I don't know if this goes in here or not but I'm just going to stick it in here... Ok, I have a Gamecube with the following games: 1.) Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess 2.) Legend of Zelda Wind Waker 3.) Legend of Zelda Collecters edition (Has the first one, the 2nd one, Orcarina of Time, and Majora's Mask) 4.) Super Mario Sunshine 5.) Shadow the Hedgehog 6.) Paper Mario Thousand Year Door 7.) Def Jam Vendetta 8.) Soul Calibur 2 And I also have a PS2 with the following games: 1.) FF X-2 2.) FF XII 3.) KingdomHearts 4.) KingdomHearts 2 5.) Tales Of The Abyss 6.) Tales Of Legendia 7.) Rachet and Clank 8.) TLoS A New Beginning 9.) Hitman Contracts Now my question is this.... I want to get a Xbox 360 and I was thinking what would I be able to do to get a xbox 360 cheaper? THen I was thinking I could trade in my PS2 and Gamecube to make it cheaper or just get one period without having to pay. So, I need to ask... If I trade my 2 game systems in with all the games all the memory cards and stuff how much off would I get? NOTE: This is for people that did this before or just knows! Thank you.
First of all, if you're going to trade in games, don't do it at Gamestop, or EB Games, or whatever it's called now. It will not make such a huge dent. Instead, you could try to sell it at a yard sale (not a great idea, but only if you have nothing else you can do) or at a similar game store, but one that's "family" owned, because they'll give you more, probably.
Take his advice, because I've traded in games with them and they truly, and utterly SUCK! I got no money for all these games that were almost new (like two months after they came out.) So yeah, go to a idependent store, they give much more money if they are in good con.