Crying demon, Laughing Angel, Half-Dead human, Silent Elf, Dark Dwarf...

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dmaster, Feb 6, 2008.

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  1. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Story:The after math of a 300 year war between Angels and Demons resulted in the unification
    of the surviving races, originally both Angels and Demons were rejected because of the war but eventually that escaped everyone's mind and they slowly re-entered society... After a few more hundred years, the races had fully mixed, now filled with half-breeds as well as normal humans people go about their normal day-to-day lives...

    Pre-made Races and powers(P.M. me if you think there're any major ones i left out... ):
    Elves: These are by no means average fairies. These are the Elder Elves. Tall, thin, pale and beautiful ther're powers of healing and protection are unparralled. Before the treaty was signed their greatest enemy was the dwarfs. These creatures are naturally giving Devine Power as a child...

    Dwarves: Small and bearded. However don't let their apperence fool you, they're axe skills are not only deadly but accurate as well. These small mountain creatures have advanced in Arcanes over fire and stone, able to match Demons in arcanes...

    Angels: These winged humans are the fairest of the all the creature that roam these lands. However in the recent wars their reputation for being kind and gentle as been some what tarnished by the blood of demons. These Creatures have naturally developed the ability to use Devine power...

    Demons: Dark and mysterious little is known about these creatures of the night. Branded the exact opposites of angels, only their taste for blood has been sampled during recent years.
    These creatures are the creators of Arcanes....

    Dragons: These winged dinosaurs are rumoured to have come from the war, however they show no sign of this, being rather gentle, unless you enter it's territory, they have the ability to telepathekly talk to it's prey and others. These winged beasts have full control over fire...

    ShapeShifters: These dark creatures have only recently appeared and are believed to have blood of every race running through them. These creatures have yet to reveal their true form and have not been revealed to have any natural control over Arcanes or Devine powers. These creatures of darkness have been revealed to be able to mimick anything...

    Humans: The so-called peace-keepers of the realms. They are heading the front of the effort to rebulid the world and return it to it's original, beautiful state. Despite being highly adaptive this specific race has yet to adapt to advanced Arcanes (magic) but has become fully adaptive to Devine power...

    Vampires: Creatures of the dark, said to feed on human blood, it was recently established that they feed on multiple races besides humans. These creatures specialize in attacks that require blood summonings.

    Werewolfs: Also beings of darkness, said to also feed on humans, these creatures are said to war with Vampires, and change into a ferocios beast resembling a wolf. These creatures brute force allow them to pull of most attacks without effort...

    Sealed state(Demon & Angel): A demon and a angel can put themselves into a Sealed state, demons becoming human with only a few slight differences from us and Angels simply hiding their wings, however when a Angel or a Demon breeds with a human the child is born in the sealed state. Some of these children never learn of their true power but then again some do with both devasating and amazing repercussions. A minor result of the sealed state is the inability to use either Devin powers or Arcanes for the rest of the Demons or Angels life, however the child may use their own respective heritage without limitation in both forms...

    Sealed State(Dragons): Just like Demons and Angels, the Dragons have revealed the ability to seal of their true forms temporarily. Once these creatures have been sealed they are natural humans, however through the use of a dragon stone (The stone in which they seal their true forms) the can temporarily return to thier true form, however, they will never be able to change back. If a Sealed-Dragon should mate with another race the child will be born in a half-sealed state, sprouting their dragon wings at an early age, and also being able to use their father's/mother's Dragon stone to change into a full-dragon temporarily...

    And that's all i can be bothered adding right now>_< (Note: a) yes, i'm being lazy but that shouldn't affect if you want to join or not>_< b) Elves and Dwarves can't mix, neither can Angel and Demon, with the exception of, if Human blood is the balancer in-between the two...)

    1. No god modding/Power playing (If you do, you die!)
    2. Only OC's
    3. Maximum of 3 characters.
    4. A cross between two races is the maximum unless you have permission to go higher...
    5. Don't kill other people's characters without their permission!
    6. You can only control your own OC's unless someone gives you the right to control theirs...
    7. Have fun! (Or my OC will hunt you down:D)
    8. In order to join you must type this in you form: Death is a wasteland of Life.
    9. Demitryx is second in command...

    OC slip:

    My OC's:

    Name: Dein
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Sealed: Wears a black coat, black pants and E.T.C. has long brown hair and otherwise normal except that he has pointed teeth and Demonic/Angelic ears... (Basically, they're long and white but they're not actually an ear it's kind of like horns, but they feel like ears and he uses them as ears...)
    Weapon(s): A large great sword with no guard, it tends to change colour depending on his emotions and soul...
    Race(s): Angel/Human/Demon
    Specialty: Swordsmanship
    History: A normal teenager in most ways, most people hate him because of both his appearance and his heritage... his father was a sealed demon and his mohter was a half angel, giving him the blood of both...
    Other: He tends to easily make friends despite being extremly quiet, he has issues hiding his feelings because of his sword, One of the only Angel/Demon combinations, he is unable to use either Devine power or Arcane but tends to use them through his sword when the moment calls for it... He has knowledge well over his age and has yet to discover his released state, his ears also twitch whenever someon's either talking about him or thinking about him...

