Creatures of the Night

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 3, 2010.

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  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    The Organization went on a group mission to find a spell book. This book held powerful spells that made Xemnas hope that their conquest would soon be over.
    The book remained in a temple far from most worlds. When the organization found their way to one of the lower levels, Vexen and Zexion worked on translating when Maleficent found the entire Organization in the temple. She planned to use the book for herself.
    When Heartless began to attack them, the group started to panic and tried to hurry while they defended themselves.
    Through a mistranslation, the word "night" was mistranslated as "heart". With the high promise of retrieving their hearts, they believed they had found the correct one. Xemnas then recited the spell: "Ish too balaa en hiemosta inglishe waq pioza en tra nubre."
    This in fact wasn't supposed to turn them into "creatures of the heart", but into "creatures of the night", transforming all the members into different kinds of monsters.
    After the completion of the spell, the organization, Maleficent, the heartless, and nobodies brought about the destruction of the temple through fierce combat, and the book became buried in the rubble.

    Without the correct spell, the organization is trying to create their own spell, before their new personalities settle into their bodies and remain monsters forever. Though trying to find a spell is very hard with many distractions such as Sora and the Gang.

    1. No Godmodding.
    2. I really don't think this is a time for romance, but whatever keep it PG-13.
    3. No Power Play
    4. 4 characters max. Though 2 max are Organization
    5. If there happens to be a couple of people online, don't "spam" the RP with 10 pages of interaction between two/three characters.
    6. Three Strike rule. Third time- out. If rules are broken
    7. Posts should be legible. and hopefully in some form more lengthy than one line.
    8. After an alotted time, players will be deleted if inactive. I will notify you if you are in danger of getting booted.
    9. I'd prefer to keep this more as an action-y type RP. WIth breaking of course.
    10. I have the right to add new rules or edit them as long as you are notified. If they should come up.

    Character rules:
    Even though the Organization were the only ones infected, they can spread to other characters. (infections can vary if the monster can't traditionally transform others. PM for that as well.)

    Please pick a font color, you can double up. I just like color.

    First Infected

    Xigbar- Werewolf (Rexyggor_thenewmember)
    Axel- Were-Dragon (9Kairi9hearts)
    Demyx- Nix (Flamedancer)
    Luxord- Harpy (Rexyggor_thenewmember)
    Roxas - Sasquatch (9Kairi9hearts)
    Xion (though I don't know if she should be infected, because... she's technically not real. Player: PM me with your thoughts.)

    Second Infected
    Anyone else (will list as the characters are chosen. Basically anyone. Be careful with any animal characters for some things might not work well with them. A Were-duck? No.)

    Cid Highwind

    Tuesday Nightshade (Flamedancer)
    Etain (xxxLatiasxxx)

    OC Form (No Organization)
    Personality: (Optional to the fact that we can figure one out during play)
    Bio: (optional)
  2. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx please? As a dark version of a Nix. (It's a type of water spirit; kinda like a male version of a Nymph, associated with water and music. They're pretty dangerous to begin with, so a dark one would be pretty bad. I'll try drawing it later.)

    OC Form (No Organization)
    Name: Tuesday Nightshade (shuddup, I know it's a lame last name)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Platinum hair, big dark eyes, dresses simply, though with a touch of an emo flair, a big stitch for a mouth (think Sally from TNBC)
    Weapon: Magic
    Personality: I'm going to figure that out as we go along.
    Bio: Originally from Halloween Town, it's hard to scare her. After getting a bout of cabin fever back home, she finds a portal made by Maleficent. The witch gives her an offer of power, which sounds fairly good to her. She accepted the offer, with the condition that, if this didn't work out, she demanded out. Maleficent agreed (bahaha, not really) and gave her power over the Heartless and instructions to find the book before the Organization. The end.
  3. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: can I have Axel as a were-dragon? and Roxas as a (_____________) can't decide yet, but can I reserve him?
  4. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    May I please join?

    OC Form (No Organization)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Appearance:Sliver eyes, black heir, silver eyes, organ vest, blue and white striped shirt, black pants, and white shoes.
    Weapon: Magic
    Personality:You'll see as we play.
    Bio: When Etain was little she received a blue-green colored orb from her parents even though she didn't know what to do with it she kept the orb. When she was eighteen she a Latias knocked at her window. Etain let the Latias inside it began opening all of the dresser doors until it found the orb. The Latias told Etain that she needed to go to the spirit world to see a monster known as Ancient Fairy Dragon. She could do this by sleeping. That night Etain did as instructed and feel asleep thinking about the spirit world. Entain and Latias met with the Fairy Dragon. Ancient Fairy Dragon and Latias explained that she was to bond with the orb as well as Ancient Fairy Dragon and Latias and so it was done. Etain became the one and only human to be able to transform into Ancient Fairy Dragon, Latias, or her regular human form.

