Has anyone here played it? Do you like it and who is your favorite character and why? The only part that really gave me trouble was the final boss: The Dark Genie.
I never beat this game. I have it but whenever I tried saving the file got corrupted for some reason. Tried cleaning the disc, the memory card was good for other games, but there might have been some scratches on it...I don't know. It's been awhile since I've played. I remember getting moderately far. I think Toan was my favorite character but there wasn't really any character development for him because he's a silent protagonist. So I don't have much reason other than the fact that he was the main character and I liked his design. I liked Xiao too. This game and Dark Cloud 2(or Chronicle for some) really need HD remakes. And we need Dark Cloud 3.
I've yet to fully complete the game, as I still have the bonus dungeon Demon Shaft. I think the last time I played my first file was March 7, 2007, in which I did the first two floors of Demon Shaft. I'm not sure, though, because I may have gone a bit further off-screen: I really should get around to completing it. xD
Oh my gosh I loved that game. I really liked the inventor max worked for in dark cloud 2, he was fun. I liked the concept of being able to build a town again in the first game. It really made it unique
Ahhh I love Dark Cloud! It's like one of my favourite games ever. I really liked the aspect of collecting all of the pieces of the towns and building them up. I was always excited to rush through all of the floors to see what different kinds of buildings there were and to talk to all of the new NPCs. It was very unique! My favourite character is definitely Ruby - I always go for the feisty femme fatalé characters. Plus her fighting style is friggin' awesome. CHARGED MAGIC BEAM TO THE FACE! c: I always used to get annoyed with the thirst meter when I was younger, and I'm glad that was taken out in DC2 (Chronicle for me). I love both games in the series and agree that they definitely need HD remakes. I've also been gunning for a sequel for quite a while. Get on it Level-5!
You guys are making me excited. D: This is so adorable. D: What system is it for? And how many game(s) are there?
There are two games in the series and they're both for PS2. Neither is directly connected so you could play one or both with no trouble. They're great games and I would highly recommend them. :)
Ahhhhhh I'm happy I have a PS2. xD I've been on a rampage on games I've missed over the years and this on made my list. :3 Thank yoou. <3
Once my family came back from a house that... Actually I don't remember exactly what happened but we got some free stuff. One of the things we got was this game. It looked interesting and fun... but of course, it didn't work. I've been thinking about watching a walkthrough on youtube or something. I suppose I should at least try to find it first though. I'll probably be able to find it at gamestop or something if I look.
Dark Cloud, one of the first games I got for the PS2. I spent countless hours on this game, mainly due to me being a kid and not really understanding what I was meant to be doing. I did a proper playthrough around about 2 years ago and the only boss that gave me some trouble was the Ice Queen. I loved all the characters but using Osmond's laser gun was a heep of fun, to bad you only get towards the later part of the game.
I think the farthest I've ever gotten was to the ice queen. I tried dusting it off about a year ago and just got too bogged down with the weapon grinding. The perfectionism of mine always gets the better me in these. I have to make the perfect weapon, catch all the fish, photograph everything. Dark Cloud 2 I beat, but I bailed out without doing the bonus dungeon.