    Name: Kate
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): Kunai and shuriken.
    Race(s): Angel/Human
    Specialty: swords/Devine power.
    History: She has made it her job to make Dein's life hell ever since she was born, for the fact she hates the fact that he's both an angel and a demon...
    Other:Hates all those close to Dein and has tried multiple times to kill him...

    Name: Zach
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): A staff and Arcane book...
    Race(s): Elf/Demon
    Specialty: Arcane.
    History: One of the only Elf crosses in his area most people don't like him and he thought he had a horrible life until he met Dein, who was one of the only Demon/Angel crosses in the country at the time, soon afterwards he became highly protective over Dein and treats him like a little brother...
    Other:He's Dein's best friend and is more of the leader...

    ooc: On a side note: the title's a hint that not all Demons are evil, not all Angel's are good, alot of uhmans are almost dead, Elvves aren't always merry or beautiful and dwarves aren't always good guys either...
  2. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Second in command ready and reporting for duty sah!

    Name: Tetsu
    Age: Appears 18
    Weapon(s): Long, thin sword.
    Race(s): Elf
    Specialty: Local history and Healing Magics
    History: The oldest son of the Elder (their leader) but he was always opposed to the war and so the disowned him.
    Other:Tetsu is usually a kind spirit, but if you stand in his way for a reason he finds unjust he will take you down with minimal questions asked.

    Name: Jizen
    Age: Appears 15
    Weapon(s): Needles and Shuriken
    Race(s): Angel/Elf
    Specialty: White Magic and 'reading' other's thoughts
    History: Jizen has had a rather easy life compared to most, born into a well off loving family, atracttive, free-spirted Ji likes to enjoy life. Of course these days that's not always possible.
    Other:Inheriting both angelic and elfin looks and a higher intellect makes Jizen somewhat intimidating for most males, even fully adult men. And as such can come across as condesending from time to time. (Feel free to start calling her Jiz)

    Name: Chikai
    Age: 18
    Weapon: Sword
    Race: Angel
    Specialty: Manipulation
    History: A warrior for the Angel’s during the war. Chikai is the youngest of a unit of elite soldiers that were assembled for the war.
    Other: She can seem slightly dark and stuck up at times
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Name: Blade
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Swords and Kunai
    Race: Elf/ Angel
    History: A wandering Swordsman who had a tough childhood
    Other: He is very quiet and doesn't get scared easily
  4. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ooc: Your in:D
  5. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    OOC: I shouldn't do this but

    Name: James Sweeny
    Age: 16
    Weapon(s): Bow and arrows
    Race(s): elf
    Specialty: Summons and Black Magic
    History: He studied under one a Black Mage. He was found on the steps of an orphanage when he was 3
    Other: Wants to summon his Final Aeon
  6. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ooc: -_- um... i don't think humans have acces to advanced magic but whatever... i guess that's my fault for not mentioning it...
  7. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    OOC: there i changed to an elf.
  8. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ooc: O.O i didn't say you couldn't have him... but whatever... we start when Demi says so...
  9. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    OOC: sorry force of habit. I really am.
  10. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    OOC- We do? o_O Alrighty then! Let's get this party started!! lolz

    Tetsu sighed heavily as he turned the page of a centuries old grimour he had rested upon his lap. The dust rubbing off on his dark brown trousers, he slowly brushed his long ash blond hair out of his sparkling silver eyes as the candle's pale light began to fade. It's getting darker... It'll be night before soon...

    Jizen smiled as the breeze blew through her silver-grey hair, wrapping it around her slight frame and her long cloak billowed out into the twilight sky. It was all so peacefull these days, it was as if the world was finally at rest.
  11. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Dein silently looked out at the sky, ignoring the barrage of insults coming at him from below...
  12. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    "This is alot harder than I thought." James was studying a book his old master had. "There isn't alot of information about the Final Aeon."
  13. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ooc: We're all in different parts of the country aren't we?
  14. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Jizen spun around in the dancing, orange light which was bouncing of her hair and reflecting onto running water below.
  15. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Dein sighed silently, ilstening to the insults that Kate and a few others were shotting at him...
  16. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Can I join?'
    Name: Tsuki Hinoko
    Appearance: Pic of Tsuki
    Weapon(s): Sais and Bow and Arrow
    Race(s): Angel/Human
    Specialty: Alchemy and Minpulation
    History: She was 10 years old when she found that she can minipulate elements. With this power, she found out about alchemy.
    Other: She is quiet and never really speaks.
  17. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    OOC: most likely.

    James closed the book. He walked outside the sanctuary. He sighed.
  18. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ooc: Sure Singatar/Lanihead7 (Yes that's right i remember who you are:D)^-^ though, angels have Devine power and Demons have Arcanes... oh, well i'll just make an acception... and TDGW, you're in a sanctuary right? well neither me nor Demi have actually stated where they are...
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Blade was walking around with a blindfold on. It seemed he knew where he was going
  20. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....

    Tsuki was in her basement mixing chemicals and elements together. She sat down on a chair and looked up . "Wow, this is hard work" she said to herself and took a testtube. She then threw it at the wall, in which sparkd flew. "Cool!" she shouted.
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