Crimson Moon

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Mar 18, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Crimson Moon

    ((Hate to have to post this on here, but there is no other way. VARNOR, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, THEN CLEAR YOUR PM SPACE!!!!!!! I CAN'T SEND A THING TO YOU UNTIL YOU DO!!!!!))

    ((note, this thread has a bit of back round which sounds similure to the christian religion, but it has no actual history of anything that may have been taught within the christian religion, except for a few things))
    ((Also, I just thought this whole thing up a little while ago, so I might be adding some things on. I will be waiting awhile, as usual, to get a few bio's first, and then I will start.))

    At the begining of time, stood a one all powerful force, God, who created the planets, the universe, life, and life energy, which flows everywhere around us. It was in doing so, that God created what was known as life, for he realized without it, he would be the only being in exsistance, and there for, his efforts would go to waste. And so, he created the first races of life, which exsisted in the realm of God, heaven. He created those that are known as the angels, each one with a different charecteristic of God, and yet, at the same time, almost as powerful as the one who had created them. God had a miscalculation though. One of his many angels, the one known as Lucifer, betrayed him, bringing many others to his side, believing that the just ways of God, the ways that were meant to keep life stable, and unharmed, were the wrong ways to use life. From his own veiws, he believed that life was not meant to be kept stable, but to be disrupted, and to be faltered. It was this very idea itself, this very thought, which gave Lucifer his power, and God saw this threat, and so, he banished Lucifer, along with all of his followers, giving him the title of Devil, so that all will know of the one who was banished from the heavens. Lucifer travled with his followers for years, until he realized a different realm, the realm of hell, exsisted. At first, barely anyone had known of it, but it did indeed exsist, which was the other side of the universe of life. The only way to reach the gap, which lead to hell, was to go to a small green and blue planet. It was here where he could enter this land of death, fear, horror, and all other monstrosities of the universe, which were created to stand side by side to Gods 'utopia' . And it was here, where Devil began to create beasts of death, called demons. And so, 10 earth revolutions later, the Devil had an army of beasts created from the darkest depths of the earth, and he lead this army to the Heavens to destroy God, though God fought back, with his own force of angels. And for centuries, war raged on between the two, both forces evenly matched, until, God and Devil finally came to a resolve. They both agreed to a special deal, a deal which none could break. In this deal, each side got something good, but at the same time, something bad. On this very planet, the planet where the gap to hell stood, both God and Devil would be able to place some form of life, no matter what it may be. And so, it was then, when God created the very first humans to live on this planet, though back then, they were refered to as niandratals, also known today as cavemen. The devil on the other hand created very similure creatures, which were the first vampires on earth. Normally, this would appear to be unfair, since vampires had improved speed, as well as heightend senses and reflexes, but they helled weakness to the sunlight, as well as the sign of God. The other part of the deal though, was that Devil would be forced to stay within hell, unable to spread chaos, while God could not assist the humans, and he would have to stay in Heaven. And so, life on earth began, as well as the begining of a deal, which binded the forces of heaven and hell to where they originated.

    It is now Thousands of years later after that day. Much has changed since the very begining. THe original intent was for all humans to be good and all vampires to be evil, but things changed over these many years, and both races of creatures inherited feelings of good and evil. The world is highly advanced, weapons are highly improved, and technology, though it still has limits, is extremely advanced. All technology runs off of an energy scource which flows in the universe, the original life energy which God had created. In this world as well, humans have become dominant, though they still live in fear of vampires. And so, racism has grown between the two, none of them trusting the other. Vampires are presented amongst humans as beasts of evil, and there for, only hate can be shown towards vampires. And amongst all of this, evil forces stir. For you see, after all of these years, the deals binds have weakend. The devil has grown tired of being trapped in hell, and so ever since just a few centuries ago, he has been working on a plan to get out, and so, he has found one, due to the deal being weakend. For each full moon, the energy upon the earth weakens, though it makes vampires stronger, as well as the devil and his army of demons. And only 5 years ago, Devil was able to force out a demon of darkness, which has slithered into the human world. God took great alarm to this, and due to the fact that he governered all life, he came up with a plan, while the devil was still plotting. And so, before the demon came, he did the best he could to send a message to the leader of a town, a holy village some refer to it as, and this message told the profit of a prediction, the prediction of an angel being born on earth. This angel would be born in that very village, born with the symbol of the sun on its stomach. But it would have to be protected, because at some point, when the angel would reach the age of 16, the village would be attacked by evil forces, and God left it at that. And so, the years went on, and the Angel was indeed born, 16 years ago. And so, it is now, today, on this very day, when the Angel shall turn 16, and the events that fate has planned for the world are about to unfold. Though what is going to happen next, all depends on who gets involved in this twisted fate, which shall soon, depend on every living being in the world. Though one must be careful, for after all, those who choose to assist the Angel as well as God, will soon to be up against an entire army.

