Cutscene Archive Update - Kingdom Hearts II [Part 2]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sanya, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006

    More good news for you amv and parody makers out there, our awesome recorder mixt has released his next batch of text-less videos and can now be found in our Cutscene Archive! There are 11 new videos. Here's the list:

    -Roxas Day 6
    -Twilight Town 1st Visit, Mysterious Tower
    -Hollow Bastion 1st Visit
    -Beast's Castle 1st Visit
    -Land of Dragons 1st Visit
    -Olympus Colosseum 1st Visit
    -Disney Castle, Timeless River
    -Port Royal 1st Visit
    -Agrabah 1st Visit
    -Halloween Town 1st Visit
    -Pride Land 1st Visit

    All these videos can be found HERE

    Happy viewing.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sanya, Aug 3, 2011.

    1. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      Will you guys be moving onto the other Kingdom Hearts games?
    2. Llave
      Yeah thats a good question! But anyways, keep it up mixt!!!
    3. Saxima
      This is fantastic! Just in time, because I needed "Roxas Day Six"!

      Thank you!!
    4. Mixt
      I am most immediately able to do the PS2 games. Once I'm done with KH2 I'll redo KH1. RE:CoM seems in pretty good shape, but if deemed necessary I can do that very easily as that game's done with FMVs that I can extract thanks to Crisp.
    5. Excasr
      Great work!
      I needed the roxas 6th day too, thank you! :)
    6. Amaury
      Awesome work.

      Will the boss battles also be replaced with HQ and HD?
    7. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      in my oppinion RE:CoM seems to look fine as it is but you do have to get beter vids of KH 1

      OMG me too! i want it for an amv...
    8. Shikou
      Keep up the great work!
      Im waiting for the ending :)
    9. Firechakram
      You also might want to consider updating the 358/2 Days cutscenes. They're pretty low quality and some of the scenes are missing altogether. If all the cutscenes are FMVs, wouldn't it be simpler to upscale them?
    10. Misty
      Right now mixt is working on the Kingdom Hearts II cutscenes, in the future we may go back to Days but as of now we're doing this one game at a time. Of course, if anyone has the means to record Days cutscenes, they can feel free to apply as a Media Content Reporter.

      And I'm unsure if you're referring to Days or KHII with the FMVs part, but I know in KHII the cutscenes are not FMVs. Then they'd be simple to extract. They play out in real-time, though, so that factors like your drive form, keyblade, etc, are reflected in them. They're not pre-rendered is what I mean. I'm not sure if that's the case with Days, though--I'd assume it's different, with Days being on the DS and all.
    11. Mixt
      I'm not sure, since I wasn't the one recording them, but I think that Days is in decent shape. The DS just doesn't have the same resolution to work with.

      The few FMVs KH2 has I can rip if needed, but there aren't many of them. Most of them exist so that they didn't need to put KH1 models in the game for a handful of scenes. I'm trying to rush these out but I plan on updating the files to more directly incorporate FMVs into the final product. (Going straight from 352p to 400p, instead of using 373p as a middle man).

      Now my focus is on KH2 and then I'll be working on KH1. If anyone sees things that need to be done (other games needing updates, or recommending content we don't currently provide) be sure to let me know and I'll see if it is something I can do. If I can I'll put it on my to-do list. Or if you feel you can, donations are well accepted and I certainly would not complain in having another Media Recorder along side me. :D
    12. TheYellowFlash
      Excellent. Thank You so much
    13. ShibuyaGato
      This is good...

      mixt works fast and well. Once all these are done, I have to ask if you'll be trying to go back and recapture KH1, Days, and Re:Coded.

      All of those could be in a bit higher quality (plus the KHIIFM+ cutscenes)
    14. catmaster
      Thank you so much for your hard work in making these available to us, they're all really good quality!

      Just regarding KH2 Final Mix cutscenes, I understand that there aren't any english voices to the cutscenes so would it be possible to have Jap voices rather than characters mouthing?

      Thanks again!
    15. Plums
      mixt these are incredibly sexy. ;~;

      I don't even make AMVs and I want to download them, olol.

      If I recall correctly, there is an option to switch the dialogue between English and Japanese, so it should be possible.
    16. Mixt
      The option for Japanese voices comes with finished RE:CoM save file, which I don't have yet on the emulator. I'll get there eventually, but I wasn't going to make you guys wait on me to finish RE:CoM before I started recording.

      I'm very close to releasing the last of this round of KH2 updates, so be ready for that.
    17. Amaury
      That's good to hear.

      Thanks for the update, Mixt.