Darker Than black

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 22, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    (if anyone wants to be the chief of police, then please tell me. I already have so many charecters, that I don’t want to be the one in control of the police)

    ((Lol, it isn't exsactly well thought out, but I thought I might be able to pull somethen off. it's worth a short, right?))

    Ok, so, here is how things start off. It has been 5 years since Hei dissapeared with Yin, in order to fight against the Syndicate. He has not been heard from since, or seen by anyone. But here is the current status of the world. In some countries, things have begun to fall apart, due to the knowledge of contractors being spread through some of them. Contractors of some sort have begun spreading their exsistance, by making groups just like the one that Amber had started oh so many years ago, though by not understanding its true purpose, these groups have been made simply for the soul purpose of giving more rights to contractors then normal human beings, and so much chaos and confusion has swept throughout many nations. Within this confusion. the Syndicate has tried to get control of the situation, but has been having trouble, since they are even low on members.

    Above all of these new terrorist groups though, there is a specific group that stands out the most. Evening Primrose, or so it is called, the very first orginization to develope and begin all of these upbringings, or atleast, so everyone thinks. Lead by a new leader, who at the moment, has remained unknown. Their true purpose being to go up against the Syndicate, which still remains within the shadows of society, keeping control over most of the area's of government.

    So with the world amidst in havoc, police trying to keep the chaos under control, terrorist factions attempting to spread the chaos, the Evening Primrose trying to expose the Syndicate, and the Syndicate trying to keep their worldly influencial power, the question is, where do you belong amidst the chaos?


    Rules: Must I explain? You can find all the basics on any other old thread really

    As for specific rules, I'm gonna tell it straight.

    If you make a contractor bio, and I don't think your power is one that a contractor will be able to use (there are certain powers which will not be allowed since most of the powers can usually be given a certain kind of explanation to how they are used), then I will ask you to change it. Also, if I do not agree with the type of remunition that you choose, then you will have to change it to something more extreme. I don't want people to have to do something that is to simple compared to their power (and no one like Hei who doesn't really have one since he technicly isn't a real contractor). Gots it? (this rule I will be very strict in, so I might ask for an scientific explanation of how some people use their powers. people can use powers from the series also, since people in the series have similure powers as well). Just keep in mind that there is a chance that I will ask you to make a knew remunition, alrite

    And also, no using any important charecters from the series that are still alive. Probably won't be using any of them all that much, though once and awhile, they may have tiny influences, though they will barely be spoken to, rped as, or even mentioned, unless I feel as if it is nescesary

    If you want to put down unknown in the powers section, then that is alrite, but as soon as you use one, I am putting it down, and you will not be allowed to change it once used

    As for everything else, if you need help with some of the things that have to do with Darker than Black, then use this link for more information, alrite.


    And now times for the bio format:


    rank: (this is for members of the police force)(this can also include if you work for a group like MI6 or somethen)
    job: (if you are a normal human with a normal job)
    terrorist group: (If you are a member of a terrorist faction. The evening primrose counts as one also)
    syndicate rank: (if you are a member of the syndicate, then you put this one down. Put down what you do in the syndicate)


    terrorist group: (If you are a member of a terrorist faction. The evening primrose counts as one also)
    syndicate rank: (if you are a member of the syndicate, then you put this one down. Put down what you do in the syndicate)
    other: (you might just be some lacky or something of a contractor, so if you are, then put down who down here)
    personality: (like you really have one, but list the few things you do have in ur personality)
    history: (put down in here that you are a doll)


    rank: (this is for members of the police force. this can also include if you work for a group like MI6 or something)
    job: (If you are a contractor just trying not to do anything, and live a simple life)
    terrorist group: (If you are a member of a terrorist faction. The evening primrose counts as one also)
    syndicate rank: (if you are a member of the syndicate, then you put this one down. Put down what you do in the syndicate)
    Power: (keep it reasonable, like I said in the rules)
    Remunition: (keep it just as reasonable as your power. The better power you got, the worse the remunition is. try and keep it weird to. Nothen to weird, but it has to be awkward. Sometimes it can be simple to, such as just having to eat a hard boiled egg, but that will be for me to decide whether it may be your remunition)
    List of Terrorist groups: (members will be listed below)

