Yo Guys, hope you enjoyed every moment of this video :3. Slip,KH-Player and me working on this code some days because the code had lots of bugs -.-. But we fix them.And again sorry for that bad quality ): Okay now it's Time to release the Code: Dark Destiny Form (Drive into Master) [FM+] Raw: 201A1BE0 C60001B8 201C9A80 0000102D 20370BAC 3E800000 01C6C93E 000000FF 21C95614 5F303031 21C95618 464C5442 21CD528C 00303330 21CD5290 00000000 11CD5294 00000000 11CD4390 000001F3 1032EECC 0000002A 11CD4394 000007D1 Action Replay Max: 7G9K-GHUX-HZDWH 65AW-9QMP-VYWT3 UW03-8MTJ-7P6BW QKYY-YEWP-WWT9D 9RX7-V774-9K0MW G7EC-YTCJ-9GYXE QY50-U8GU-NFX68 JZU2-BBZ0-5DDQA 3N3V-NZNW-W375D XKX1-7KF8-3E6KB E494-19ZP-118EM H5PP-QAV2-P1JTR YV1J-38JC-YXEGH And here the Puzzle Code :D Dark Destiny Form [Puzzle Version] (Not Way to the Dawn Version) 11CE0B76 00000057 201A1BE0 C60001B8 201C9A80 0000102D 20370BAC ZZZZZZZZ 01C6C93E 000000FF 21C95614 XX303031 21C95618 ???????? 21CD528C 00303330 21CD5290 00000000 11CD5294 00000000 1032E020 0000BBBB 1032EECC 0000002A 11CD4394 0000AAAA ZZ Digits: |Electricity Effects| 3E400000 = OMG too many for you 3E800000 = Thunder Effects (cool) 3F000000 = Little More Effects 3F800000 = Normal XX Digits: |Form or Normal| 5F = Form Models 00 = Normal Sora Model ?? Digits : |Model Modifer| 00000000 = Sora 464C5442 = Valor Form 4647414D = Wisdom Form 4631484B = Limit Form 46495254 = Master Form 46544C55 = Final Form 464C5448 = Anti Form BB Digits: |Keyblade Modifer| 0029 - Kingdom Key 002A - Oathkeeper 002B - Oblivion 01E0 - Star Seeker 01E1 - Hidden Dragon 01E4 - Hero's Crest 01E5 - Monochrome 01E6 - Follow the Wind 01E7 - Circle of Life 01E8 - Photon Debugger 01E9 - Gull Wing 01EA - Rumbling Rose 01EB - Guardian Soul 01EC - Three Wishes 01ED - Decisive Pumpkin 01EE - Sleeping Lion 01EF - Sweet Memories 01F0 - Mysterious Abyss 01F1 - Fatal Crest 01F2 - Bond of Flame 01F3 - Fenrir 01F4 - Ultima Weapon 021F - Acrossing Two 0220 - Winner's proof AA Digits: |Shield Modifer| 055E - Adamant Shield 0560 - Chain Gear 0562 - Ogre Shield 0564 - Falling Star 0566 - Dreamcloud 0568 - Knight Defender 056A - Genji Shield 056C - Akashic Record 056E - Nobody Guard 07D1 - Save The King 09CF - Freeze Pride 09A2 - Freeze Pride+ And here the best Code ever :D Infinite Jump for ALL Forms 01C6C93E 000000FF Infinite Jump for ALL Forms FG2B-47VR-VDB97 9RX7-V774-9K0MW -Maik-
here the arm mod for pal (use with pal digits) Shield Hand (left hand from Masterform) 21CF0438 00303330 21CF043C 00000000 11CF0440 00000000 103403C0 0000???? Keyblade 10341074 00000029 11CEF60C 0000???? Shield
hmm simple jus input the digits for Sheld and Keyblade and convert it :) or input the digits and give me ill convert it :)