. .. ... .... ..... You're relaxed and feelin' good Next thing that you know you're seein' Octopus in the neighborhood! Surfin' on a sound wave Swingin' through the stars Take a left at your intestine Take your second right past Mars. On THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS Navigate a nostril Climb on THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS Spank a plankton, too On our Magic School Bus Raft a river of lava On THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS Such a fine thing to do! So strap your bones right to the seat Come on in and don't be shy — Just to make your day complete You might get baked into a pie On THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS... Step inside — it's a wilder ride! Come on — ride on THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS! /beep beep Gawd, I loved that show. <: