I absolutely find this the most vulgar anime I've ever seen. I cannot stop laughing at Shin's dance though. It is AWESOME!!!!
I watched it once because some friends at campus told me about it. I can admit I laughed a few times at it but mostly it was like 'Who came up with this?'
lol me too it was so hilarious when i was little i even have a dvd of it in chinese i dunno what episode i think its a movie cause its so freakin long SHIN CHAN FTW it never gets old
adult swim is still showing some episodes....they are the only ones i have watched though.. also....doesnt teh ending theme get annoying after a few episodes ?o0
That's MR. Elephant Dance xDD No. The theme song is what me and my friends left school singing on the last day. PARTYPARTYJOINUSJOINUS!!!! -dies- But seriously... when I saw this anime I could NOT believe it. It's vulgar, its evil, and it's FREAKING FUNNY AS ALL HECK. Whoever came up with his show is a genius. A Bicycle built for poo~
PARTYPARTYJOINUSJIONUS. xD I just got done watching it...like 2 minutes ago. Is there really only 8 episodes? XD