
    What age they appear to be around: 18
    Gender: Male
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they? 6
    Story/Bio: He was bought by a small family and activated. I worked and served them just like they wanted me to for a year or two. He did everything without complaining, but one day something happened. The adults of the family were being extremely strict and bossy. Haido, the name given by the daughter of the family, seemed to have snapped. He grabbed both of them by the head and sent a large amount of electrify through his hands, causing the two to instantly die. He is still loyal to the daughter to this day, but is also sided with the robots and hasn’t told the girl what he did to her parents yet.
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Extra: Like in his Bio, he can send large volts of electiricty through his hands, but this can cause some damage to himself at times. He also tends to seem emotionless or hides the emotions that he has.


    Username: DemonicRhythm
    Character name: Mio Tatsunori
    Their age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Story/Bio: Mio’s parents bought a human-like robot for it to be the family servant. Mio befriended the robot, which she named Haido, and later considered him as an older brother. One day, she came home to see her parents dead. She panicked for a while until Haido managed to calm her down. To this day she doesn’t know who killed her parents.
    Pic: Heres the Link due to the pic is big
    Do they hate, like, or have mixed feelings about Advanced Humans?: Never met one, so she wouldn’t know.
    Extra: She is really into music; she can sing and play the guitar. She also doesn’t like to be away fro Haido.
  8. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    I'll accept you. :< But it would make me happy if you found a pic...there isn't much detail in that description.

    Yay! I got you, Desi. 8D
  9. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    OoC: YEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :L When do we start?
  10. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    I will post a pic when can cant right now because using my wii to use internet
  11. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: Now, I guess. I'll be making my profiles still...

    Leon47, could you do the "Occ" thing I mentioned in a rule?
  12. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    OoC: Mk... .o. -waits for you-
  13. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OOC:Sorry for not saying this here is the pic

  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Its been a while since I joined a fantasy/sci-fi. This looksvery interesting

    Username: Twilightblader
    Character name: Seth Walker
    Their age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Story/Bio: A wanderer who simply travels around different places trying to find answers about himself. When he was young it didn't take him long to realize he was like other humans and sought out to find out about himself and the special abilities he had. HE doesn't start unnecessary fights there were times where humans have tried to kill him which resulted to use his powers to counter them
    Pic: [​IMG] sorry for not finding a close pic
    What is there special ability/gift?: Ability to manipulate energy (can create things like weapons or blasts)
    Do they want to help the people who made and now shun them, or let them die?: He really could care less about them but this can change
    Extra: the "I don't know what type of ninja to put" ninja type
  15. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: Leon, thanks for getting an image. And I accept TwilightBlader. 8D I'll be posting everyone's profiles in my first post later.

    Since I was rushed by someone to make my characters (DESI) I'll only post one for now. My other one will be of a guy.

    Username: Spaze
    Character name: LR-3BX5 (LR for short)
    What age they appear to be around: 17
    Gender: Female
    Compared to other robots, how emotionless are they?: 8
    Story/Bio: LR-3BX5 is one of the latest models of androids built to look exactly like humans, though the design is not perfect. Who built her and why is unknown even to her. She does not remember her past, since those files are corrupted in her memory banks. She does not care and only wants most humans out of the picture. She is built to be an efficient assassination android with built in weapons and library full of human anatomy. Her programming tells to her seek out AH's and eliminate all humans, as well as any robots that aren't corrupted.
    Extra: To most, she would look like and feel like a normal human. She is equipped with sub machine guns, a sniper rifle, silenced pistols, and titanium swords. A bug in her programming sometimes causes her to feel a slight mercy for AH's. Her eyes turn green when she is scanning objects, dim red for normal vision and a brighter red for attack mode.
  16. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
  17. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    OOC: Can we start now~?
  18. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    OoC: Spaze said we could o.o;
  19. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    OOC: I'll start then!

    ALICE stood there, looking blank. Gripped tight in her right hand was a large butchers knife, freshly caked in blood. Infront of her was a raging inferno, dancing throughtout a mansion, burning everything in sight. The heat would of killed her instantly but being a robot helped that not happen. "Extermination successfull. Survivors: none Weapons: Large knife. Other items: Many toys to be refined. Guilt: .....none. " ALICE repeated to herself blankly. Making sure she had everything, she reached up to her headdress and ripped it off, ending the scene.

    ALICE woke up from a momentary shut down. To replay information that humans called 'memories' from her data bank would take her to do this process. "Guilt: ..... none." ALICE said blankly.
  20. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    Mio walked down the street with Haido following her. She was carrying her guitar and was on the way to the store to pick up a few things. "Mio, you shouldn't be out here. You know what's been happening recently." Haido said as he walked behind her. It seemed he had no feelings at all at the moment.
    "All I need to do is pick up a few things. We'll be fine. Plus, all robots aren't evil." she said, truely believing that. Haido just stayed silent, and continued following her.
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