    Alrite then peoples. So basicly, this thread is a little religious, but, it is still a fantasy kind of an rp. At the moment, in this reality, not much magic exsists. The only magic that is really around is the life energy that flows through the universe, and is used to power technology. But with the events about to happen, many new things are about to be introduced to this world. So here is the deal. There are quite a few ways to start off. One of the ways is to be someone who might be visiting the village that the Angel lives in, though no one actually knows that she is the Angel that legend always spoke of, or atleast, no one but the village leader. Then, there is a way of starting out as a travler who is headed towards that village (btw, its called the village of tarnish). Now also, if you have a bad guy, then if you don’t choose one of those methods, then just pm me to figure out where you start out (like I said, only thought this up a little while ago). And finally, if you have a good, vampire character, then if you don’t choose one of the first 2, then, you can have your character positioned where my vampire character is, though, then they will have a special job, which I will pm you about. Alrite, so then there ya go. Any more questions, then just pm me. Oh ya, and you should all know the basic rules as well, so make sure that you act like you would act on anybody elses thread, got it.

    Bio Format: (up to 3 charecters)

    race: (vamp or human)
    side: (Good or bad)

    (And by the way, the angel charecter is up for grabs. But, know this. There is a good chance that you will have your angel bio turned down, but, everyone who wants the charecter, post the angel bio's, and I will see. There will be quite some time until the rp begins, so over that time is when I will be deciding which bio will earn the title as the angel)

    Charecter list:

    name: Koichi (koa-ee-chee)
    age: 16
    race: human
    gender: male
    weapon: Dual guns, which can pack quite a punch, as well as anouther, currently unknown weapon.
    personality: Hyper, fun loving, out of control guy, who doesn’t listen to anyone, and does whatever the heck he wants. Though sometimes it is a good thing, he has a habit of fighting first and asking questions later, making it very hard to negotiate with this knuckle headed, obnoxious human being.
    history: Koichi used to belong to the village of Tarnish, his father being the leader, but then one day, he and his brother set off to travel the world and see what there was to really appreciate about the world, but then one day, he got into an accident, though he never talks about it. He lost his arm in it, though luckily, that was what his brother was from. His brother was a well trained mechanic, and so, he fixed him up a special piece of technology, which many had only theorized about, called at tarjin, which was some what of a mechanical arm which could be modified to connect to the different cells and nerves in the human body. Not only that, but if used correctly, it can be used as a weapon. His brother was a total genious for making such an invention, and one day, this was recognized, so his brother was requested to come to a meeting amongst a group of men, though before he left to this meeting, he asked his brother to go back home to see their father. Apparently those were his last words, since the group of men murdered Koichi’s brother on that day, and stole all of his notes on this bit of technology. By the time Koichi got the news, he was already to far away to do anything, and so he did what his brother had asked him to do, and he began to head home to see their father. And now, he is almost there
    side: Good

