Site News Cutscene Archive Update - Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage -

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Explode, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York

    Hey everyone, got some exciting news for the video editors out there.

    We've updated our cutscene archive with all the scenes from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage -, with subtitles off, so you can fully appreciate this beautiful game. And for the special occasion, I made a shiny new intro that I hope you all like. Site veterans may find it somewhat familiar...

    I'd like to apologize for the slight delay, but this was a bit more difficult to edit than anticipated. Due to the game's frame stuttering, I had to record all the scenes twice, and splice together the footage to get the smoothest result possible.

    You can download the Kingdom Hearts 0.2 scenes here.
    Update: Boss Battles have also been added to the archive.
    And don't forget to check out our full Cutscene Archive, which will be getting some new additions in the coming weeks and months. Back Cover is up next, so look forward to that.

    Thanks to @libregkd for keeping the archive up to date.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Explode, Feb 21, 2017.

    1. DigitalAtlas
      Thank you Explode.
    2. DigitalAtlas
      So I have some criticisms about the new intro. I like the call back and the animation. Good.

      I'm aware it spells out Nice touch, but it seems like it was used as a starting point for picking quotes more than it was some sort of benefit. Like, if I were to tell you that your new advertisement had "HM HM" in it, would you really be happy if it didn't seem like some sort sick reference? Remember, this is branding. Not a puzzle. Your ten second intro shouldn't be memorable AFTER the "aha!" moment, but before. And I think the attempt at doing something neat on top of something already neat killed it for me a bit. Idk, maybe no one else agrees. But whenever I see people remember our old intro (like the TFS shoutout), it's some abstract quote Xal chose on TOP of the names. I don't think hm-hm carries the same power as "I'm a fool" or "you're right"

      This leads me to the second critique and god I'm sorry if the wording here hurts some feels...

      The music is a good choice ON ITS OWN. But this is not going to be seen on its own. Outside of this post, not once. It's going to be a lead up. The old intro's background music was more like a noise for a reason, and it was a good reason I think deserves some respect here because it CLEARLY worked. Instead, you have built it up with fast paced music that then goes to cold silence as we transition to SORA GOOFING OFF ON DESTINY ISLAND OR ROXAS MESSING ABOUT IN TWILIGHT TOWN. It only works when transitioning into scenes that start off as action vs anything more chilled about. And I bet you anything that most of our downloads are the Roxas cutscenes in KH2 which all have calm TT music. You're coming off intense violin from a final boss theme to chill Summer break music. IT doesn't work more often than it works. It has the same mentality to me as like when people start off their YouTube video with hard rock and then go to "hey what's p guys today I'm playing candy crush." The juxtaposition is just too much for me.
    3. 61
      i think it looks really good, but the music hits me weird at the end.
    4. Explode
      Thanks for the honest feedback, harsh as it is I do appreciate hearing people's opinions. And I know if you thought it was total crap you probably wouldn't address me directly, so in that way I'm oddly flattered.

      I do take your points, and these were things that I grappled with as I made it. Namely whether using the grunt sounds were a good idea, because they are less quotable (though I have to disagree about the "hm-hmm": that line stuck with me back when the Demyx fight was a huge roadblock for me and many others). I won't argue it's perfect, but I decided it was the best solution to what I was going for. It was a sacrifice on "quotability", so that the animation and audio flow didn't suffer, while keeping with the core concept of spelling out the name. And while yes, I did use that as my starting point, I didn't think that little stumbling block with the grunts was worth throwing the whole concept out the window.

      Fact is, I'm competing with people's nostalgia, which you can never really win against, so the best thing to do is add something new and make it your own. If I just had a string of random quotes, people would just miss the old quotes (and maybe that's still the case). So my goal was to have a callback, starting it off exactly the same as the original, but then let it stand on its own so people who don't have the nostalgia factor can still like it. That's where the production value and the music and the little name gimmick come in.

      About the music, I was worried that contrast too. That the mood would change too abruptly and it would be weird. But having used the new intro with 0.2, that fear of mine is totally gone and I think it works just fine. And yes, maybe that's because 0.2 is a somewhat darker game, but I don't think it makes a huge difference. Honestly though, I don't see at all where you're coming from about it being intense final boss music: it sounds pretty upbeat and mellow to me. Truth be told, my first version of this DID have final boss music (Rage Awakened from 2.5), but I was talked out of that, haha. But this one, I don't know, different strokes I guess, but I find it a pretty relaxing little melody.

