Create a KH Boss

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Ulxiz, Jul 12, 2007.

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  1. Ulxiz Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 3, 2007
    The form will be:

    Name: Name of the boss
    Game: What KH game
    World: What world
    Description: A short description about the boss
    Life: Life of the boss in bars.
    Difficulty: X/10
    Party: Who fights him
    How to defeat it: The Strategy
    Reward: What do you gain by defeating it

    Name: King
    Game: KH2/KH2FM
    World: TWTNW
    Description: The boss who was substituted by Twilight Xemnas.But You can encounter it by destroying TX without being caught by the 1000 laser attack.
    Life: 15 bars / 3000 HP
    Difficulty: 8/10
    Party: Sora
    How to defeat it: When you begin the fight you'll be in a plataform like when you battled Twilight Thorna and you can't hut him, but wait until he swings one of his hands.When you see he swinging, just run to the other site of the plataform but no too far.King will hit the plataform with his hand and will stay for seconds.At this time jump in his hand.If you don't , he will do a unavoidable attack that does 30 damage.After jumping in his hand there will be a Reaction Command.If you fail you fall of his hand and is hit by his unavoidable attacks.After the RC you need to go to his head but in the middle of the way King will summon lesser nobodies and even members of Organization XIII(these with much less health) to stop you.Defeat all the enemies and continue until you get to the neck.There will be another reaction command.If you fail you fall and get hit, but If you win you go to his head.Him the head, there will be a orb that is moving.Attack the Orb.After some attacks he will begin summoning more nobodys and move faster.After you take 8 bars of him,he will use a desperation attack.A sequence of Reactions commands that some you need to press and others don't.If you fail one, you lose 1/3 of your health.After the Desperation Attack, you'll be in the plataform again and need to go to the head again.So, repeat the process until he gets to 2 bars. At this time his orb will multiply into 14 and only one is the real(there is no clue to know what it is) if you attack the wrong one a member of the organization will appear, hit you, then dissapear.After you find the right one, continue attacking until he dies.
    Reward: In KH2 Nothing.In KH2FM a ability that makes you invincible for a short time after you get hit.
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