    Latias form:
    Ancient Fairy Dragon form:
  5. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I will accept the hold on Roxas. Though I do wish that they not be together 24/7. 24/6 is fine. :P

    Everything else is accepted!
  6. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Awesome! When do we start?
  7. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: got it! Roxas will be a Sasquatch!
  8. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: haha! Ok I'll fix it. You can start any time. I'ma still thinking up an OC
  9. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx sighed as he looked at his reflection. He wasn't happy with the Demyx staring back. Granted, he had lucked out in comparison to some of the others, and true, he had gotten a sort of ethereal look in his face, which he thought looked pretty freaking good on him. So his face wasn't the problem.

    No, it was his hair. He frowned as he tugged at a now jet-black strand. The color wasn't really what bothered him, though it was a lot different than his normal dirty-blond. Then again, his color scheme was all off; he supposed a green-eyed blond just didn't scream "Creature of the Night". So now he looked like an emo kid. A creepy emo kid.

    However, what bothered him most was how his hair fell. But first, an explanation: he had been turned into Nix (which was a male water fairy thing). Unfortunately, as a result, it was intolerable to stay out of water. However, more of the well-read members warned him that he shouldn't jump into a body of water, lest he become more in tune with the Nix nature he was undoubtedly picking up. Luckily, he could counteract the negative effects by spraying himself with a little mist every few minutes or so (which made him thankful that he had powers over water). Unfortunately, this caused all of his hairgel to run out, leaving him with--if not unattractive, then obnoxious--shag. Which bugged him. A lot.

    OOC: Novel, yes. But fun X3
  10. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    Etain took her camera out of her bag. "What a beautiful sunrise." she said softly to herself as she began to snap pictures of it. She lowed the camera from her face. "I wish my brother Heru was to see this beautiful sunrise here in Twilight Town." See said softly to herself in a somewhat sad tone of voice. She began to walk toward the sandlot. She just wanted to walk around that area and see if there was anything interesting going on.
  11. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: Is in nighttime or daytime at the start of the RP, I want to know what phase I should start off my Were-axel! ;)
    Roxas walked out near Deymx, "man, this fur itches!" he excalimed, as he tried to stop scratching himself, his big feet were leaving huge footprints, and he kept forgeting to duck before going through doorways with his new 7ft hight.
  12. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    When Etain had reached the sandlot she began to look around the area. "Nope, the sandlot is still like it used to be and nothing new is happening here." She thought. She wished something would happen, not something bad, something good, but the town was as normal. She decided to keep walking and just take in the sights of the town.
  13. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx laughed as he saw Roxas. He definitely had gotten off better than some of the other members. "Hey, fuzzy. Evaded any Bigfoot-hunters lately?" he joked.

    Tuesday sighed as she arrived at a new world. It looked as though it were sunset. She sighed. She wished it were nighttime; she was getting a little homesick, and some dark scenery was what she was itchin' for.
  14. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    Etain just walked around the town. She saw people walking there dogs, shopping, sitting on benches just talking with friends or family, and of course she saw the buildings. She decided to buy a ticket for the train to take her to the beach so she could take some pictures there.
  15. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Roxas stopped scratching, "at least I'm not an Emo-boy like you!" he said.

    Axel walked in, he was mostly normal for the moment, due to the fact that the full moon wasn't out, "hey Zexion," he said to Deymx.
  16. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    After she bought the ticket she waited for her train to arrive. When it did she saw a ton of people getting off. That was more then the people getting on at this stop. When she got on she took a seat next to the window and look outside.
  17. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx frowned, rolling his silver, pupil-less eyes. "Ah ha ha. You two are so funny. Look at how much I'm laughing." He plopped down in a nearby chair and shot some mist at his face. "Ugh...I hate this...I need a pool or something." He slouched in his chair.

    Tuesday sighed as she walked into a large building. It looked like a station of some kind. She shrugged and walked over to the ticket booth. Apparently, there were trains that went to the beach. Well, that sounded interesting. They didn't have any beaches in Halloween Town. She bought a ticket to the beach, then boarded the train.
  18. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Roxas sat on the ground, as he would break any chair, and scratched his head, "man, I think I have fleas!" he exclaimed.

    Axel laughed as he sat down in a chair.
  19. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    Etain continued to look out the window until they arrived at the beach. As soon as she got off the train she headed right over to the waters edge. She could feel some water like mist hit her face. It felt relaxing in this heat.
  20. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx grinned. "If you want, Rox, I could pop down by the drugstor and grab you a flea collar," he said. Man, I'm gonna have a LOT of fun with this... he thought.
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