Hey I have an english test on thursday and we have to write a short story on a journey of some sort. Mine's about a guy who has been bullied for quite a while, and finally stands up. Tad cliche, but thats why I'm hoping all you talented writers out there can help me out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ran, further and further, rushing past friends, ex-friends, teachers, and anyone else who had the slightest interest in me or what I was doing. Its not like I had the choice, I had to run. My tired feet blasted a different pounding clap with each step, and my head whipped sweat i every direction I turned it. Finally, I got somewhere, which definitely wasn't as good as I had hoped. Before my hands could eagerly clasp the freedom of the ash black school gates, it was too late. Three dark shadows were creeping towards, and there was nothing I could do. Scotty Mcreary, you're dying today. I had been bullied forever, well, 3 years seems like forever, anyway. Tyler was the signature bully at our school, and I was the victim of him, and his two friends Jeff and Mike. So what exactly do they want with me this time? Well the other night they decided to torment me...again. Since year 8 they have pretty much brainwashed me, telling me I wasn't good enough for this school, this country, this world. They threw insults at me like dodgeballs-left, right and center, with no thought whatsoever. My favourite was "I hope you rot in hell." So that night I decided I had had enough. I stood up to them, using some basic Photoshopping to make a picture that would ridicule and humiliate them for the rest of their lives. This picture was sent to everyone, except them, of course. When the humiliation started, I appeared 'invisible' and watched the cyber brawl begin. Laughing at every comment and seeing how annoyed Tyler became was really entertaining for a good hour. But someone mentioned my name, and I knew I was gone. The whole point of this was for them to NOT know that it was me, or else I would have my head on a platter. Overcome with fear and guilt, my sweaty, trembling, anxious hands were a clear sign of what was going to happen the next day. There was absolutely no way I could go to school, that place was a death trap now. Anyone who had done what I have would be an absolute fool to go to school. It was only for revenge, if anything, but I knew I would die that day. I glanced over my right shoulder and, surely enough, there they were. Those three, tall, dark, superior figures who 'rule the place' and have tormented me, day in, day out, for 3 years. Tyler was in the middle. His muscular arms were folded, his stance wide, and from what I could tell, his eyes were glancing down at me, through his apple red hair. Jeff was brunette, and the scrawniest of them, but still stronger than me. He gives the impression that he's a tough guy by slightly moving his jaw and arms. He's a bit of a try hard, but he can still kill you. And then there was Mike, he was the big kid. Chubbier and bigger than the other two, he gives the impression of a lovable giant, and that's where everyone's wrong. By now a lot of people had gathered around, including James, a good friend of mine who has the strength, speed, and thoughtlessness of a shark. He was my best friend from Kindergarten, and had helped me through everything. I glanced over at him, and gave him a worried look, he nodded, acknowledging my cry for help. He wasn't going to step in unless he absolutely had to, because this was my fight. As it turns out, it shouldn't have been my fight. Within 15 seconds I had 2 black eyes, one of which I couldn't see out of, bruises everywhere, deep cuts and a dislocated elbow. I couldn't breathe, I was coughing blood and I could barely stand up, but there was no way I could admit defeat yet. After one final bloody wheeze, I stood up, and staggered towards them one last time. As I approached them, I remembered why I was the target in the first place. I was a pushover, I was a shy person, I was a passive person, and therefore, vulnerable. This fight would be different, because I would win. I moved towards Tyler with courage in my heart and fearlessness in what was left of my eyes. He and his friends roared with laughter. "That's it, Baby McReary! You've done enough. I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to stand up to big bullies like us!" Tyler screamed. He made fun of what I came here to do, and that, among all things, was what annoyed me the most. I was done being a nice kid, all it ever did was bring me trouble, and I couldn't take it anymore. "No." "What?" "I said no." "Did you hear something?" "Shut up! All I ever wanted was to be a normal person, to not be picked on, to not be standing here in this kind of way. But I've realised that YOU'RE the joke, YOU'RE the kiss ass who's trying to act all brave and stuff, picking on people smaller than you, how dare you!" He just stood there, silent. Yes! I finally shut him up! I walked away with James, limping around, blood dripping from my mouth. "One last thing," I paused and waited for the three of them to respectfully turn around, "I hope YOU rot in Hell." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what did u think? I could really use some cnc on this, and tips on a conclusion/ending