Apparently, there's been talk on the Bandai Namco EU forums of porting Dark Souls to the PC. From what I gather, it began with an innocent "What if," and several staff began wondering if there was enough interest in it. Hardly a sure thing, but it's already being talked about: Cynical Brit: "Why I think Dark Souls should come to PC" This is... not exactly the best argument, it's more for "PC over consoles" than for "Dark Souls for PC." There is some strong insight on market comparisons, graphics capability, etc., but it doesn't do much to address issues with Dark Souls in particular. However, in response came this... Epic Name Bro: "Why I think Dark Souls should(n't?) come to PC" To summarize: a PC port of Dark Souls could make ample use of the opportunity for tweaks, but the only options are allowing a third party to port it, which is always a risk; or for From Software to do it themselves, something a small studio like theirs may not be able to handle without pushing back the release dates for other titles they're working on... and they keep busy. Dark Souls for PC Petition Both videos link to this, a petition to get Dark Souls ported to PC. Both videos encourage support for it. Cynical's case is obvious, but ENB thinks that this could send a different message to From Soft': that they should consider offering the next game in the series on PC. He's confident that development on the next title has already begun, and this may be their way of testing the waters. I've already signed it. I agree, it would be a good opportunity, if From Soft' is able to put as much blood and sweat into the port as they did into the console version, and I'd definitely like to see the next game take advantage of this. From needs all the love they can get, and a move like this may be just what they need to get it.
I really hope so. If it does, you can expect a huge amount of modding being done by me alone. That is, if it's at least the slightest bit mod friendly. I heard about petitions back in January, so hopefully it does some good.