    name: Saku
    age: 17
    race: vampire
    gender: male
    weapon: Dual swords
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: He’s cold to most, and never lets anyone in on his personal feelings or anything. He doesn’t speak much, and is ruthless against all who get in his way. He also rushes to conclusions, so he is not someone who many can expect to get along with
    history: His entire life, he has been hated and runed by humans, and so he has gained a deep hatred for them. They even killed his parents during a night rade. And so one day, when he was all alone, a rouge vampire came up to him, extending his hand to him, requesting for his help, and ever since then, he has been loyal to this rouge vampire ever since. Besides that, there isn’t really much to tell that you won’t find out soon enough.
    side: Good
  2. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    name: Parora, aka Michael Von Helson
    age: 17
    race: Human
    gender: Male
    weapon: If you look closely, this guy has strange green things going up his arm from his hands. They can make any weapon of choice available in the human realm. That is, the weakest weapons...

    appearance: White shoulder length hair, blue eyes, blue shirt(sleeveless), black jeans, white gloves(to channel energy from hands), red shoes(sneakers). A bit of a British accent.

    personality: Battle-hardened. Calls himself "King of Combat".

    history: He has no memory of his past and can only remember the surgery 4 years ago that implanted the green things in his arms. There was a time and day where he had to fight a Vampire, but when he went to defend himself, a deafening shockwave followed by a green energy bolt shot out of his hand and obliterated the opponent. The other opponent came and a Katana appeared in his hands. Since that day, he has not had control over his hands and arms, and they act as his Ultimate Defense.
    side: Good
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: accepted. Now just need 1 more person and an angel charecter...
  4. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    name:Nori Noburo
    personality:He's the strange type. one moment he can be cool and relaxed the next he can be uncontrollable and hyperactive
    history: Trained by monks sins the age of 5, He's been specialised in the art of fighting demons. He know little of his childhood but doesn't really care, there are rumours about him being cursed but no one really believes it
  5. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    name: Jasmine
    age: 16
    race: Human
    gender: female
    weapon: Sais
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: Shes kind of Quiet and doesnt talk alot. She stays in the back of the crowd and hates attention.
    history: Her parents died when she was 7/ She was left alone to care for herself.
    side: Good
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: all are accepted. As soon as I get back, we can start, and if no angel bio has been made, then I will simply have to create one myself
  7. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Well I'm gonna try for the angel, since no one else has. I'm surprised actually.

    Name: Nakir Nisroc
    Age: 16
    Race: Nakir is the angel that was predicted by God almost 16 years ago.
    Gender: male
    Weapon: Nakir uses a strange weapon called a Conceromucro. This is basically two blades. They are as long as each other. Their hilts are black and the blade is about as long as the hilt. When
    Appearance: Nakir has black silky hair that is usually tied at the end with a piece of string. He wears brown work boots that are slightly worn from use. He also uses a gray tee-shirt and sometimes a beige jacket as well. The shirt has nothing on it but a small saying on the sleeve. It says "Be a voice, not an echo.". His pants are denim but the knees are much lighter and one pants leg has a small hole in it. They are loose but not enough to be called baggy. His eyes are a deep, warm shade of brown. His skin isn't dark at all, it is very pale but not in a bad way, as it looks very stunning when caught in the sun at the right angle.
    Personality: Nakir is a complex individual. Most of the time he is compassionate to the world around him. He enjoys taking long walks in the forest and swimming in the nearby river. Unlike the other children he has interacted with, he sometimes just wants to be by himself. When he would do this as a child his friends were always puzzled and he had to explain that he wasn't mad at them. On the rare occasion that he is angered, he becomes very quiet. More quiet than even he normally is.
    History: As a child Nakir was popular, but enjoyed instead, the quiet of the forest. He liked to wander around and make up games. When they would go swimming, he would act as almost a lifeguard, once, saving another child's life. He always thought of other before himself and couldn't stand when children were picked on.
    Side:The side of God
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Sorry if this is off topic...but I wanted to add something about Lucifer and about angels in general...There are nine ranks of angels...angels are the lowest(rank 9), archangels rank 8, I won't bother with ranks 7-2, and rank 1 are the Seraphim (only 4 of them with Lucifer being one of them) they have 6 wings Lucifer had 12 because he is SPESHUL. I had the urge to tell you people because the creator of this rp mentioned angels...sorry for wasting your time.
  9. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    I think thats cool. I read about that on a website I went to.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: awsome. alrite then, accepted. and Arch, thnx for the facts, but they not really nescasary for the thread, since only one angel will be active in this thread. I won't hold it against u or nothen, but I godda ask that you don't post again unless you gonna make a bio (even though I know you probably not, but I godda say it anyways. Makes me feel modly ^_^ . Well a guy can dream, right?)
    Well then, already explained in the intro where you guys can start off, so I'll make the first post

