davy jones:roxas,ansem,or xemnas??

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by kingdomheartsbabe101, Jul 6, 2007.


Davy Jones:Roxas,Ansem,or Xemnas??

  1. roxas:tia dalma=namine.tia loves davy.roxas x namine!!

  2. Ansem:its time for riku to get back at him!!

  3. Xemnas:leader of flying dutchman(organization).

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  1. kingdomheartsbabe101 Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Just around the riverbend
    hey!!!Fangirl Studios is starting project Pirates 3 battle scene remake:kh style.we have a...bit of a dillema,though.these three characters fit the role of davy jones:

    reason:we have put namine as tia dalma/calypso,who evidently loved davy jones.any roxas x namine fans out there??also,davy fights jack portrayed by our hair-too-old-looking-for-his-hotness-self friend,Riku.

    2)Ansem(ansem in riku's heart)
    reason:since jack is being portrayed by riku,i was thinking maybe this was the time to get back at the ansem in his heart and get rid of the darkness for good.

    reason:since the flying dutman's crew is the organization,and davy is there leader,xemnas could fit this role.right??right??

    i would like your opinion who to put in.it would greatly be appreciated.Thanks in advance!!
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