      Going back for a moment on how fondly people remember the old intro, I'd like to touch on an important detail. Back then, capture cards were few and far between, and KH-Vids basically had a monopoly on the cutscene market for Kingdom Hearts. So essentially, anyone who was making a KH AMV or parody was using our videos. But now, you can search YouTube and easily find 5-6 high quality walkthroughs: people have plenty of options. And that's not to take anything away from the old intro, because I love it too, but it's a moot point that everyone remembers it, because everyone in this fandom HAD to know it. And while there's plenty that we can do to help get this site back to its former popularity, there's no way we're ever getting back to that same pivotal role that we once had: the times are just too different.

      But I digress. Thanks for your critique, I know you were hesitant about posting it, but I'm glad you did. As I made this intro, I shared my progress with staff, and I took their criticisms to heart to make it better. I'm glad that I was able to get it to a point where most of them were fully on board, with a straggler or two who weren't completely sold, but thought it was passable enough. Something I've learned in my professional career (says the 24 year-old kid lol) is that you're never going to please everyone, and it's not because they're wrong, but because different things are important to them. And they may have strengths where you don't, and nothing's gonna be perfect and blah blah blah. If someone was paying me for this it would be a different story, but I'm happy with how it turned out, and I think most people are too (you can correct me if I'm wrong). It does suck to hear someone doesn't like your work, but it's a reality and I'm cool with it. I take your criticism and will remember it the next time I make something, so maybe slightly fewer people will not like it lol. But for real, thanks for stepping out and speaking your mind.
    5. Amaury
      Great work!
    6. DigitalAtlas
      Correct. Please be flattered. You did good work.

      See, the ability to quote it is super important I feel. Because no one praises commercials for their movie quality. And even if you acknowledge it's not perfect, it means we should try to improve it because....


      This is PRECISELY why we need better branding, better production, etc etc and to consider all feedback. We don't have a platform where we can say "good enough" and it really is because our audience will watch us anyway. The fact is B agreed, Hayabusa agreed, and a few others agreed in the discord (I wish I could link but I can get screenshots if required). This isn't an excuse to try less, it's an excuse to try more. Which was the spirit of getting a better version of the old intro. But you have to look at what made it successful on its own, which isn't...

      ..labeling its success on nostalgia. Because the fact is, we had a lot of intros. People only remember one. Why? Because it was memorable. Maybe the time had A LOT to do with it, but in the days of Dazzle, we had a different intro and people didn't take as well.

      What I'm saying is, you're right, people can be nostalgic about anything. But mainly? People are nostalgic about things they consider good. Hit the notes that they consider good and you'll bring it out.

      This is not a Pewdiepie situation where we're like "give us 2014 pewdiepie and game videos" when he doesn't want that audience anymore. This is us chasing the same audience and ignoring what will resonate with them.

      It's too intense for me, and I got some agreements on the discord. I hate to say it, but even if it worked for 0.2, what makes you think it's going to work for say Atlantica? We could maybe make a poll if you like? But I think we should be going for subtle, not "amateur gameplay walkthrough intro."

      You're welcome. I hope this response doesn't sully the sentiment at all.
    7. Explode
      There's a lot to cover here, but for my own sanity I'll try to cut this down to our main point of contention.

      This wasn't my master plan to save our brand. In short, I made this because we needed a new intro. We've had a different one for each console generation, and I was a little indifferent to the previous one, so I took the initiative and made something I thought was pretty and fun. The little callback is just a small nod to what I hope will be our return to form. And what that means to me more than anything else, is getting out the highest quality cutscenes in a timely fashion. Yes, people love the old intro, but they know it because we were the first ones out of the gate, and what we offered was good. Unfortunately, I think the main reason we lost our spot is because we fell behind: releasing videos many months and even years after the games released.

      I think that needs to be our focus: getting cutscenes out fast, organized and optimized for video editors. Which is why the new intro was just a footnote in this post about the 0.2 scenes. And if I obsess over this intro, it's going to knock me off schedule with recording, editing, completing the games to get the secret endings and all that good stuff.

      I stand by that I think it works as is, and that I'm proud of how it came out. As someone who does art for a living, I am never 100% satisfied, but I know when to walk away (you don't hear me say pleeeeaase...).

      You're more than welcome to start a thread with a poll or whatever, where people can voice their opinions, positive or negative (and no, you won't get banned for it, people ). Heck if you want, I can start it myself if it'll make you more comfortable. I do care what people think, and even if I don't have the capacity to do anything about it right now, I'd still like to hear feedback.

      No hard feelings man. I know you're saying it cause you care. And even if it's hard to hear, it's healthy to take criticism.
    8. Alex Williams
      Alex Williams
      The link for Depths of Darkness is the Ending; can you fix this?
    9. libregkd
      This is now fixed.