Crossover RP Interest?

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    I have decided that my Wild Arms RP was a bad idea, so I'm starting over on Crossovers. The new project I have in mind is entitled "The Crossover Sagas", the setting taking place on an empty planet. As several warpholes appear in different worlds, towns and areas from different media, as well as different people, are warped to different continents and islands. Airborne locations will reside in the skies, reachable by planes, airships and airborne machines.

    I'm looking for assistance with the creation of the RP, and I need help. I would like to come up with ideas for designs of islands and continents. You can also recommend towns and areas from any media to be in the RP and discuss where they might fit, if people will agree on the designs of the map. I also need help with creation with the major parts for the RP, and if you want to help me by sending map designs and ideas for plots, please PM me saying so.

    EDIT: OK! I have decided we won't need a map for the RP, as suggested by Hero of Time.
  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    The thing with crossovers is that the audience needs to know what specifically you're crossing. So far it sounds like an interesting idea and I'd be willing to help but we need to know what two series or extra series you're crossing. Like is it kh meets tmnt, that kinda stuff. =]
  3. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    Man, it is an all-series crossover. Any character from any series like Major from Hellsing Ultimate or Ganta from Deadman Wonderland is allowed, as long as you follow the rules.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    So it's essentially the Crossover Cove?
    I'm not trying to start any problems here, but I'm just enquiring as it doesn't sound like it's any different to what the Cove has.

    I mean, some Crossovers offer specific things which makes them different. (I was once in a RP that was a crossover of FFVII and Harry Potter where the Final Fantasy VII World was the main setting with it's characters, and certain Harry Potter characters ended up in the world etc - but that's just an example).

    But yeah, currently this 'all-series' thing sounds like it's another Cove.
    I guess I'm asking what is going to be different about this RP?
  5. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    The story will take place on a planet which will be entitled "The New World", after warpholes appear in every universe, warping towns, dungeons, other areas, and characters into the new universe. I am currently working with Hero of Time to come up with the plot, and for map, some can send ideas where cities and other areas will be, and if you want to have your area in the sky or on a different island and/or continent, let me know. You can also come up with ideas for monsters and monster bosses in dungeons and on the overworld.
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Alright, it sounds sorta like it's gonna have RPG elements in it then, with the whole dungeons thing and specific cities and areas and the overworld.
    Fair enough. Sounds pretty interesting.

    My advice to you would be to work on the unique points of the RP. In other words: The things that will make it stand out from others.

    If you think for example of the amount of Kingdom Hearts RPs there have been. Some are more successful than others for various reasons, but what it often comes down to is what makes them unique to the other RPs - what makes them different and appealing to people.

    A famous expression is: "Variety is the Spice of Life."

    Naturally, if another similar RP exists, then attention would be split between the two (or you might have people who go to both RPs) but in a lot of cases, people will stick to the RP that came first since it already has what they're were seeking and there is no need to join the other one. As I said, some people might go to both, but not everyone will go to a similar RP because doing the same thing would just get boring. Not that I'm saying your RP would be boring.
    I hope that makes sense, lol.

    Basically, yeah. Work on the things that will make your RP stand out from others and what will make it different. As long as you can build it up to be a solid RP with a unique selling point, you should be able to attract attention of other RPers for it.
    Not got much else to say other than good luck.
  7. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    There is one thing that is different from Crossover Cove, other than the planet increasing in size due to more areas on land and in the sky. That thing would have to be the fact that both Original and Canon characters can be unlimited based on how many you can handle. Major difference here is that the Cove is not usually meant for OCs, while I plan this RP to specialize in both types.
  8. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    I agree with what Bushy's said. It appears that you're working out a pretty interesting mix of a Universal Crossover+RPG elements. If you just set yourself apart from the rest, you'll gain people who'll be dedicated to your RP like all the other long lasting ones. And setting yourself apart isn't easy. No one said it was. But you've got HoT and you've got us. So don't forget we'll go back and forth with you, snowballing ideas, tweaks and constructive advice here and there.

    I wish you the best of luck with this. Because like I said before, this mix you're coming up with sounds pretty interesting. And if it's good enough, I just may be one of those dedicated people.
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Well... the planet thing is actually the same as how the planet in Cove is really. It's getting parts of other planets from across the universe and always has done.
    And well, the Original character thing for Cove is unlimited too. The only reason OCs were limited in Cove was actually because that's how the RPers in Cove requested it, there was a poll and everything.

    But yeah, the fact you have unlimited OCs in this is different to Cove.
    As I said earlier, and one of the things Fuzzy agreed with. One of the things you may want to pay focus to is the RPG aspects you seem to be incorporating. It may be a good place to start bridging out from and structuring from.
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Just posting to ask that the Cove isn't mentioned/compared unless there's direct copy pasting going on. I've already explained this elsewhere, but tbh crossover RPs have always seemed similar to each other in most regards, to me. There have been tons of crossover RPs on KHV and very rarely do you get anything that pops out at first glance. I don't see any reason to call this one out on it, whether it's inspired by something else or not. But if there's direct copying happening, feel free to let me know privately.​

    ^ That isn't to anyone specific, it's more for future posts. I see it becoming a problem. I do agree with what's being said about trying to come up with something that's unique and therefore helps this particular RP stand out, that's really good advice. I personally love OCs being involved in crossovers, I prefer it. I hate playing existing characters which is part of the reason I really dislike crossovers, so allowing original characters is a great step, in my opinion!

    I'll post more later. ​
  11. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    A word about those who want to add boss battles to quests during the RP, only in dungeons and (in rare occasions) towns, sometimes on the outside. A thing I want to make clear is that you have to modify or make a picture of the "boss" with a boss subtitle, might wanna look that up on tvtropes.

    An example of a boss subtitle would be "Bringer of Death: Omega" or "Blaze of Disaster: Lord Blazer", the picture saying BOSS at the top.

    For the picture's example, I will be using a recurring boss that I cut out from a video of Wild Arms 2's Monster Album:

    The image doesn't have to be transparent, just so you know.​
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