Personally I'd love to see another version where the Dark Element comes back So would you like to. If not then why?
I've heard that Dark Cloud 3 is confirmed. But no news on it. @-@ No to Dark Element. I didn't like him as an enemy. Griffin was cool though. He made the story so much better because you were fighting someone who was...well...he's a good character. Dark Element was just something evil and...evil. I'd like to see...err...I forgot his name, but the white haired guy from the first game come back. He died but still..>< And the characters from the first game.
I loved the demo of Dark Cloud but when I finally found it I didn't want it since I just got a PS3 at the time (I know, took me long enough to find it) and Dark Cloud 2 just didn't appear ever where I live so I missed out on it but I played the demo of it more than I did any other demo (except Tenchu 2's demo on the PS1, that was an awesome demo for a game I could never find either). I'd love it if a third came out on the PS3, PSP or even the DS since I would be able to find it and play it this time.
This game would be great for the DS (DC2) because to me DS games are easier to hack so I could possibly get Dark excalibur earlier which I've got a question. Which item upgrades to Dark Excalibur because I've forgotten. I think it's serpent slicer