    bic: Koichi sighed, looking over a grassy hill, filled with flowers and such, the sun blazing down on this spring day, making it appear as if everything was lightened in such a way. Down near a large cliff, was a small little town, with a giant windmill built up against the cliff, as well as a few large buildings surrounding it. It looked like a very peaceful little village really, bussling with people, a few hotels, many houses, and other such things. "Finally. I'm home" he said with a grin, his hood lowered, as he began to walk down the hill, towards the little town of Tarnish
  11. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Sitting on a bench near a small building, Parora took off his glove and examined his hand again. He tried to force his will upon the weapon inside the palm, but to no avail as all that happened was a dim glow. "Hm. Maybe I need to get in a fight. Hmmm... Nah, not here. I'll fight something in the woods." Parora looked at the sky. "Or maybe I won't fight at all. Oh well, I came to this place for supplies, so I'd better get moving." Parora got up and walked inside the shop.
  12. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ((sweet!! but one question: Does Nakir live in Tarnish too? Is that the town?))
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: ya, he does. Since he is the angel, he is supposed to sorta have always been their his entire life.

    Also, bad news everyone. Due to my idiot friend who apparently has a knack for looking up x rated things on my comp, it appears that it now has a virus, and I cant get onto the internet thnx to that son of a friggen biach, and so now, I have to use the f'en library comp, meaning that I wont be on very often anymore, but I can still probably get on once a day, or atleast once every 2, since I tryen not to let my mom figure out what happend or else she gonna be even more pissed off at my ex-friend then me.
  14. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    OOC: dude, I HATE when my friends do that! This is my eighth computer now! They keep downloading porn and **** on my computer and it's screwing up my database!
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Koichi sighed, looking around, not recognizing some of the places since his memory was feint, and new buildings now stood where old ones layed rest. "Man. You would think that a guy would be able to remember his own village, but I can't get around here for anything" he mumbled as he wandered.

    ooc: plus, I godda try to keep my mom from usen the comp, since the only one that can fix it is my uncle, and idk how I gonna get him to do that without my mom knowing, especially since he gonna find out that there is that kind of crud on there. It is so messed up
  16. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    OOC: Don't worry, I have that kinda' problem down here too. I just learn to cope with it after... FIVE... AND A HALF... YEARS... of my friends downloading stupid stuff on my computer and making me take the blame. MY parents are now saying it's getting to be THAT time of the year... -_)) (this is my emo face).

    BIC: Parora walked down the street, hands(arms, really)full of items, occasionally having to pick up a dropped item.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: hmmm, I would like to get the thread to start up a bit more, but I need some of the other peoples to post here first, so we might be just hangen for awhile.

    And I myself do not have time to cope. I have to much to do to have to actually cope, though walking home from the library at night is fun. And besides that, I hate the fact that not being able to go online means that I am inable to do what I want, which is to rp from my own home, while playing video games, lol. Oh well, what's a guy to do

    bic: Koichi slowly approached a person who appeared to have his arms full of items, and quickly asked "Excuse me, but do you know where the village leader's house is?" he asked
  18. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    "What?-oops-No, sorr-oops-sorry." Parora said, constantly having to pick up fallen items.
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Ummmm, you need any help there?" he asked, raising one eyebrow at the clumsiness being displayed before him
  20. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Parora caught a bag on one foot and was now balancing. "No, I got it-oops." he said, as another bag dropped.
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