Creator of the Keyblade

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Ansem59, Oct 29, 2010.

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  1. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    *100 years before Kingdom Hearts 1*

    "Search the area! Don't leave one stone left unturned!" yelled the commander as the soldiers searched the remains of their shattered and tattered kingdom which had been raided by a strange darkness.

    The kingdom was prided in being the strongest in many lands. It now, however, stood in a mass of rubble. No bodies found. No blood. No anything. Simply empty. Only one thing significant remained... Darkness...

    "Sir! I found something!" yelled one of the soldiers. All the others closed in on his position to see what he had found. The commander pushed them all out of the way to focus his attention on the soldier that had called him over. The soldier handed him a letter. "It has the King's seal, sir."

    The commander opened it with haste, wanting to read what the king had wrote.

    The letter read:

    "Dear friend or for whoever may find this.

    I apologize for not being able to speak to you in person, You see, I am the king of the once proud kingdom you will most likely see in ruins. A great and terrible darkness has plagued our land. Not out of the night, but out of men's hearts. The darkness forms these evil creatures, who are quite truly heartless in every way. Monsters that prey on the power of other people's hearts. I myself have written this letter because these monsters are destroying this kingdom as I write. After many observations of my soldiers valiant but futile attempts to destroy these creatures, I have noticed that the 'stronger of heart' one's seem to more easily defeat the darkness. However, they are missing something. They are missing a good weapon. I have sent my trusted friend and ally, Xara, to create this weapon. Xara was close to creating this weapon when those heartless monsters attacked. Under my orders, Xara hesistently left to create the blade. Xara is located in a mountian laboratory in the Zubry District. Should you be a friend to the kingdom I once lead or a friend to the human kind at all, please find Xara... before enemies of humanity do.

    King Raxtion"


    The letter ended there, but while the letter ended, and there was a moment of sorrow for the lose of their king, there was renewed hope in ending the darkness once and for all.

    "Come men." said Commander Zane "Let's find the creator of this weapon."

    Alright, here's how it's going to go. Basically, what's going to happen is that Commander Zane and his soldiers are going to go back to the village and find some people to come with him on his adventure.

    Good people will help Commander Zane or support him in some way and for a reason. (The reason can be to find the creator of the Keyblade.)

    Bad people are going to continue to use the darkness to destroy the world and stop the good people from getting to the creator of the keyblade. (A little straight forward battling, but I don't want too much of that cause that would get annoying. Be creative if your going to be a villian.)

    No godmodding.
    No double posts
    No power playing
    ... Y'know... the usual.


    Weapon (No Keyblades):
    Picture (Not required):

    You can have at least two good and two bad people. Meaning four people! Four OOC's! (That's alot! :O).

    And.............. GO!!!
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Username: Maka
    Name: Kirie
    Side: Good/Light
    Age: 17
    Weapon (No Keyblades): Buttefly Blades
    Personality: Kirie is one who is confident, caring, and tries her best with what ever is thrown at her. If she's down for the count, she'll just get back up and try again. Sometimes she does have her bad days, but all human beings go through that. She'll only let herself be down in the dumps for only a short period of time.
    Background: Became an orphan when she was five years old, and then was found by Commander Zane not too long after that. She considers him as her father, and looks up to him. Sometimes she won't be with the army, but on her own to help out in any way she can. She's trained herself in the ways of material arts and acrobats. If she gets her hand on a sword too, she can weild it like no other. But that's not her choiced weapon. She's happy with her butterfly blades.
    Picture (Not required):

    Btw, *whispers* add some rules. ^^
  3. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Excellent Maka. You have been accepted. *Whisper*Thanks! BTW, you might want to post the other one as well*Whipser*
  4. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Name: Sithos Darkra
    Side: Dark
    Age: 37
    Weapon (No Keyblades): A single black sword
    Personality: find out
    Background: New magical studies have created a very promicing weapon. Sithos wants to test his new weapons in the tradiatonal manner.
    Picture (Not required): Sithos wears a normal black tunic for his travels and formal needs. He keeps his black hair short and orderly and his purple eyes seem to glow sometimes.
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