Create a Battle gimmick

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by RockmanDS, Sep 15, 2009.

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  1. RockmanDS Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 18, 2007
    Twilight Town
    As the title says you don't create a form or character, you create a whole new addition to the battle system,

    Name: Name of the Gimmick
    How it works: Self explanitory describe how it how to use it and how it works.
    Pros: The benafits of using said Gimmick and how it positively affects battle.
    Cons: How it hinders Sora in anyway using it misusing it or when it wears off.
    Examples: Give an example of an instance using it.

    Here's something I came up with.

    Drive Break
    How it works: It enhances the the Drive form it's in to it's maximum.
    Sora can only use this if he has 3 or more drive gauges in reserve when in any Drive Form, can only be used in battle (When enemies are in range). Can be used by selecting the Break command (Replaces the Limit command).

    Pros: The current form unleashes power that can overwhelm enemies.
    (Eg. Wisdom can unleash wave after wave of -Gun level spells at half MP cost). Can unleash a "Drive Limit" that inflicts massive damage if done right.

    Cons: The Drive gauge drains 2 to 3 times as fast as normal, the Form used to preform Drive Break becomes unavailable for the rest of the battle and a short time after that. The "Drive Limit" uses the rest of the Drive Gauge.

    Valor Break:
    Enhances Soras speed and awareness to the point where enemies move slowly to him.
    -Attack become Berserk, Sora can chain an infinite number of hits together with few interruptions.
    -The Square button can be used to unleash a devastating Finisher attack during the combo.

    Drive Limit:
    Omni Blitz:
    Sora slams both Keyblades into the ground in front of the enemy sending them upward and then warps behind them and begins attacking.
    Mashing the triangle button will cause Sora to strike consecutively but stopping will cause the attack to end and Sora to drive out.
    If you can keep Sora attacking until the Limit Gauge runs out he will preform the Limit Finisher, "Final Cleave" where he preforms a devastating backhand slash with the right hand Keyblade inflicting massive damage.

    Now have fun and keep it clean folks.:)
  2. Ultimate Darkness Sora Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 14, 2009
    In a world where dark hearts go like me
    Heres my Battle Gimmick.

    Name:Form Trinity Power

    How It works:Sora must turn into a form and then you`ll see a reaction comand press keep pressing it as fast as you can (the more you press it the longer the first trinity is)then will unleash a marrage of fire balls that will seek out their enemy and destroy them. If you time it right you could do it three more times with three different elements depending on the form your using.

    Pros: while doing this you MP,HP,Strenghth,and Defense are at infinite.

    Cons: enemies become more stronger and adds 3 more lifebars to them.

    Examples: Wisdom Form Trinity Power:Charge up as much as you can shooting ice out at enemies that are near you and then freezing them and finally charge up a big ball of ice while your enimies are frozen then through it at them to do massive damage to all of them.
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Co-op Finishing Move

    Press Triangle during the finishing move while near an un-KO'd ally. Ability must be equipped for both Sora and specific ally to use.

    -Doesn't consume MP like Limits, but just as strong
    -Cannot be interruped, even while taking damage
    -If Triangle is pressed just before Sora's finishing move lands, the damage dealt is increased by 1.5

    -AP Equip: 5
    -Both Sora and ally aren't Invinicble
    -Damage taken is double due to the vulnerable state
    -Doesn't work with magic
  4. RockmanDS Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 18, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Name: Leader Swap
    How it works: Can be used by equipping the skill Switch, Allows you to control another character besides Sora.
    Pros: Allows you to use another character if that character falls you switch back to Sora.
    Cons: Like with King Mickey the others cannot finish bosses, If Sora dies as an ally Game Over.
    Sorry can't think of one. :sorry:
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