    Evening Primrose:



    Bio list:

    name: Kyo
    age: 19
    gender: male
    terrorist group: Evening Primrose
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: The fact that he is anti-social basicly explains a lot about him. He is indeed a member of the Evening Primrose, but he could have just as easily joined in with the Syndicate. He works horribly with others, and if others get in the way of his missions, then he will either attack them for the sake of the mission, or he will simply leave them behind or such if they are hurt. Doesn’t talk much, doesn’t go out much, usually working out. He is basicly a class A soldier right here.
    history: He has been working for the Evening Primrose for 3 years now. Towards the beginning, they originally recruited him because of his talents, which shall currently remain unknown. He used to have a partner, though he got killed on a mission, though details are not clear. Besides that, there is not to much to go towards his history.
    Power: currently unknown
    Remunition: Due to the nature of his powers, this will also have to remain unknown for now.

    name: Satari
    age: 30
    gender: male
    terrorist group: Evening Primrose
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: Unlike many contractors, he is very different. He has no real emotions of his own, but, he wishes that he does, so he pretends to have common emotions, in order to settle his own self. He pretends to be friendly towards others, and wants to be as well, though in all truth, he is simply hollow, or atleast most people would describe it that way
    history: An early member of the Evening Primrose, who even met Amber, but never really cooperated with her the first time, not wanting to get involved in anything of the sort. Later on though, when the chaos began to unfold, he felt as if he could assist. He is the top scientist within the group, as well as the only contractor within the division which deals with the groups sciences, which are required in order to battle against the Syndicates plans, incase they attempt what they had the last time.
    Power: the ability to excellerate or rewind time in a certain amount of space, which is highly similure to Amber’s power, explaining why they came to him originally to try and recruit him.
    Remunition: reversed aging

    name: Jin
    age: 24
    gender: male
    terrorist group: Redemption
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: He appears to very kind towards contractors and dolls, but towards humans, he holds no sympathy for them, and can kill without a second thought.
    history: Much about him remains shrouded in mystery, but all that is known of him really is his history with the terrorist group, Redemption. He created it, in the belief that contractors and dolls should be able to live in the world by themselves, without humans, since they originally never did anything wrong, and humans simply ended up turning them against eachother, while using dolls as weapons, merchandise, mere tools for every day life. And so now, he has created Redemption, in the hopes of finding a way to destroy all human life on the planet, in order to “Redeme†contractors from the sin known as humanity, or so he would put it.
    Power: electricity, just like hei’s. He basicly cannot make electricity pass through the air, but instead, through contact with people and objects.
    Remunition: after he uses it, he has to hang upside down (hands cant touch the ground) for a half hour, and amongst that time, he cannot use his powers.

    name: Satomi
    age: 16
    gender: female
    terrorist group: Redemption
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: certainly is awkward for a doll. She is emotionless like most dolls, lucky enough to be able to talk, and is able to move perfectly. She really does not care for much, though she does show signs of small emotions of which a normal teenage girl would express
    history: She is a doll (of course). She joined Redemption not to long ago, though it was never originally her will to. Later though, she joined when he sister was taken from the Syndicate, and wanted Redemptions help in order to save her, and they gladly did, not only because of her being useful, but also, because of the fact that she ‘wanted’ something in the first place. And so because of this, the leader, Jin, took the opportunity just how far they can take things with this doll, and so, he literally turned her into one of their field opporatives instead of a doll that can simply provide directions.

    name: Toazan
    age: 18
    gender: male
    syndicate rank: figure head
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: He is kind to most, and appears as if he is always good willed, speaks intelligently, and handles things like a chess game. It is not wise to get to close to him, but not wise to go to far away, since he is always cunning, and plotting.
    history: An upcoming youth, now famed throughout most of the world, bringing buissness together, giving to charities, and unifying the people. Some people call him a blessing from God himself, since ever since he came into the picture, things have appeared to quiet down a little. Sadly enough though, that is only above the surface, for beneath it, blood is being shed because of these new changes, all for the sake of the Syndicate. That is all that can really be said to describe his history at the moment
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